Chapter 1 The end of the world is coming

"call out--"

A long arrow was as fast as lightning and hit the trunk of a willow tree fifty meters away.


The constantly trembling tail shows its extraordinary power. Once it hits the vital point, it is enough to kill anyone!

The direction from which the arrow came, Jinjiang Garden, Building 17, 502.

A young man of about 27 or 28 years old stood on the balcony, holding a compound bow, his eyes were deep, his face expressionless, and he was not excited about his amazing shot.

"This is the damn apocalypse!"

"I, Li Lin, am back!"

He would never forget this day.

March 17th falls on a Sunday.

Everything in this world will change after 15 o'clock today.

Order, humanity, survival...

The end of the world is coming when human life is like a piece of grass!

Respect the strong, dominate and control the world.

It is already 14:50, that is, ten minutes later, the sun will emit a black ray, and all people or animals that are directly exposed to the black ray will mutate.

Humans will mutate into zombies, and animals will mutate into zombie beasts.

And he, Li Lin, has struggled to survive in the last days for twenty-eight years, but now he has returned to the starting point again.

He remembered clearly that he should have had the habit of taking a nap at this time.

Therefore, he escaped by luck and was not directly illuminated by the black ray.

It is March in spring and the peach blossoms are in full bloom. It is a good time for spring outings. Countless people are out enjoying the scenery.

That black sun ray covered the entire Aqua Blue Star, causing more than half of the people to mutate into zombies with only hunting instincts.

(Don’t ask about the northern and southern hemispheres, there will be explanations later!)

And the remaining half will see another sharp drop of 90% within a year.

In the end, less than five percent is left, which is the last remaining fire bloodline of mankind.

From nine billion to less than 500 million, humanity is in crisis of extinction.

Natural selection, survival of the fittest.

At this time, people returned to their most primitive state, established city-states, and relied on city walls to resist zombie beasts and various mutant beasts outside the city.

As the end of the world approaches, humans are evolving and becoming stronger, and so are the beasts.

Twenty-eight years later, zombies have taken over the big city, and the zombie king inside is extremely terrifying and territorial.

The wild forest is occupied by the mutant beast king, and no one dares to approach.

The remaining humans escaped from the city one after another, went to the wilds to rebuild their bases, and then devoured and conquered each other, forming city-states that gathered tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of people.

In the wild, humans grow food and form a complete ecological chain.

And those powerful mutant beasts are constantly attacking the city-state.

Humanity has been reduced to food!

Faced with the attack of mutant beasts, it was safe and sound, and everyone was happy.

But if you can't bear it, it will be a miserable hell on earth.

Except for a few people who can escape, most people will die.

As for Li Lin, he had experienced the devastating disaster of the city wall being breached three times.

During the third time, he returned to the pre-apocalypse for unknown reasons.

But he still remembered the terrifying black bear that was more than ten feet tall, and its unparalleled power. With just a slap, he turned into a pile of meat.

Living for twenty-eight years in the last days, and being able to escape two mass extinction crises when the city was destroyed, is enough to show that Li Lin is not a weakling.

He is a well-known marksman in several nearby human city-states. A five-thousand-pound Overlord bow and arrows are always on target.

But even a strong man like him cannot escape the fate of being destroyed and killed.

Compared with the thin and thin bodies of humans, the physical fitness of beasts is simply too strong.

Except for a small group of peak human beings who could barely catch up with the mutant beast king, the rest were really far behind.

Once encountered, they can only be slaughtered wantonly without the ability to fight back.

But now that he has been reborn and returned to before the end of the world, he has the confidence to go to the front and control his own life.

Because he brought back an adventure that happened ten years after the end of the world.

"Name: Li Lin."

"Grade: 1 (0%)"

"Physique: 12"

"Strength: 11"

<divclass="contentadv">"Agility: 10"

"Spirit: 10"

(The above attributes for a normal adult man are 10.)

"Attribute points: 0"

"Skill: Primary Marksmanship (0%)"

[Elementary Marksmanship: After taking aim, you can hit the target 100 times within 50 meters. 】

Ten years after the end of the world, by chance, countless red light balls fell from the sky, and he was lucky enough to grab one. The thing inside was the attribute panel.

From then on, anyone who gets the red light ball can observe their attribute panel to determine their strength.

Originally, his attribute panel was just as ordinary as everyone else's. It was just an ordinary attribute panel. He couldn't add points, and there was no level.

But with his rebirth, everything seemed to have changed.

There has been a change in the attribute panel, and you can actually add points to upgrade by hunting zombie monsters.

(This is explained in the next chapter.)

Before the end of the world, he was an ordinary white-collar worker without many hobbies except archery.

Therefore, I have an entry-level 60-pound compound bow worth more than 10,000 yuan at home.

It was also with this compound bow that he successfully fought his way out of the city and survived for twenty-eight years after the apocalypse broke out.

Now, he will rely on this compound bow again to kill through the city.

I glanced at the mechanical watch on my wrist and saw that five minutes had passed before I knew it.

Li Lin returned to the bedroom. For safety, he closed the curtains and hid himself in the closet.

He was counting silently in his heart, the rhythm was very slow. He had long been used to being alone.

In the early days of the end of the world, there are more Holy Mothers and more Holy Mother Bitches, and all kinds of favors will be repaid with hatred, and bites will appear one after another.

After being betrayed several times, he, an orphan, only believed in himself and the bow in his hand.

With the bow, he feels safe.


At 15 o'clock, the sky of Aqua Blue Star suddenly darkened.

Countless black rays were emitted by the sun and illuminated the earth. The sky fell into darkness for a short time, and the world became silent.

Anyone who was directly hit by this black light lost consciousness instantly and collapsed to the ground.

People in the house saw this scene and wanted to come out to check the situation.

But when they ran out, they fell straight down.

Five minutes later, the black ray disappeared, and the "people" on the ground slowly got up and began to attack the living people around them crazily.

These newborn zombies have not yet adapted to their own bodies, and have not yet fully absorbed the remaining black rays in their bodies. Their movement speed is not very fast, and their strength is only about 70% of what they were before they were alive.

If it's just one alone, it's still easy to deal with.

But there are just too many of them!

If you look around, you will see that there are at least hundreds of them on the street.

This is still the early days of the apocalypse. After a month, these zombies will absorb the black rays in their bodies, and their speed and strength will at least triple.

Therefore, the surviving survivors must escape from the city within a month, otherwise there is basically no chance of being dragged behind.

At this time, Li Lin also heard screams of fear coming from outside.







This is the sound made by humans being chased by zombies, hoarse and extremely frightening.

The zombies at the beginning have not fully evolved, and their vision and hearing are very poor. If they don't make too much noise, they still have a chance to escape.

But once you scream, it will attract more zombies to chase and surround you, making you die faster.


When the cries for help below basically disappeared, Li Lin, who had already experienced it once, pushed open the closet and walked out calmly.

Take the compound bow already on the table, as well as the three quivers.

In his previous life, he hid in his room for three days. He went out when he couldn't bear the hunger.

But now, he wants to seize every opportunity to become stronger.


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