Balala Little Demon Fairy: I Became Yan Lili’s Follower

Chapter 96 Little Black Demon Fairy? Or the little magic fairy?

Yan Xiaoxiao watched the little girl slowly put down her book, stood up, and prepared to turn around and walk out of the bookstore.

Looking at her back, the other little girls who were bossing her around all looked at her with disdain and ridicule.

"This big fat guy Liu Ziran, not to mention his really good grades! He's just too fat!"

"What's the use of having good grades? I feel sick when I see her!"

"Next time, let her wash our water cups and other things. Anyway, she is easy to talk to and doesn't dare to complain to the teacher. If others ask, she will say that she wants to lose weight. She will be so obedient to us!"


Listening to the discussion of several other girls, Yan Xiaoxiao's eyes turned purple, as if something was about to spill out.

For some reason, there was a voice in her heart that whispered: "What are you waiting for? Hurry up and punish those who bully the weak!"

"The magic of the Demon Fairy Castle is only helpful, but the black magic of the Black Demon Fairy can be used not only to cause destruction, but also to punish bad guys!"

"As long as you want, I can be you at any time! You can also become the Dark Fairy at any time!"

Listening to the call deep in her heart, Yan Xiaoxiao's heart collapsed instantly, and the memories before the time-travel began to fill her mind in bits and pieces again.

Once upon a time, she was bullied when she was in school.

But her parents have long since stopped caring about her life and death, and her grandma is very old. Even if she suffered a great injustice at school, she did not dare to tell her grandma for fear of worrying her.

After all, at that time, her only relative in the world who really cared about her was her grandma.


After thinking for a short time, Yan Xiaoxiao gave a positive reply to another voice in his heart.

"Gunara, the God of Darkness! Handara - invisible!"

As a spell began, in full view of the public, in the barrier that no one could see, Yan Xiaoxiao began his first formal transformation into the Little Black Demon Fairy.

"Gunara, the God of Darkness! Uhurahu-the Black Demon Transformation!"

Strangely enough, she had never been exposed to the Dark Demon Fairy's spells, but she could recite them like a charm, as if she was born the Dark Fairy.

With a flash of purple light, her hair instantly turned dark purple, and she was wearing a thin purple hairband with two rabbit ears on her head.

The makeup on her face also changed to purple.

Compared to the refreshing and sunny outfit of the Little Demon Fairy, the outfit of the Little Black Demon Fairy is more gloomy and dull.

Wearing a dark purple sleeveless flower hem dress, embroidered with purple silver silk butterflies, wearing black and purple gloves on her hands, under the fluffy skirt, a pair of thin legs were wrapped with black fishing nets. socks, and a pair of purple high-heeled leather boots on her feet.

The magic wand in his hand turned directly into a black magic wand.

In the invisible state, she flipped and landed steadily on the floor of the library.

She had a gloomy look on her face, and her face looked meticulous and serious, which was far from the lively image she had in the past.

After Yan Xiaoxiao transformed, he grabbed the chubby little girl and said softly in a cold voice: "If you don't want to go, you don't have to go. Don't force yourself."

In the invisible state, in the eyes of others, she still looks like an ordinary elementary school student.

The chubby little girl was stunned for a moment, looking down at her hand holding her arm, and was stunned for a moment.

Although she is the top student in the class and has good grades, she does not have a good friend in the class because of her appearance and figure, and the male classmates in the class also hate her.

Those girls were her classmates. They often bullied her and spoke harshly to her, but no one ever stood up for her.

She is naturally cowardly and has a please-pleaser personality, so even if she doesn't want to, she will still try her best to force herself to be willing, just to make a good friend in the class.

Or, even if you can't make good friends and make people hate her less, that's fine.

But what she doesn't know is that sometimes, the more humble she is, the more unsatisfactory the results will be.

Strong resistance is often more effective than obedience.

But she didn't expect that today in this bookstore, this little girl she had never met before would stand up for her.

And this little girl seems to be even younger than her. She is now a junior high school student.

"You..." The chubby little girl hesitated for a moment, gently broke away her hand, and smiled at Yan Xiaoxiao: "Thank you, you don't have to worry about me, I'm fine."

"No, you are obviously unhappy." Yan Xiaoxiao took her wrist again.

Because she saw something familiar in her eyes.

Desire for care, expect attention, and yearn for the future.

Seeing that she was standing up for Li Ziran, the little girls next to her were immediately unhappy. After all, they were the ones waiting for snacks, and the free errand runners hadn't even left the library yet!

"Hey! Where is this wild girl?" One of the tall and thin girls clasped her hands and said viciously to Yan Xiaoxiao: "We are from the junior high school, little girl, you are dressed as a primary school student, how dare you yell at us? It’s better to go home and find mom!”

"That's right, little sister, if you don't obey me, be careful and you will become as fat as the purple fat man in the future!"

"It would be nice to turn into a fat ball. Then it will just roll around! Hahaha..."

Listening to everyone's teasing, Yan Xiaoxiao could clearly see that the fat little girl next to her had a strong hint of injury flashing through her eyes, her eyes were red, as if she was about to cry.

Her pupils shrank and she recited a spell in her mind: "Gunara, the God of Darkness! Dosora - Flame!"

As soon as the spell was cast, the books in the hands of those arrogant little girls immediately burned and turned into black ashes in the blink of an eye.

"Ah! Ah! It's on fire!" Several people quickly threw away the extracurricular books in their hands, and their screams attracted the attention of the bookstore owner.

"What's going on?" The boss rushed up to check the situation and asked them nervously.

Fortunately, the fire was very small and just happened to burn the books in the hands of the girls.

Several girls were frightened and panicked, shaking their heads repeatedly: "I don't suddenly caught fire just now, and we didn't do anything!"

"Gunara, God of Darkness! Karabi - Backtracking!"

Yan Xiaoxiao cursed again in his heart, and everyone around him stood up and complained to the boss: "It's the two of them who were playing with fire here just now, and we all saw it with our own eyes!"

"Yes, boss, you didn't install surveillance cameras here. We can all testify that these three little girls were playing with fire and deliberately burned your books!"

"No! We really don't have any!" The girls shook their heads like drums.

If they hadn't been the parties involved, they would have almost believed what this group of people said.

But why did people who had never met each other suddenly unanimously testify against a few of them? Obviously they didn't do anything in the first place!

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