Digimon: I start the digital age

Chapter 49 Two Poisonings in a Row

Halfway through eating, Li Ziwei's cell phone suddenly rang.

Li Ziwei put down her chopsticks and picked up the phone.

"What? Did Lu Hongyu faint?" Li Ziwei asked in surprise.

"Not only Lu Hongyu, but also others? Teacher Liu from the next class also fainted?"

"Okay... I'm eating in a restaurant. I'll go there now." After saying that, Li Ziwei hung up the phone.

"Sorry, I have to leave first. A student in our class has fainted. I have to go and see." Li Ziwei said nervously.

"Okay, you get busy first!" Lin Xuan said.

Li Ziwei trotted all the way back to school in a hurry.

Lin Xuan is an outsider and it is not convenient for him to go in. He can only finish his meal first.

After lunch, Lin Xuan came to the school gate to wait and saw several people being sent to the hospital.

There are three students and a teacher.

Although Chun'an Middle School is a middle-class junior high school in Lorraine City, they have their own independent school doctor's office, which can at least provide some emergency treatment.

Diseases that cannot be treated here do seem to be serious.

Due to the successive poisoning incidents, the school had no choice but to temporarily suspend classes.

The students were happy. The sudden holiday was as joyful as finding a hundred dollars in dusty clothes when the season changes.

Lin Xuan waited at the door until the last child left, but the Digimon machine still didn't respond.

He waited at the door for a long time, until the rows of lights in the teaching building went out.

Li Ziwei returned to school and saw Lin Xuan still waiting at the door.

After the things at the hospital were taken care of, she came back to check on the situation.

"How's it going?" Li Ziwei asked, "Do you have any clues?"

"Not yet, I'm going to go home at seven o'clock. How are your students doing?" Lin Xuan asked.

"They are out of danger now, and they were also poisoned. I don't know what happened..."

"Poisoned again?" Lin Xuan asked.

"Yes, those three students didn't come back after class. The teacher went out to search and found him passed out at the garbage station. It's the same garbage station we went to yesterday. You said there were a lot of them there..." Li Ziwei's words came to her lips. Swallowed it back.

The two of them realized at the same time, could the poisoning be related to Digimon?

"Where is that teacher?" Lin Xuan asked.

"Teacher Liu was in the next class. He suddenly fainted while he was lecturing. I thought it was hypoglycemia, but after checking, he was found to be poisoned, just like the student in our class yesterday," Li Ziwei said.

"Let's go to the garbage station and have a look." Lin Xuan said.

"it is good!"

Li Ziwei is also very willing to help. On the one hand, she wants to investigate the truth of the matter, and on the other hand, she really wants to see what Digimon looks like.

The vice principal is checking the canteen to see if any unclean food has been mixed in. It won't be over for a while. Li Ziwei only needs to go back and report the situation before their vice principal's investigation is completed.

The two of them came to the garbage station on the back street of the school, and they could smell the smell even from a distance.

Lin Xuan covered his nose and looked at the Digimon machine, but there was no response.

But the final clue seems to be here.

Is it a trash can beast?

Lin Xuan recalled the situation in the Digimon Generation 1 animation, but Trashcanmons did not have the ability to poison people, they could only fire poop cannons.

The most important thing is that Trashcanmon is a complete body. According to Fairymon, Trashcanmon should not be able to come to the Digital World.

There was a lot of garbage around the garbage station, and coupled with the high temperature in summer, Lin Xuan would vomit after staying nearby for a few minutes.

Three Digimon materialized and came out to help.

"Is this Patamon? It's so cute!" Li Ziwei said.

"Thank you!"

"There are also Dream Eater and Displaymon. It's the first time I've seen so many Digimon!"

There is an alley next to the garbage station, but it is a dead end.

"Master, look here!" Displaymon shouted from the alley next to it.

Lin Xuan ran over. The smell in the alley next to him was slightly smaller, and he could at least breathe.

He looked at where the Displaymon was, and there was a purple needle there.

"This... seems to be a poisonous needle." Dream Eater speculated.

"Is it left behind by the Digimon?" Li Ziwei asked.

"Probably." Displaymon replied.

"Did it really happen that Digimon hurt the children..." Li Ziwei said in disbelief.

"It's hard to say... Digimon also have good and evil qualities." Lin Xuan said.

But...how could the Digimon sensed by the Digimon Machine suddenly disappear?

Where will it hide?

Lin Xuan was puzzled.

"Did the student wake up the day before yesterday? Did you ask what happened?" Lin Xuan asked.

"I'm awake, but my memory of that day is a little fuzzy, and my speech is unclear. According to the doctor, it's likely that the residual poison has not been cleared up."

"Well...let's get out of here first!"

The smell of the garbage station was still very strong, making Lin Xuan nauseous.

The two of them walked towards the school gate, and Li Ziwei was going back to report on the students' situation.

"Teacher Li!"

Lin Xuan saw a boy in school uniform walking over.

"Sun Qiao, why are you still here?" Li Ziwei asked doubtfully: "Didn't school end early? Did you invite your classmates to play basketball?"

"No...teacher...I came back after I went home." Sun Qiao hesitated.

"Ah? You came here after you went home?" Li Ziwei asked in confusion: "What are you doing here at school? Why don't you have fun at home after a long vacation?"

"I... aren't Lu Hongyu and the others hospitalized... I think..." Sun Qiao looked at Lin Xuan and hesitated to speak.

"Are you worried about them? You guys hang out together all day long. Fortunately, you still have this heart..." Li Ziwei said: "Don't worry, they are all out of danger."

"Actually it is..."

Lin Xuan looked a little embarrassed at his expression and asked directly: "Do you know something?"

"Ah? I..." Sun Qiao cowered and lowered his head.

"This is the teacher's friend. He won't talk nonsense everywhere." Li Ziwei said.

Sun Qiao hesitated for a while and said, "Actually...it was Li Jie who asked Lu Hongyu and the others out these days."

"Li Jie?" Li Ziwei was confused when she heard the name: "He... I remember he doesn't talk to you often."

"Yes..." Sun Qiao said.

"Then why did he invite you out?" Li Ziwei wondered.

"I don't know..." Sun Qiao rolled his eyes and said, "Lu Hongyu said that Li Jie came to find them, and then they were poisoned inexplicably."

"Do you suspect Li Jie did it?" Li Ziwei said in surprise: "That day... I did see him sneaking around the garbage station, but..."

Li Ziwei didn't have much contact with Li Jie, but only in class, Li Jie was definitely a good child, never causing trouble and listening carefully.

Poisoning was something I couldn't think of happening to him.

Lin Xuan looked at Sun Qiao and felt that what he said should be the truth, but he was hiding something.

"Why would he come to you for no reason?" Lin Xuan asked.

"I don't know either." Sun Qiao said with a guilty conscience.

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