Balala Little Demon Fairy: I Became Yan Lili’s Follower

Chapter 15 Obtained the Queen’s Approval

Seeing that the steamed bun really turned into Xiaomi, the three of them were immediately overjoyed.

"Hehehe...that's great!"

In the room, the old woman was still looking at the photo of her daughter holding Xiaomi, and the longing on her face was beyond words.

At this time, I suddenly heard the sound of "aiming" and Xiaomi suddenly walked in from outside.

Xiaomi walked up to the old lady's feet and rubbed her feet affectionately with her head, "Take a look~"

"Xiao Mi is really back!" The old lady's eyes lit up, she put down the photo frame in her hand, and picked up Xiao Mi on the ground with a smile on her face, "Come and let me see, Xiao Mi, where have you been? I'm worried to death. !”

"Look~" The old lady rubbed her head against the cat's head. The feeling of loneliness just now had completely disappeared.

Outside the house, the three people looked at the warm scene of one person and one cat outside the house, and they couldn't help but feel a little moved.

Ling Meiqi looked at the time and urged: "It's almost time, let the steamed bun come out, otherwise it will always be a cat!"

Ling Meixue: "Then let's use magic to bring out the steamed buns!"

Yan Xiaoxiao: "Well, hurry up! Steamed Bun definitely doesn't want to turn into a cat forever!"

The three people nodded, came to the open space outside the house, took out their magic fairy crystal chains, stood in a row, and started casting spells.

"Balala energy! What's going on - restore!"

A few rays of light flashed and entered the house instantly, and the cat in the old woman's arms began to glow.

"Eh? Xiaomi, why do you shine?" the old lady asked in confusion.

"Ai~" Xiaomi shouted, jumped from the old woman's arms to the ground, and ran out of the house.

"Xiao Mi, are you leaving?"

Xiaomi seemed to understand, stopped, sat on the ground, and looked back at the old lady.

The old lady smiled and said, "It's enough to see you well. It's so kind of you to come back to see me. Goodbye, Xiaomi!"

After listening to this, Xiaomi slowly straightened up and walked out slowly.

The three people outside the house couldn't help but feel moved when they saw this scene.

Ling Meixue: "Well, it's so touching!"

Ling Meiqi nodded: "Yes, I'm really touched!"

Yan Xiaoxiao also nodded: "I am moved, but I feel a little aggrieved."

Ling Meixue: "Anyway, this time we can help the old lady fulfill her wish!"

"Yes!" Ling Meiqi said, turning her gaze outside and wondering: "Hey, why are the steamed buns missing?"

The three people looked at each other and felt something bad: "Huh? The steamed bun ran away?"

"Steamed Bun, where are you?" The three people hurriedly rushed forward to chase him.

Not long after, I came to a van and saw an old woman with a cane.

"Grandma!" The three people said hello quickly.

"It's you!"

"Grandma, where are you going?" Ling Meixue asked.

The old lady smiled and said, "I'm going to move in with my son."

"Huh?" The three people were confused at the same time.

The old lady smiled with a smile on her face: "Let me tell you, Xiaomi has come back to see me. She is still the only one who can shine. She should be living a happy life."

Hearing this, the three of them felt happy.

"Mom, don't scare the kids." A young man approached the old woman carrying a luggage bag, "Here, I'll help you get into the car."

"Hey, okay." Just like that, the old lady was helped into the car.

Before the car started, Yan Xiaoxiao saw the steamed bun in the back seat. She couldn't help but reached out and touched its head, "Steamed bun, thank you for your hard work. You must stay with the old lady in the future! She only has you now. !”

"Woo~" Steamed Bun whimpered lowly.

The car started and the three people said goodbye to the old lady: "Goodbye, old lady!"

The black van drove away, as if the group was in a light mood.

"Tell me, next time we see steamed buns, what should we turn them into?" Ling Meiqi asked.

Ling Meixue replied: "Become a pig!"

Ling Meiqi: "Become a mouse!"

Ling Meixue: "Well... let's turn into a snake, right?"

Ling Meiqi suddenly became interested: "Snakes are the best! Sister Xiaolan is most afraid of snakes!"

Yan Xiaoxiao sighed softly and said quietly: "I guess it doesn't want to see us anymore, please let it go!"

The three of them returned home talking and laughing, and when they came to the back garden, they saw Xiaolan.

"Sister Xiaolan!" The three people ran towards Xiaolan with snacks in their hands.

As soon as she sat down, Ling Meiqi couldn't wait to say: "The old lady's son picked her up!"


Xiao Lan supported the table with both hands and said with a serious face: "Meiqi, Miyuki, Xiaoxiao, the Demon Fairy Queen wants me to take back the Demon Fairy Crystal Chain from you three."

"Ah? Why?" The three people looked down at the magic fairy crystal chain around their necks, with shocked expressions on their faces.

Ling Meixue: "Didn't we agree that we have to take the exam?"

Yan Xiaoxiao: "Are you going to kill us before we even take the exam?"

"Don't you know what you three have done?" Xiaolan reminded helplessly.

While talking, the three of them felt the magic fairy crystal chain around their necks emit light again.

"Ah? The Demon Fairy Queen is here!"

Several people stood up quickly, stood in a row, and knelt on the ground respectfully.

With a flash of white light, Her Majesty the Queen appeared!

"Join Her Majesty the Queen!" the four people said in unison.

The queen spoke slowly in a gentle yet serious tone: "Meiqi, Miyuki, Xiaoxiao, the three of you using magic to tease the dog are no longer qualified! Fortunately, in the end, you helped the old lady and let her finish it. I wish, you three are very caring and know how to use magic to help those in need. Get up first!"

The queen waved her hand gently, and the four people stood up.

"It's not easy for Xiaolan to fight against the Dark Fairy in the human world. She also needs human energy to assist. I chose you because you have a pure heart. Well, the old lady's matter, even if it's one of yours Now, I declare that you have passed the exam. I have decided to let Ling Meiqi, Ling Meixue, and Yan Xiaoxiao become intern little magic fairies."

"Really?" The three people were ecstatic.

"I will now add energy to your magic fairy crystal chain, and then officially give the magic fairy crystal chain to you."

"Balala energy! Utta-utala! Please give the magic fairy crystal the power!" After the queen recited the spell, she threw the scepter in her hand, and the crystal stone on the scepter shot out a ray of light, which fell on the three people's hands respectively. On top of the magic fairy crystal stone chain.

The surprise of the three people was beyond words.

The queen continued: "Meiqi, Miyuki, Xiaoxiao, now you officially have the right to use magic. This magic fairy crystal chain can not only cast magic, but also help you transform into a little magic fairy."

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