Balala Little Demon Fairy: I Became Yan Lili’s Follower

Chapter 89 I almost forgot that she can become invisible!

Xiaoyue training base, after she transformed, she jumped onto the grass.

"Gunara, God of Darkness! Hula hula-fly!"

As soon as the spell was cast, powders of various colors flew into the air.

"Hula hula-turn!"

Immediately, the powders merged together automatically.

"Hula hula - change!"

After the powder fused together, it turned into a small purple light group, which went straight into Xiaoyue's black magic wand.

"Dark Fairy, what are you doing?"

Yan Lili suddenly appeared from behind her and asked curiously.

Xiaoyue turned to look at her and replied in a deep voice: "Study the magic powder."

"What it is?"

Xiaoyue looked away and did not answer her question directly. She just asked: "By the way, how are the three little demon fairies doing today?"

"Them?" Yan Lili almost laughed out loud at the mention of the three of them, "The three of them hiccupped all day today. They made me laugh so hard!"

Xiaoyue said quietly: "As long as they take my magic powder one more time, they will have difficulty breathing and eventually suffocate to death."

After listening to Xiaoyue's words, Yan Lili's eyes fell on her black magic wand, and he suddenly showed hesitation: "So it was you who made them hiccup?"

"That's right! As long as you wait until tomorrow, I will sprinkle the medicinal powder on the vegetables in the vegetable market. After Xiaolan and the three little devils eat it, they will change from constant hiccups to difficulty breathing, and finally... hum!"

Yan Lili stared at Xiaoyue and asked, "What about Xiaoxiao? Do you also want her to die?"

Xiaoyue snorted coldly: "Those who follow me will prosper, and those who go against me will perish! If she doesn't want to follow us, then we can only destroy her! She has great potential, and she can't be used by you and me, so it is best to eradicate her! To prevent her from doing bad things in the future. We have done something important for us! Don’t worry, if she chooses to submit to us at the last moment, I can still save her!"

Hearing this, Yan Lili pursed her lips into a straight line, feeling mixed emotions in her heart.

Although she liked to do bad things, she never thought about causing people to lose their lives.

It was simply difficult for her to accept such a heavy topic.

But, right now, it seems like there's nothing she can do...


Ling Meiqi's house.


The three Ling Meiqi sisters were sitting on the sofa sickly, each holding a pillow and leaning on each other, looking listless.

"Uh!" Mom and Dad came back from get off work. As soon as they entered the door, they sat down on the sofa feebly.

Xiao Lan came out of the kitchen and said enthusiastically: "Sir, Madam, you are back! I'm going to prepare dinner. It will be ready soon!"

Ling Meiqi looked at Xiaolan: "Sister Xiaolan, eh! Although I am very hungry, eh! But I really... eh! I have no appetite!"

"It's so annoying!" Mom complained in a low voice: "No matter how you beat me... ugh! I can beat you all day long! ugh!"

Dad frowned: "I was at the company today, uh! Those colleagues all laughed at me... uh! I laughed so hard that I couldn't stand straight! Ugh!"

Mom continued: "Just now my neighbor Mrs. Zhang said that her family also burped all day long! Ugh!"

The three Ling Meiqi sisters stood up and gathered around Xiaolan. Ling Meixue asked in a low voice: "Sister Xiaolan, why are you the only one okay? Ugh!"

Yan Xiaoxiao nodded: "Uh! Sister Xiaolan, think about it carefully, how are you different from us? That's why you...uh! Are you okay?"

Ling Meiqi: "Uh! That's right! Why are you the only one who doesn't know how to hiccup? Uh!"

When Xiaolan heard this, she made a silent gesture, and the four of them quietly entered the room to find a solution.

After checking the information, Xue Feifei got out of the book, lay on the floor, and made a stern look: "You don't have to look for me! I told you, there is no magic to stop hiccups!"

Ling Meiqi: "Uh! But Xue Feifei, uh! We really worked hard! Uh!"

Xue Feifei hit the nail on the head: "Should you figure out why you hiccup first? I'm going to sleep, so don't disturb me anymore!"

After she finished speaking, she got into the treasure book and went to sleep.

"Then... uh!" Ling Meiqi turned to Xiao Lan asking for help: "Why do we hiccup? Uh!"

Xiaolan thought for a moment and slowly replied: "Xiaoxiao always said there was something fishy before, but I didn't take it seriously. Now I suspect that your hiccups are due to black magic."

Hearing this, the three people's eyes widened and they raised their voices in disbelief: "Uh! What?"

Although Yan Xiaoxiao felt something was wrong, she was still shocked when she heard what Xiaolan said.

So, has black magic penetrated into every detail of their lives? The pervasive, ubiquitous kind?

Xiao Lan frowned, raised her finger to her mouth, signaling the three of them to be quiet, and lowered her voice: "Shh! It would be terrible if your parents knew about it!"

Ling Meixue: "Uh! Are you under black magic? Why didn't we notice it?"

Yan Xiaoxiao: "Maybe it was done in the dark, so we didn't find it."

Xiaolan: "What Xiaoxiao just said woke me up. If I want to say that I am different from you during this period, it is that I basically didn't eat. I only ate snacks during meals. So I guess Xiaolan Yue used black magic to tamper with the vegetables in the market. That’s why the residents around here keep hiccupping.”

Ling Meiqi: "Uh! So what should we do now?"

Xiaolan's eyes tightened and she said coldly: "Tomorrow I will go to the vegetable market to monitor and see if Xiaoyue will show up."

Ling Meiqi: "Uh! What if she appears?"

"If it is really confirmed that she is responsible, I will definitely not let her go!"

Ling Meixue: "Uh! Then when...uh! Can we stop hiccups?"

Yan Xiaoxiao: "Uh! Yes! Sister Xiaolan, uh! We have been, uh! Hiccups for days and nights! Uh! If this continues, uh! People will go crazy! Uh!"

Hearing this, Xiaolan shook her head helplessly: "I don't know about this..."

The three sisters curled their lips, looked at each other, and said "uh" in unison.

In the vegetable market, Xiaolan searched everywhere for Xiaoyue. She turned around several times but did not see her.

"Strange! Why don't you see her?" Xiaolan scratched her neck with her hand and began to doubt her own judgment, "Am I thinking too much?"

At this point, Xiao Lan suddenly realized: "Did she use invisibility magic?"

She immediately called out the Magic Fairy Stick, "Balala Energy! Hunela-Magic Fairy Glasses!"

As a golden light flashed, Xiaolan's original glasses lenses were coated with a layer of golden light.

When Xiaolan opened her eyes again, the glasses automatically focused on Xiaoyue not far away.

I saw Xiaoyue standing in front of the fruits and vegetables, waving the black magic wand in her hand. Every time she waved it, the black magic wand threw out a lot of purple powder, which fell on the vegetables, and instantly turned into a A purple butterfly got into the vegetables.

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