Digimon: I start the digital age

Chapter 92 Site selection for DATS

Grizzlymon and Diamondmon patted their chests, saying that they could just leave it to them.

In the mature stage, these two are quite strong, so guarding this forest shouldn't be a big problem.

"Okay, everyone, today's live broadcast is almost here." Lin Xuan said: "School starts tomorrow, and everyone should devote themselves to study and work. The next live broadcast time is to be determined."

"Understood, back off."

"Anchor, we will always remember you."

"Anchor, go away."

"Well...it's not like we won't live broadcast anymore. If we have time on weekends, we will still broadcast live for everyone." Lin Xuan said.

"I understand, the anchor will broadcast live next Saturday."

"What? Live broadcast at 8 o'clock next Saturday?"

"Live broadcast on Friday night? See you there or not!"

"Okay, no more joking. Goodbye, everyone!" Lin Xuan said goodbye.

After turning off the live broadcast, Lin Xuan said goodbye to Hualanmon and the others.

Before he knew it, he had become so familiar with everyone in Luocheng Forest.


Back to the University of Lorraine.

Lin Xuan began to make a new Digimon machine for Liang Zhao. Its Cubmon was much larger than Patmon, so it would be inconvenient without a Digimon machine.

And the girl with the meow beast... If she can be pulled over, at least the Lorraine branch of DATS will be protected.

Lin Xuan looked at the girl's information.

Her name is Lu Qingyi, she is 21 years old and is currently a senior majoring in literature at Lorraine University.

"He is also from Lorraine University..." Lin Xuan was a little surprised.

"If we're in the same school, wouldn't it be better to just make a phone call and arrange to meet up?" Ore Beast said bluntly.

"Lin Xuan must be thinking whether it would be too abrupt or impolite." Badabong said.

"Although they are all in the same university, Lorraine University has many campuses. The one I am currently in is the School of Computer Science and Technology, which is on the West Campus, and the School of Liberal Arts where she is is on the North Campus. The two places are far apart."

"How far can it be?"

"It takes about forty minutes by bus," Lin Xuan said.

"It's about the same time we go out to Luo City Forest." Badamon said.

"Is it so far?"

"The University of Lorraine is very large, and its campuses are distributed throughout the city of Lorraine." Lin Xuan explained: "There is also a saying that the beautiful city of Lorraine is distributed among the University of Lorraine..."

No matter what, Lin Xuan still wanted to get her done as soon as possible. With help, DATS's work could proceed smoothly.

Lin Xuan continued to be busy making the Tyrannosaurus Rex machine. With his first experience, he made it very smoothly this time.

In one night, it was basically done. Just copy the program and so on.

"I'll go! Why!" Lin Xuan looked at the computer and almost cursed.

"What's wrong?" Patamon, who was playing chess with Oremon, asked.

"Why...if I copy the exact same program, there will still be bugs! I obviously didn't change a single letter!" Lin Xuan rubbed his hair and wondered.

"This..." Patamon pondered for a while, but couldn't think of any reason.

"Let me take a look!" The Ore Beast ran over and stared at the computer to browse.

One person and two beasts fell into silence.

"Huh..." Lin Xuan sighed, and when he put his hand on the mouse again, he found a few broken hairs on it.

"Holy crap! Why did you lose your hair again? Patamon, help me see if I'm bald on top!" Lin Xuan pointed at the top of his head.

Patamon flapped its wings and flew over Lin Xuan's head. He looked at it and said, "No, it's just a few white ones."

"I'll go! White hair! I'm only twenty-three, you know...I won't become a Mediterranean before I'm thirty..."

"Patamon...what happened to him?" Oremon asked.

"Okay, just get used to it." Patamon flew to the side of the Go board and said, "Let's continue, whose turn is it?"

"It's my turn!"


First day of school.

"The new semester has a new atmosphere. You must study hard starting from today."

"You have to do your homework well this semester and get the scholarship. You can't just do one book a day like at the end of last semester."

"I can't stay home anymore this semester, I have to find a girlfriend."

Midsummer is over and the weather is not that hot anymore.

Lin Xuan got up early. According to their laboratory regulations, he had to clock in before 8:10 every day from Monday to Saturday.

"What are these people doing? Are they all wearing the same clothes?" Patamon asked.

"This is the military training I told you before."

Lin Xuan expanded the capacity of the Tyrannosaurus machine and added a "window"-like program inside the Tyrannosaurus machine, allowing Patamon and the others to see the scene outside while inside.

"This is military training, why don't they move?"

"This is to stand in a military posture, to train their physique and make them obey orders..."

"What is military posture..."

"Why should we obey orders..."

"What are they shouting..."

Patamon and Oremon kept asking questions like two curious babies, until Lin Xuan couldn't answer the question.

He had no choice but to leave the military training ground as soon as possible to get rid of their questioning.

As soon as we entered the laboratory, just like the day before yesterday, everyone was looking at Patamon.

"Patamon has almost become the mascot of the laboratory."

Not long after he sat down, Teacher Qi Feng called Lin Xuan out.

"People from the military are coming and they want to discuss the DATS matter with you."

The less people know about DATS, the better. However, Qi Feng is Lin Xuan's teacher, so it doesn't hurt to tell him in advance. He will inevitably have to go to DATS in the future, and it will be convenient to ask for leave.

"I have roughly heard about the DATS project. Is it similar to the City Guard? It's a bit similar to the Internet Police? Teacher Zhang in our laboratory is engaged in network security. If you need help, you can ask their doctor for help." Qi the teacher said.


"There is also the matter of your proposal. It is initially scheduled for October. Prepare the proposal report carefully. There should be no big problems."


It didn't take long for Li Chengyu to arrive.

Military projects are popular everywhere, especially in university laboratories. Being able to receive military projects also represents national recognition.

"As for the address, I thought about it. I need to choose a place with a good network and where most of the network conditions in the city can be monitored. It is best to be close to the University of Lorraine." Lin Xuan said.

"Do you have any good ideas?"

"There is a villa area nearby. The network there should be good, and the security should be reliable." Lin Xuan expressed his thoughts.

"Villa area? Are you talking about Mingyue Community? The houses there are not cheap..." Li Chengyu said.

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