Digimon: I start the digital age

Chapter 98 Tank Beast Attack

Gearmon hasn't woken up yet.

Lin Xuan walked around the factory under the leadership of the guard beast and saw that many parts of the factory had changed.

Mechanical Digimon know these machines very well, can repair them very quickly, and can even develop many other functions.

"By the way, I brought the parts you wanted for you." Lin Xuan took the things out of the Digimon machine.

"Thank you so much," the guard beast said.

"Don't thank me, I just want to ask you a favor." Lin Xuan said.

"Caplimon, come out!"


"so cute!"

"Does the anchor have a new Digimon?"

"What did the anchor just call it? What's wrong with it?"

"This Digimon is called Caplimon. It is in the juvenile stage II. It is good at disturbing the opponent with current and sound waves and taking the opportunity to escape." Lin Xuan introduced.

"I want to leave this little guy to your care, is that okay, Guardian Beast?" Lin Xuan asked.

"Leave it to me... Of course!"

Guardmon gently touched Kaprimon's tail, and Kaprimon seemed to be frightened, and its body released a large amount of electricity.

"What a spirited little guy." The guard beast touched his head and said awkwardly.

Caplimon reacted, stopped the electric shock, and looked at Guardmon with an apologetic look on his face.

"It's okay, it's okay." Guardmon comforted and put Caplimon on its arm and said, "Please give me more advice in the future!"

"Puli Puli!"

"The guard beast is like an old father!"

"I think the guardian beasts are a bit hard and they may not be able to take care of Caprimon. Why don't you leave it to me to take care of you."

"I can hear this calculation."

"Caplimon: Electric shock warning!"

"Okay, everyone, today's live broadcast is almost here. As you can see, the guardian beasts are doing well. See you next time!"

"Ah? Goodbye now?"

"It only aired for two hours and you ran away?"

"Anchor, go and take a rest and let Badamon do the broadcasting!"

"That's right, teach Patamon how to read, so this male assistant won't have to appear on the scene in the future."


"Okay, goodbye everyone."

Lin Xuan turned off the live broadcast.

"Gearmon is awake!" Mechamon came to announce.

"woke up?"

Lin Xuan took the guard beast over to check.

The gears on the gear beast were rotating rapidly and waving randomly, making the mecha beasts and guard beasts afraid to approach.

Lin Xuan walked over and asked what happened to the Mecha Bug Beast.

"We don't know. It was like this when it woke up and attacked us."

Lin Xuan used the Digimon Machine to check the status of Gearmon.

Status: Fearful, as if afraid of something.

"Fear...what is it afraid of?" Lin Xuan asked confused.

"Be careful!" Patamon hurriedly reminded the approaching Mecha Bugmon.

Gearmon fired gears randomly, almost injuring Mechamon.

"What's going on with this guy! We saved him! He actually repaid him with kindness!" The Ore Beast didn't care about anything else, and stepped forward to teach the Gear Beast a lesson.

"Stone of Wrath!"

A rock hit Gearmon on the forehead, and Gearmon seemed to calm down.

"Ore Beast, it's okay!" Lin Xuan praised.

"Oh? Really..." Ore Beast touched his head and said a little embarrassedly.

The guard beast came closer. When the gear beast saw the guard beast, it was like a mouse seeing a cat, and it immediately ran behind the ore beast.

The ore beast was startled, and it hurriedly avoided because its attack just now would lead to retaliation.

Seeing this, Gearmon could only hide behind Patamon.

"Uh..." The guard beast showed an aggrieved expression. It didn't know why the gear beast was afraid of it.

"Leave it to me." The Dream Eater came out of the Tyrannosaurus machine.

"Nightmare Syndrome!"

The sacred ring of the Dream Eater lit up, and bursts of black energy flowed from the Gear Beast into the Dream Eater's mouth.

After Dream Eater sucks in Gearmon's dreams, it spits them out in the form of smoke.

"What is this?" Ore Beast asked.

"This is the picture in Gearmon's mind." Patamon said.

"My little brother can do this!"

Smoke filled the screen, and Gearmon was being chased by a group of Digimon.

"Aren't those guard beasts and mechanical armor beasts?" Patamon said in surprise when he saw the picture.

"Ah? What? When did I chase them?" the guard beast said innocently.

"Gearmon must have been chased by those Digimon and mistook you for being their companions." Lin Xuan deduced.

"Is that why it is so scared when it sees me..."

There are a lot of gear beasts in the picture, they seem to have just escaped from somewhere...

In addition to Guardmon and Mechanical Armormon, there is also a green Digimon chasing them, which looks like a tank and looks very ferocious.

Digimon name: Tankmon

Attributes: mature stage

Type: Retrofit

Attribute: data type

Introduction: A modified Digimon that looks like a tank. Tan uses heavyweight strength and heavy firearms equipped all over his body to smash the enemies coming from the opposite side. He likes war very much, and wherever he goes, there are always wars.

Special skills: high-pressure cannon, mid-range machine gun, robotic arm

"Why are they chasing Gearmon..." Patamon wondered.

In the picture, many of Gearmon's companions have been captured, leaving it alone.

It was at the end of its rope, and at the moment of crisis, a white light appeared in front of it, attracting it like a black hole.

When it woke up again, it saw the guard beasts.

"...I tried my best to escape, but fortunately I encountered a digital crack...I barely escaped..." Lin Xuan concluded.

"No wonder it is so afraid of me... Are our companions in that world doing this kind of thing!" the guard beast said angrily.

"Why are you chasing Gearmon... What's the use of us growing Digimon..." Mechamon said.

The Dream Eater used the sacred ring to digest the gear beast's nightmare, and the fear in the gear beast also disappeared.

It calmed down completely, but was still a little scared when facing the guard beast and the mechanical armored beast.



Patamon began to calm Gearmon's emotions and asked it what happened in the digital world.

Gearmon saw Patamon gradually relaxing its vigilance, and described to Patamon what had happened before.

Gearmon doesn't know human language, so Patamon translates for it.

"It and many of its companions appear to have been captured in a place where they were forced to use their abilities to create those things..."

"What are those things?" Ore Beast asked.

"Black gear..." After Badamon finished speaking, Lin Xuan and Oremon were stunned for a moment.

"What? Those black gears that harmed Youlong Mountain were actually made by them?" The Ore Beast's voice rose a bit.

Gearmon on the side was obviously frightened again and hurriedly hid behind Patamon.

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