Digimon: I start the digital age

Chapter 66 Conditions for Evolution

The ore beast was so angry that he stamped his feet, but he still couldn't speak.

"I have to say, although Goblinmon is usually not very good at it, this trick seems to be quite effective." Patamon said.

"Yeah!!!" Oremon walked to Patmon and kept stamping his feet.

"I understand, but if you have anything to say, let's wait for an hour to say it." Patamon said calmly: "Don't make yourself sick from anger."

The Ore Beast had no choice but to sit aside.

Lin Xuan watched them playing and started to pack the tent.

After spending about half an hour, Lin Xuan finally finished cleaning up.

"We still have to continue going up the mountain." Lin Xuan pondered.

After listening to the fairy beast's words just now, Lin Xuan planned to look around to see if there was anything unusual on Youlong Mountain.

The black gear will be a disaster sooner or later if it remains in the human world, and we still have to find a way to solve it.

"Let's go, Patamon, Dream Eater!" Lin Xuan said.


Patamon and Dreameater said goodbye to Unicorn and Punimon, and began to move forward towards the mountain.

"Speaking of which..." Lin Xuan suddenly stopped, looked behind him and said, "Why are you still following us?"

"Uh huh huh... huh huh huh!" Ore Beast said, akimbo.

"Okay, okay." Although Lin Xuan didn't understand it, he could guess what it was saying by looking at its movements.

"Display Beast, how are you resting?" Lin Xuan asked.

"I have rested and can work at any time!" the display beast said energetically.

"You don't have to force it, and this isn't work. You can always tell me if you're tired."

"it is good!"

Lin Xuan started the live broadcast, and in less than ten minutes, more than 200,000 people gathered.


"I didn't come yesterday. I heard that I was attacked by Digimon again?"

"I didn't hold on to sleep at all. Who knew there would be monsters coming out in the middle of the night!"

"Watch your words beforehand, that's a Digimon!"

"It's so uncomfortable. I went to bed early yesterday, and this morning I watched the video of the evolution of the Dream Eater! It's so handsome!"

"Anchor, can you let the Dream Eater perform another evolution!"

"Um...Performing evolution...I'm afraid this won't work..." Lin Xuan refused: "Evolution will consume a lot of energy. The Dream Eater fought so hard yesterday with the Fierce Ghost Beast and has just rested now. Everyone also I can’t bear to see it so tired!”

"Okay! Let's wait until next time."

"Squatting in the live broadcast room, you will always wait."

"Maybe the anchor will encounter a ferocious Digimon soon!"

"Ferocious Digimon, come quickly!"


"You guys can't expect me to do well. If what happened yesterday happens again, I will be dead!" Lin Xuan said.

"What are the conditions for the Dream Eater to evolve?"

"Yes, why did you evolve at that time yesterday?"

"Anchor, please tell me!"

Lin Xuan thought for a moment and concluded: "Evolution is a very mysterious thing, but there are some necessary conditions. First, Digimon must have sufficient physical strength, and evolution requires a lot of energy.

The second point is that the first evolution usually requires some opportunities, especially when the partner encounters a crisis. "

"The first point is easy to understand. Only when you are full can you have the strength to evolve!"

"What does the second point mean? The partner is in crisis?"

"Just like when the ferocious beast attacked the anchor yesterday!"

"Digimon that are with humans can often evolve by leveraging human power. People who own Digimon can generally become trainers or partners. When their partners encounter a crisis, Digimon can often explode with amazing power and evolve. "Lin Xuan explained.

"This is interesting!"

"Can it be understood that the Digimon evolved to protect me?"

"I'm so touched. This is not a Digimon! This is my baby!"

"In addition to these, there is another point, and this is what I have said before, human emotions will become the energy of Digimon, and when these emotions reach a certain level, Digimon will evolve.

Positive emotions can guide the normal evolution of Digimon, while negative emotions often make the evolved Digimon lose control and become extremely cruel. "Lin Xuan added.

Lin Xuan recalled the first generation of Digimon animation. Agumon had evolved incorrectly due to Taichi's recklessness. The ZombieGreymon at that time was so terrifying that it once became the shadow of Lin Xuan's childhood.

The negative side of courage is recklessness. Once those valuable qualities in human beings are used in the wrong place, it will be the other extreme.

Taichi used his body as bait to induce Greymon to evolve incorrectly. Finally, he realized that courage means moving forward for his friends despite being afraid, and Greymon evolved successfully.

"I almost understand. I would like to ask where to get the Digimon?"

"I understand, can the host give me a Digimon?"

"Digimon... everyone will have them gradually. The future era will be an era where humans and Digimon coexist peacefully!" Lin Xuan said: "As long as there is hope, Digimon will appear."

"Look...this cake is big and round."

"The painting on this cake is better than that of my leader."

"Think about it or forget it. My emotions will only make Digimon evolve in the wrong direction. I won't harm the human world."

"Don't be too pessimistic. Getting along with Digimon is a long-term process. We all grow together. Everyone has negative thoughts. Look at Patamon, isn't it fine now?" Lin Xuan said.

"Patmon, if he has any negative thoughts, please tell us!"

"I also want to hear what negative thoughts you have!"

Patamon couldn't understand the barrage, so Lin Xuan directly translated: "Patamon, everyone is praising you for being cute."

"Really? Thank you everyone!" Patamon said happily.

"What a bad anchor!"

“Negative thoughts are totally exposed!”

"Patamon hurry up and learn how to read to avoid being bullied by this male water friend!"

Lin Xuan looked at the map. They were now approaching the mountainside of Youlong Mountain.

It was quiet along the way, but I didn't encounter any Digimon.

"Ah!" The ore beast on the side suddenly shouted: "I can finally speak!"

Lin Xuan almost forgot that the Ore Beast's mouth was sealed by the Fairy Beast's magic. No wonder it was so quiet along the way.

"That little Digimon is too much! He actually dared to seal my mouth. I'm so angry!"

"Next time I see it, I will give it a slap in the face!"

"Okay, okay." Lin Xuan comforted.

He remembered what the Fairy Beast had said before and asked the Ore Beast, "Has anything unusual happened in Youlong Mountain recently?"

"Is it abnormal..." Oremon pondered: "Speaking of abnormality... the top of the mountain has not been very peaceful recently, and some Digimon often become violent suddenly."

Sudden change... Hearing this word, Lin Xuan suspected that it was probably because of the black gear.

"Have you not gone up to take a look?" Patamon asked.

"Well... there are many large Digimon up there." Oremon explained.

"You're not afraid to go, are you?" Patamon said.

"How is it possible!" Ore Beast denied: "I am the king of this mountain, there is no place I dare not go!"

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