At this moment, the transformation devices of several people all rang, and the elves flew out one by one.

"So you guys are playing here!"

“The scenery here is really beautiful!”

"However, what ruins the fun is that those two weirdos are nearby! No, they are getting closer and closer, everyone be careful!"

As soon as Mianmian finished speaking, the pears on the tree fell one after another.

No one standing under the tree or flying under the tree was spared, and all were hit on the head by the pears.

Seeing this scene, Tianlang, who was not far away, laughed out loud.

"You guys are pretty relaxed, are you happy?"

"You two are such scoundrels!"

Xiao Lan gnashed his teeth in anger, "You actually followed me here!!!"

Beibei said righteously, "I will never hand over the Night Star Box! Don't even think about it!"

"Now is not the time to ask for the treasure box. Our current task is to keep a close eye on you!"

The Sky Snake smiled sinisterly, "When all the star diamonds are collected, the Night Star Box must be handed over!"

"You guys always say this, don't you get annoyed?"

"There's nothing we can do about it. It's our duty!"

"Let's transform quickly!"

Xiao Lan reminded in a deep voice: "After you transform, teach them a lesson!"

So, the group began the transformation ceremony.

"Balala energy! Ukaraka-Little Demon Fairy Transformation!"

"Balala energy! Ulala-smile transformation!"

"Balala energy! Kadora Sadora-Magic Fairy Transformation!"

"Diluruta-Twin Transformation!"

After everyone had transformed, Ling Meiqi shouted, "Meixue, Xiaoxiao, let's attack!"

The three people nodded in tacit understanding and raised their magic wands. "Balala energy! Doshaka-light energy!"

As soon as the spell was uttered, three white beams of light merged into one and flew directly towards the Heavenly Wolf and Heavenly Snake.

The wolf and the serpent leaped from the yacht and were forced onto the shore.

"Look at me!"

The Heavenly Serpent raised his bow and shot an arrow.

The arrow flew out and turned into a snake, flying straight towards Beibei.

"Guluo Corolla-Twin Spirit Flash!"

As soon as Beibei cast the spell, a ball of light blocked the purple snake and quickly blew it up.

Upon seeing this, Tianlang swung up his two meteor hammers and smashed them heavily to the ground.

"I'll treat you to pears again!"

As soon as the hammer fell to the ground, the pears on the tree fell down one after another, hitting Ling Meiqi and the others as well as Tianshe's head.

"Idiot! What the hell are you doing? Why are you pushing so hard?!"

Tianlang looked aggrieved: "I'm angry!"

Just as he finished speaking, a big pear hit him on the head, making him scream in pain.

"How ridiculous! Watch me!"

Xiao Lan couldn't bear to watch it anymore and raised her magic stick, "Balala Energy! Hukala - Magic Fairy Aurora!"

As soon as the spell was uttered, a ball of golden light hit the Sirius and the Sirius.

The two men didn't even have time to react before they were hit by the ball of light from the shore into the swan boat they were originally riding in.

In a daze, Tianshe suddenly noticed something unusual about the yacht.

"It seems to be sinking..."

The two men pedaled hard, but the further they went, the faster they sank. Before long, they and their boat disappeared on the lake.

"Hahaha...their swan boat turned into a submarine!"

"These two guys are so weird! They made trouble for a while and then ran away again!"

At this moment, a glowing star diamond slowly rose above the calm water.

"Everyone, look! It's the Scorpio Star Diamond!"

The Night Star Box on Beibei's wrist slowly rose into the air, and a long string of musical characters flew out of it.

Beibei turned around and invited Ling Meiqi and her two sisters, "Meiqi, Meixue, Xiaoxiao, let's come together!"


The four people quickly lined up and waited for the music to start.

"Fantasy, mysterious, charming star, go and pray to the night star, follow the dancing figure and summon the Scorpio star"

When the song ended, the Scorpio Star Diamond floating in the air suddenly burst into dazzling light, and then slowly returned to the Night Star Treasure Box.


Xiao Lan walked up to Bei Bei and said, "Although we have no way to actively look for star diamonds, with your presence, they will appear automatically at the right time!"

"Sister Xiaolan, I understand!"

All the elves flew over, "You are all here!"

"what happened?"

Xue Feifei flew in front of Ling Meiqi and asked, "So, is this the end?"

"How dare you say that!"

Ling Meiqi rolled her eyes at Xue Feifei and said, "You are so useless!"

"What's useless? What happened? Where are those two weirdos?"

No one responded to Xue Feifei's words.

"Now that we've found the Scorpio Star Diamond, let's go get some dessert to celebrate! Let's go!"

Ling Meixue's proposal made everyone present very happy.

“Ice cream!!! Let’s eat ice cream!”

"Xiaoxiao wants to eat strawberry flavored ice cream!"

"Then I want blueberry flavor!"

"Today is a happy day, everyone has a share!"


On the other side, in the middle of the lake.

Shi Xiaolong and Youle's swan boat still hadn't gotten out of the fog. Shi Xiaolong had fallen into a deep sleep, snoring so loudly that Youle, who was traveling with him, had to cover his ears.

However, no matter how hard Youle covered his ears, it was of no use facing Shi Xiaolong's extremely strong and penetrating snoring.

"It's really worse than death!"


Dance practice room.

After a new round of practice, Teacher Kelly announced solemnly with deep affection in her eyes:

"Heart Dream Angels, you are so awesome!"


Shi Xiaolong followed suit and clapped, "You guys are really awesome!"

"You will have an exam next week, so our practice will be suspended for a few days. You must study hard and prepare for the exam! Regular study is also important. See you after the exam!"

After saying that, Teacher Kelly walked out of the classroom under the gaze of everyone.

"goodbye teacher!"


The Sirius and the Heavenly Snake stood on a large rock, looking down at everything lifeless below, with an extremely desolate feeling.

"I really don't understand why the queen took back these twin stars! This place has become a wasteland. The old Halley Star is better."

After a pause, Tianlang added: "It's really boring to stay like this, don't you think?"

"What do you know?"

The serpent retorted: "The Gemini star is only part of the Queen's plan. Soon, the entire interstellar space of the twelve constellations will belong to our Queen! This little Gemini star is nothing! When the Queen's plan succeeds, then..."

Before he could finish his words, he was interrupted by a familiar and majestic voice.

"You're right!"

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