Digimon: I start the digital age

Chapter 70 The evolution of the ore beast, the ice stone beast!

The Oremon and the recovered Pangolin are safe and sound.

"Broken Beast!" Oremon felt very uncomfortable when he saw that the Broken Beast that was trying to save it was scarred.

The dust on the ground gradually dispersed, and the armored beast slowly walked over.

"Silver light!"

Pegasusmon provides support from the air and covers Ruptormon's retreat.

Lin Xuan looked at the card and saw that the Death Talisman was not fully charged yet.

The other cards are of no use now.

"The pangolin beast on the ground is difficult to deal with. If there is only a armored beast, I am sure that I can take out the black gear on it." The rupture beast said.

Those pangolin beasts have been moving underground, and they will go back as soon as they attack. When the rupture beasts are about to attack the armored beasts, they will come out to interfere again.

"Isn't this big turtle so powerful? It causes an earthquake just by moving like this?"

"This is probably heavier than an elephant!"

"These gophers are so annoying! It would be easier to fight without these gophers!"

At this time, those pangolin beasts that had recovered ran over.

"Are you coming to help?" Ore Beast asked.

The pangolins nodded, those were their companions, and they also wanted to contribute to saving their companions.

"Okay!" Ore Beast said firmly.

The ore beast commanded the recovered pangolin beasts and asked them to contain the controlled pangolin beasts.

Rupturemon is entangled with Warframemon, and Pegasusmon supports it from the air.

"Stone of Wrath!"

"Stone of Wrath!"

The Ore Beast unleashed its special moves one after another, but no matter it faced the Pangolin Beast or the War Armor Beast, its special moves were completely ineffective.

The ground beneath the Ore Beast's feet loosened, and the Pangolin Beast rolled out from under it, knocking it to the ground.

"Damn it..." Ore Beast was very reluctant.

As soon as the ore beast fell to the ground, the recovering pangolin beasts had no command. In addition, they themselves could not bear to attack their companions, and they were instantly at a disadvantage.

"Meteor Ray!"

"Vacuum Blade!"


Ore Beast watched as Broken Beast and Pegasus Beast kept releasing their skills, but he couldn't help, and felt very angry.

"I am a highly intelligent Digimon who wants to become the king of this mountain. How could I possibly fall here!"

The Ore Beast roared and its body burst into light.

"What happened to the Ore Beast?"

"Glowing, could it be evolution?"

"A wild Digimon evolves? Like the Poisonmon last time?"

Lin Xuan also couldn't believe it, but this was indeed the light of evolution!

"Ore Beast Evolution..."

"Ice Stone Beast!"

Oremon has evolved!

Digimon name: Icemon

Attribute: data type

Grade: mature stage

Type: ice and snow type

Introduction: A Digimon whose entire body is made of ice data, its aggressiveness is not much higher than that of Oremon in its growth stage, but its speed is much faster than before.

Special move: Hockey bomb

"Has the Ore Beast really evolved?"

"Shall I go? I always thought this guy was just talking, but I didn't expect him to actually evolve!"

"Is this evolution? It looks like it's just been painted over."

"It seems like black has really turned into white."

The Ice Stone Beast jumped up excitedly and said excitedly: "It's successful, it's successful! I just said I would evolve!"

"Leave this place to me, it's up to me!" the Ice Stone Beast said confidently.

"Hockey bomb!"

The Ore Beast raised his hand slightly, the target was not the Armored Beast, but the nearby ground.

Countless ice balls hit the ground like raindrops, and the ground began to freeze.

"The ground is frozen..." Pegasus said.

The pangolin beasts wanted to drill into the ground, but found that the ice was completely unable to dig through, and even the armored beasts were a little unsteady on their feet.

"Now, aim at the black gear on the left front foot of the armored beast!"

"Splitting Sky Slash!"

"Silver light!"

The two skills hit at the same time, and the armored beast slipped on the ground, and the black gear on its left front foot flew out and shattered in the air.

The armored beast regained its consciousness, and the remaining pangolin beasts were unable to penetrate the ground.

Pegasusmon and Brokenmon took out all the black gears on their bodies in just a few clicks.

"Woohoo! Winner!" Ice Stone Beast cheered.

"The plan to save the Oberon companions was successful!" Lin Xuan shouted.

"I didn't expect that this boy Ore Beast would be quite reliable at critical times!"

"I thought this guy would only brag, but I didn't expect it to be really useful."

"Is this evolution serious? Are you sure it's not painted white?"

Lin Xuan took out the treatment data package and treated the injured ore beast.

"Thanks to me this time!" the ice stone beast said angrily.

"Yes, yes..." Pegasusmon echoed as he degenerated into Patamon.

"I just 'hockey bomb'... all of a sudden..." Ore Beast waved his arms and assumed the previous posture, and his body changed from white back to gray-black.

"Uh...regressed." Lin Xuan said.

"Why have you changed back again?" Ore Beast looked at his body and said in a panic.

"Have you changed back again?" Patamon caught the important point and asked, "Isn't this your first time to evolve?"

"Of course not, I have been able to evolve a long time ago, but it just doesn't work sometimes..." Ore Beast said: "But it doesn't matter, I will definitely be able to control it next time!"

"And... in order to protect my two little brothers, of course I will do my best!"

"The Ore Beast starts again!"

"Anchor, please tell me what the name of the painted ore beast is?"

"Why don't we just call it White Ore Beast!"

Lin Xuan saw the barrage and explained: "The evolution of the Ore Beast is called the Ice Stone Beast. Its whole body is made of ice. Although it only changed its color, it is indeed in its mature stage."

"Not only have I changed my appearance, I have been strengthened in every aspect! I am an ice stone beast that is only one step away from becoming a complete body!"

"Okay, okay." Lin Xuan agreed.

After treating the Dream Eater's injuries, the Dream Eater lay down to rest.

Lin Xuan went to see the pangolins. The pangolins basically suffered superficial injuries and almost recovered.

The armored beast was seriously injured, and had been controlled by the black gear for a long time, so it was mentally exhausted.

The pangolins helped fetch some water, picked some fruits, and brought them over.

The body of the armored beast was a little weak, so Lin Xuan applied the treatment data package to it.

He looked at his backpack and saw that there were not many medicines left for treatment.

"Next time the fairy beast comes, you have to pay more attention to it." Lin Xuan said.

Healing data packs are an indispensable item, especially when facing some Digimon controlled by black gears, battle injuries are inevitable.

"These pangolins seem quite cute after they return to normal!"

“The more I look at it, the more pleasing it becomes!”

"They're not bad Digimon to begin with."

"Who said they came like gophers just now..."

The ice on the ground has almost melted. The cave collapsed just now due to the armor beast's skills. The pangolin beasts are preparing to dig a new cave.

"War Armor Beast, although you are very weak now, I still want to ask, do you still remember when you got the black gear?"

"This..." the armored beast recalled: "It should be that a week ago, a lot of black gears suddenly dropped from the direction of the top of the mountain, and then I lost consciousness."

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