Honkai Impact: Capturing the Little Herrschers starting with Sirin

Chapter 1374 Isn’t this embarrassing for me, Ahua?

Step forward and touch the ground with your toes.

In an instant, it disappeared!

"So fast!"

Youlan Daier was a little stunned! Hua's move really surprised her a little, and she subconsciously activated her ability.

Space freezes and time stagnates.

Click! Click! Click!

The pointer seemed to be moving in the pupils, and shadows appeared across the training ground.

Those figures were all Hua. Some were the status adjustments that Hua had made here before, and of course, some were the endings that had not yet happened but had been seen by Youlandel.

But after watching...

How should I put it? Yulandel really doesn't know how to evaluate it.

The disappearing Hua was seen moving a hundred meters in an instant, his body suspended in the air, his eyes like the scorching sun, flames rising behind him, forming five Taixu swords that unfolded.

The flowing flames surround it like a vast galaxy, the dotted sparks are like stars, and the outstretched fingers seem to lift up the whole world.

What a cool style! What a posture! What aura! Perfect score!

At this moment, it is not an exaggeration to say that Hua is the Sword Immortal.

But...what's the use of this?

What a grand occasion! It's amazing!

But it seems to be of no use.

It can be used to bluff people.

Thinking about it this way, if Bai Mo also learned this and showed it off whenever he had time, he wouldn't be mistaken for being easy to bully.

As the saying goes.

Your outfit determines the upper limit of your status.

This sentence actually makes a lot of sense.

"I always feel like there's something missing..."

Putting away this awesome look, Hua felt a little helpless and not very satisfied compared to Yulandel's amazement.

She has a problem.

I don’t know if this is OK for me. I can’t make up my mind and want to ask someone to check on me, but it’s so late and I don’t want to disturb others.

"Well, are you preparing for tomorrow's appearance?"

Smiling and shaking her head, Youlandel also realized that Hua had not yet decided how he would make a stunning appearance tomorrow.

You must know that tomorrow is the time to show the power of destiny to the world, commonly known as flexing muscles.

So, what does such an important occasion require? A rigorous army? Powerful weapons and equipment? A Titan Legion that is like a torrent of steel?

Those are necessary, but the more important thing is the style! It’s the special effects!

Compared to a rigorous military, people tend to be more curious about and admire the top forces of a force.

And what they have to do is to fulfill this fantasy.

This is actually not difficult for others, including her, Yulandel, and they don't even need to prepare.

Isn’t it just an appearance? Just turn on the special effects and it’s guaranteed to be more explosive than any sci-fi blockbuster.

But for China, this is somewhat difficult.

An honest child like Hua had never thought about such flashy things before.

There are special effects, but she can't just throw a sword god into the crowd at the opening, right?

If this is really the case, then this coronation will literally be an "explosion".

No, no matter how I think about it, it won't work.

But she didn't know anything else, so she had to work hard to come up with a classy appearance late at night.

The effect? ​​You just saw it.

"Do you want to help..."

With some hesitation, Yulandel also took a quick glance.

When she was sure that Ming Tianhua could make her debut well on her own, she gave up the idea.

Since Hua can do it herself, she won't make trouble.

And from the scene just seen, if Hua continues to stay here, he will find someone peeking at him after a while.

In that scene, although Hua acted very calm and there was nothing unusual on his face when he greeted me, no matter how you think about it, it is impossible not to be embarrassed at all.

So, Youlandel left quietly.

Following the original route, we headed to Tesla's... ahem! Yes, it was still the conference room.



[Since the abdication of the former Bishop of the Mandate of Heaven, Otto, Apocalis, the disaster of Honkai has also appeared in the public eye for the first time.]

[Many people expressed panic about this, and some questioned the new bishop, Theresa Apokalis.]

[According to relevant reports, Theresa Apokalis is the granddaughter of the former Bishop Otto Apokalis. When the disaster of Honkai was made public, we had to look at the position of the Bishop of Heaven's Destiny in a different light.]

[Naturally, this method of family inheritance is also questioned.]

[Theresa, Apokalis, from the looks of it, he is just a child. Can such a child really be qualified for such an important position and become the leader of the world's guardians?]

——(Channel switching)

[Currently, many countries have questioned whether Heaven's Mandate is now capable of protecting the world! This has never happened before Bishop Otto abdicated.]

[According to accurate information, Tianming suffered heavy losses in a recent battle. Is this also a manifestation of the new bishop's incompetence?]


Turning off the projection in front of him, Tesla threw the remote control on the table!

"Trouble! What a trouble! Otto is dead and he still left us with such a big hole!"

"You told him to abdicate, so he did. But he insisted on spreading the news of Honkai Impact 3rd! Are you really afraid that this world isn't chaotic enough?"

"Calm down, Dr. Tesla." Einstein reached out and adjusted his distinctive messy hair.

"The collapse will be made public sooner or later. It's just a little earlier now."

"I know." Tesla crossed his arms, but still looked unhappy.

"Look at these countries, and these shady organizations that popped up from nowhere."

"They used to be more stifling than turtles, but now they know how to come out! Why didn't they jump around like this when Otto was still around?"

Tesla was speechless about this. She thought there would be fewer problems in the future, but she was almost angry to death after reading the news.


After the angry curse, Tesla couldn't help but sigh.

"The attitudes are just different. Even though Tianming has shown signs of weakening, these guys only dare to question it. No one dares to really jump out and do anything, not even one speaks loudly."

"Tsk tsk." Shaking his head, Tesla also sighed.

"If it were us, I would probably have to scold those old guys in Congress for an entire afternoon to achieve this effect."

This is the truth. Congress just likes to find fault. They have to argue with Tesla every time they have a meeting, and the key is that they can't win the argument.

Even though you can't scold him, you still have to find fault with him, as if you have a special hobby!

It’s not like the current Tianming. Even in this case, those guys only dare to make a few lip service in public opinion.

A lean camel is bigger than a horse, not to mention that the current situation of Tianming is still unclear.

Therefore, before everything comes to light, we will strike hard in public opinion!

In terms of behavior, we are like little fairies.

As long as there is no clear sign that the Mandate of Heaven is about to fall, then we can just indulge in our boasting.

What’s the matter? You’re so awesome that you can’t let others talk?

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