The two people chased each other until they reached the outside of the classroom.

Yan Xiaoxiao suddenly stopped and began to recite a spell: "Balala energy! Wubala - change!"

As soon as the spell was cast, a dark cloud appeared out of thin air above Teacher Qingqing's head. Before she could react, the dark cloud was already raining on her alone.

She ran, and the dark clouds followed her.

"Smile! Stop the rain magic! Stop it!"

Just when Yan Xiaoxiao gloated and clapped his hands, a cold male voice suddenly sounded from behind.

"Balala energy! Stop! Xiaoxiao, stop making trouble!"

Yan Xiaoxiao turned around and saw the Demon Fairy Queen walking towards their direction.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

The Demon Fairy Queen walked up to her and asked, "Xiaoxiao, what were you doing just now?"

At this time, Teacher Qingqing also came over and shouted respectfully: "See Her Majesty the Queen!"

"Xiaoxiao, why don't you study magic well again?"

Hearing the Queen's question, Yan Xiaoxiao lowered his head, kept clicking his fingers on each other, and whispered back: "Those magics are too simple and boring!"

"I know Xiaoxiao you are very smart."

The Demon Fairy Queen knelt down, gently touched her head with her hand, and patiently advised: "But every Demon Fairy in the Demon Fairy Castle must start learning magic from the lower grades, and must pass a test before they can be upgraded. do you know?"

"So, why do we need to take exams and why do we need to upgrade?"

"You will understand when Xiaoxiao grows up!"

After saying that, the Demon Fairy Queen stood up and added: "Okay, Teacher Qingqing, I will give Xiaoxiao a special day off today."

Upon hearing this, Teacher Qingqing was stunned for a moment, then nodded: "Yes, Queen."

Yan Xiaoxiao suddenly became happy, making a scissor-hands gesture with her hands, dancing and shouting: "Thank you Queen! That's great! I finally don't have to go to class today!"

After saying that, she ran directly to play elsewhere alone.

Teacher Qingqing looked at her figure walking away happily, and hesitantly shouted: "Queen, this..."

The queen looked serious, "Xiaoxiao is not an ordinary magic fairy. Her ability has surpassed ordinary magic. I think Xiaoxiao may need special guidance."

"Your Majesty the Queen, I..."

"Qingqing, what do you think?"

"I think, I think I'd better just be an ordinary demon fairy..."

Teacher Qingqing lowered his head and said in a low voice: "I probably shouldn't be a teacher. I just laugh at this magic genius. I really can't do anything..."

"Qingqing, it's not your fault."

The Demon Fairy Queen took Qingqing and walked together by the river.

"Xiaoxiao is a magical child prodigy who is born with extraordinary magical abilities. As long as she studies hard, her magic can completely surpass mine in the future and become the new queen."


Teacher Qingqing said in disbelief: "Xiaoxiao will become the new Demon Fairy Queen in the future?"

"That's right! The astrological magic fairy also predicted a long time ago that when Xiaoxiao grows up, he will be the future master of the magic fairy castle."

Hearing this, Qingqing felt even more ashamed: "But Qingqing is not talented and cannot teach how to laugh..."

The Demon Fairy Queen continued to comfort her: "That's because Xiaoxiao has lacked the care of her mother since she was a child, so her personality is inevitably a bit naughty and paranoid. As long as you understand her and be patient with her, Xiaoxiao is actually a very smart and sensible child. .”

"In that case, Xiaoxiao is really pitiful."

Teacher Qingqing asked: "Then Her Majesty the Queen, why don't you summon her mother back?"

"Her mother also has powerful magical energy. Although I am the Queen of the Demon Fairy, there is no way I can force her to come back. After Xiaoxiao's mother left the Demon Fairy Castle, the crystal ball once showed that she had arrived in the human world, but soon Then she disappeared. I also want to know how she is doing now."

After saying that, the Demon Fairy Queen put a hand on Qingqing's arm and said seriously: "Qingqing, promise me that you will help me teach Xiaoxiao well."

"Yes, Queen."

When the two people were talking, they didn't notice at all that a pair of small ears in the grass not far away listened to their entire conversation.

"Human world? So my mother is in the human world?"

With this clue, Yan Xiaoxiao could even imagine the scene when she met her mother.

Thinking of this, she almost shouted, and almost alerted the queen who was not far away.

"Her Majesty the Queen!"

Xiaolan brought Ling Meiqi and Ling Meixue to meet the queen.

"See Her Majesty the Queen!"

"Apprentice Demon Fairy Meiqi and Miyuki, do you know why you came to Demon Fairy Castle this time?"

Ling Meiqi stood up and scratched her head in embarrassment: "It's because... I failed the magic exam..."

"It's good that you know. You have to work hard. As long as you pass the magic exam, I promise you that I will give you a new magic weapon!"

The two sisters' eyes lit up when they heard the queen's condition: "Is it true?"

The Demon Fairy Queen nodded: "Yes, in the next two days, you should try to learn as much as possible! Just arrange for Teacher Qingqing to give them magic tutoring classes!"

Upon hearing this order, Xiao Lan nodded: "Yes, Her Majesty the Queen."

Ling Meiqi suddenly asked: "Queen, if we finish the cram school, can we still go to the Elf Garden to play?"


The Fairy Queen warned: "However, don't disturb the elves in the garden."

Ling Meiqi nodded and agreed: "I know!"

"Elf Garden?"

Ling Meixue seemed to have thought of something and shouted in panic: "Oh no!"

"what's up?"


Ling Meixue put her hand on Ling Meiqi's arm and reminded: "We forgot to put away the magic fairy energy box!"

"You two are so careless!"

The Demon Fairy Queen reminded: "The Demon Fairy Energy Box is a very important thing. It is a tool that can travel between the Demon Fairy Castle and the human world. How can it be placed casually?"

In the grass, Yan Xiaoxiao, who continued to eavesdrop, quickly grasped the key points of the Queen's words.

"Energy box? A tool that can travel between the Fairy Castle and the human world?"

Here, the Demon Fairy Queen turned around and ordered to Xiao Lan: "Xiao Lan, go and help them retrieve the Demon Fairy Energy Box, and let the two of them go to class first."


Xiao Lan turned her head and said helplessly to the two sisters: "I really can't do anything to you two!"

After saying that, she flew directly into the sky and flew in the direction of the Elf Garden.

She looked around, but couldn't find any trace of the energy box.

She suddenly felt a little strange in her heart: "Meiqi said clearly that the Magic Fairy Energy Box is in the Fairy Garden. Where is it?"

She kept flying, and finally stopped where the old tree elf and stone elf were, and landed lightly.

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