Yes, the gallows!

And on top, sitting on her knees was a girl.

The long golden hair was stained by the soil, lost its original luster, and lay on the ground in an awkward and careless manner.

Her hands were tied and even bloody.

With his head lowered, the coarse linen clothes on his body were stained with blood. From the gap in the linen clothes, he could even see the corresponding wounds and the blood that was still flowing.

"Silly Goose!"

Bai Mo's pupils narrowed as he watched the girl in front of him weakly bury her face in the casually hanging hair, waiting for the execution to begin like a dying person.

"What's going on..." Striding forward, Bai Mo approached the gallows.

But as he approached, Bai Mo discovered that in front of the gallows, a dense crowd of people appeared in the originally empty scene.

They gathered around and watched the execution scene.

Bai Mo shuttled among the crowd, constantly getting closer.

At this time, she didn't care whether she would hurt anyone or not. As long as there was anyone in the way, she would pull away without any ceremony.

But just when Bai Mo was about to arrive in front of Youlandel, a flash of red flashed in the sky.

Bai Mo turned around and saw a blood-red sickle streaking across the sky.

In an instant, blood dyed the sky red, and all the people on the execution platform wearing black robes and crow-mouth masks died tragically on the spot.

Click! Click! Click!

The collision caused by the shaking chains was very clear in his ears, and the Death Clown appeared in front of Bai Mo with that familiar mask.

The huge body opened up, as if it was covering the sky. The sickle in his hand was extremely huge, but it was still connected to the chain, like the wronged soul seeking life from hell!

Holding the sickle, right in front of Bai Mo, the Death Clown ignored everything!

Its target is the girl on the execution platform!


As the chains tightened, Death Clown's body stopped.

"Give me!"

Holding the chain with one hand, Bai Mo's eyes burst out with a red light, and he suddenly pulled the Death Clown in front of him.


When the Death Clown was dragged in front of him, without even giving it a chance to resist, Bai Mo punched directly through the Death Clown's body.

The Death Clown stopped moving, its body frozen in the air, but the eyes in the mask seemed to be looking at him.

The entire scene fell silent at that moment, until... the death clown in front of him turned around.

It didn't resist or struggle. It used its last strength and tremblingly glanced at the girl on the stage.

Immediately, the body turned into little bits of starlight and disappeared.

But at the last moment when it dissipated, Bai Mo saw the Death Clown grabbing his shoulders, approaching him, leaning into his ears, and weakly leaving behind a familiar voice, a...familiar words.

"Don't... lose her..."

The red light flashed past, leaving little starlight around Bai Mo, as well as a blood-red... mask.

She shouldn't have cared about this, but she unconsciously reached out to catch the fallen mask in front of her.

"That was just now..."

After taking a look at the mask in his hand, Bai Mo shook his head and threw the mask to the ground without hesitation!

"Silly Goose, how are you?"

He stepped onto the execution platform, squatted down, and asked about the situation of the girl in front of him, while trying to break the rope around the girl's neck.

But before her hand could grasp the rope, light shone around her.

At that moment, Bai Mo felt as if all his strength had been drained away.

"This is...restraint...!"

Bai Mo knew this feeling all too well. Although she did not participate in the tragedy of restraint, she witnessed it with her own eyes in that reincarnation.

I also felt the power of the Herrscher.

But now, the feeling is exactly the same, unmistakable, it is the power to restrain the Herrscher!

"Has the Herrscher of Restraint been born?"

Bai Mo felt that the Honkai energy in his body was no longer under control.

"If this continues, I'm afraid..."

But at this moment, a white light flashed between Bai Mo's eyebrows, suppressing the strangeness on Bai Mo's body.

It was the power that Xilin left to Bai Mo, which briefly helped Bai Mo limit the power of restraint.

This is good news! Taking advantage of this, Bai Mo stood up, carried You Landel on his back, and planned to leave.

Bai Mo knew very well how powerful the Herrscher's power was. She didn't know how much Xilin could help her, but it would never be easy.

But at this moment, just as Bai Mo was raising his feet, a ray of light also shone on Youlandel's body behind him.

After that ray of light, Bai Mo's vision went dark and he passed out.


After an unknown amount of time, Bai Mo felt that her body was a little heavy, but her consciousness was very clear.

Her mind was a little confused, but after thinking about it carefully, she remembered that she seemed to be in a coma. Under the influence of the restraining Herrscher and the white light on Youlandel's body, even the power left by Sirin could not control Bai Mo. Completely protected.

This may have also told Bai Mo that the main body was not in her body, otherwise she wouldn't have been knocked unconscious without the ability to resist at all.

"So I failed?"

"No, maybe this is just the beginning."

When his consciousness could feel the control of his body, Bai Mo suddenly opened his eyes.

The first thing that caught my eye was the warm sunshine and the streets with people coming and going.

I appeared on the streets of a strange town.

No, it can't be said that he is a stranger, Bai Mo has seen him before.

Yesterday, it seemed that I got into trouble because of this place.

But now, am I hallucinating again? Or...have you truly come to this world?

Bai Mo remembered that this space and Klosten's space were overlapping. Did he come to this space?

This is very magical. Although the two spaces can be said to be only separated by a layer of window paper, they are still two different worlds after all.

Have you really crossed over?

Stretching out his hand, Bai Mo supported his forehead.

The dizziness made her eyesight blurry.


Shaking his head, Bai Mo felt that this body was very weak.

I came to the water tank placed at the door of the house next to me and looked at the reflection in the water...

The appearance has not changed, but the combat uniform has disappeared, and has been replaced by coarse linen clothes, the style of which is also medieval.

Bai Mo clenched his fist and looked at the wall next to him.

After hesitating for a moment, Bai Mo still used a little strength and punched it.

Bai Mo didn't use much force. If it were normal, the wall would explode even like this.

So when Bai Mo used force, he deliberately found a safe position to ensure that he would only damage one wall.

But soon, Bai Mo knew that he had thought too much.

With a punch, not to mention it exploded, not even much dust was shaken down.


He retracted his hand and looked at the few blood marks on the knuckles of his fists, which were accidentally scratched by raised stones.

This bit of pain was nothing to Bai Mo. She was used to pain, and this bit of pain wouldn't even make her frown.

But she also knew that although her appearance had not changed, it was obviously not her own body.

Your body should still be in its original space.

But this body is too weak now. Let alone a fusion warrior, even a strong adult would have a much better physique than his current self.

Not to mention that she is still...

"So hungry..."

Bai Mo shook her head. She wanted to wake herself up. After all, her eyes were blurry.

That's not myopia, it's just weakness.

But when he shook his head, Bai Mo's eyes turned white and he almost lost consciousness.

"Really hungry."

This is what Bai Mo is thinking now.

In the past, when she was a child at the beginning of her reincarnation, she did not have the advantages of a fusion warrior.

The fledgling's wings are too immature to protect itself, let alone fly.

Therefore, before Bai Mo grew up at that time, compared to other babies, he was only less likely to get sick and was a little more tenacious.

But she would still starve to death, freeze to death, or be burned to death.

Bai Mo had experienced starvation countless times, and starving to death was extremely painful.

Even though death was something Bai Mo had become accustomed to, starvation to death was definitely one of the more painful causes of Bai Mo's death in those long years.

So Bai Mo knew exactly what starvation would do.

Now this body is weak and empty, as if the whole person is light and airy.

My stomach and intestines seemed to be a little curled up, and my vision was blurry. This was obviously caused by malnutrition and hunger.

This body has not eaten for almost four days.

He must have drank some water, otherwise it would be a question whether he would be alive now.

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