Digimon: I start the digital age

Chapter 260 Sea Monster!

Digimon name: Seamon

Level: Complete

Attribute: virus species

Type: Aquatic Beast Man

Introduction: Because of living alone in the deep sea, I have lost all emotions other than hatred. He will do whatever it takes to win, and will not stop attacking even if the opponent loses their fighting spirit. There are two tentacles on its back, each with its own consciousness, and they move at will in order to fight for prey.

Special moves: Sinful Black Ink, Neck Hanging, Pressure

"Dark Stream Pillar!"

Evil Seadramon fired a black stream from the sharp blade above its head.

"Sinful black ink!"

Not to be outdone, the Sea Monster sprayed out a large amount of ink and quickly surrounded the Evil Sea Dragon.

The way Sea Monster opens its teeth and claws is a bit scary, but when you think about it being transformed from Gomamon, you feel a little cute.

Sea Demonmon controls the two tentacles on its back, one tying the Evil Seadramon's tail, and the other strangling its neck.

After Lin Xuan de-evolved and saw that Evil Seadramon could still be saved, he activated his bright digital soul to drive away the virus from Evil Seadramon.

Soon, Evil Seadramon transformed back into Super Seadramon.

"I...what's going on?" Super Seadramon woke up.

On the other side, Qiwamon, who only obeyed Super Seadramon's instructions, also stopped.

"Thank you for driving away the evil virus for me." Super Seadramon said.

"You're welcome, this is all Mechanical Evildramon's fault." Gomamon said after degenerating.

"Mechanical Evil Dragon Beast? I'm not sure either. I just remember that... at that time... suddenly a black shadow appeared in front of me, and then... I lost consciousness. I'm not sure what it was. Not a subordinate of Mechanical Evildramon."

"That should be the case. Are there other bad guys in the Digital World besides Mechanical Evildramon?" Bogomon said.

"That should be Mechanical Evildramon's subordinates." Chaohaidramon said.

"Ultradramon, we want to go to Failu Island across the way. Are there any evil Digimon ahead?" Balmon asked.

"What I said before... I only know that there is a sea area over there that is indeed controlled, and even I can't go there. If you want to go to the sea, I can ask the strange frog beasts to follow you, and help you find out the news nearby. ." Super Sea Dragon Beast said.

"Thank you!" Lin Xuan agreed decisively.

The strange frog beasts are smaller and can dive into the deep sea. With their help, crossing the sea will be more confident.

Lin Xuan got on the raft and set off at a sunny time.

Chaohaidramon followed Lin Xuan, planning to send him off for a while.

"How is the weather here? There won't be a sudden storm or anything." Although Lin Xuan made an emergency plan, he was still a little worried.

"It's hard to say. Who can understand Dahai's mood..."

After driving on the sea for a long time, Lin Xuan's Digimon machine lit up.

"Huh? So fast?"

Fairymon flew out of it.

"You guys are really impatient, you got here so quickly!" said the fairy beast.

"What's the matter?"

"Didn't I tell you, I'm going to help you find a way to deal with the Digimon in the sea! Beep!"

"Have you found it?" Bogomon asked.

"Of course, beep!" Fairy Beast said with his arms in front of his chest.

"Quick, take it out and take a look!" Lin Xuan said.

"Boom, boom, boom, beep!!" The fairy beast recited a magic spell, waved its magic wand, and a rectangular chip fell in front of Lin Xuan.

"It looks like the game cartridges I played when I was a kid," Lin Xuan said.

"This is called digital memory, which is similar to a card, but after swiping this, Gomamon can evolve into the Digimon on the chip. Beep!" Goblinmon said.

"Ah? Evolution? Do I have a new evolved type?" Gomamon asked happily.

Lin Xuan picked up the chip and found that what was painted on it was a very small pink Digimon.

"Sea Angelmon?"

"It looks very cute. So Gomamon will evolve into this?" Patamon asked, comparing Sea Angelmon and Gomamon.

"Don't look at it as cute, this is the ultimate body, beep!" said the fairy beast.

"Ah? Is this the ultimate body?" Patamon said in surprise: "It looks about the same size as me."

"According to the books, Sea Angelmon is a very powerful ultimate body." Bogomon said while looking through the books.

Digimon name: Sea Angelmon

Level: Ultimate

Attribute: vaccine type

Type: Fairy type

Introduction: A fairy-type Digimon that is rarely seen and lives in the sea of ​​​​the Internet. Although it has the name Angelmon, in terms of ecosystem, it is a completely different race from the Angelmon series. It carries a sacred ring around its neck, as this is thought to have some connection with the sacred Digimon; the words engraved on it have not yet been clarified, and they do not like fighting.

Nirvana: Ocean Love

"After evolving into Sea Angelmon, you can move freely in the water using Ocean Love. Beep!" Fairymon said.

Lin Xuan remembered that in the animation of Big Colon, Taiyi and the others used the power of Sea Angel Beast to move freely in the water.

Moreover, in the third generation animation, Kenta's Sea Angelmon also used the love of the ocean to make the Dili Demon lose its will to fight. In addition, this move can also protect allies.

The only drawback...

That is, after evolving into Sea Angelmon, it has no offensive ability.

Sea Angelmon is peace-loving, and its way of fighting is to make the opponent lose the will to fight and fundamentally solve the problem.

But it's not a big problem. As long as he has the ability to move freely in the water, Lin Xuan can do the rest with other Digimon.

"That's it, beep! I wish you a pleasant journey to Fayiro Island, beep! I'm leaving, beep!"

Again, without waiting for a reply, Fairymon flew away and left.

"Sea Angelmon... It's just that this look doesn't match my usual handsomeness." Gomamon looked at Sea Angelmon's digital memory and said.

"As long as it works, if I sacrifice you, we can all go to the sea, right?" Patamon said happily.

"Quickly transform, I want to try it too!" Bogomon said.

"No, now is not the time." Lin Xuan stopped him: "It will be a while before we get to Fayilu Island. How can we use it now?"

I just forgot to ask Fairymon if this digital memory has a cooldown time or something.

After rowing on the sea for a while, Lin Xuan was also a little tired.

With Super Seadramon around, you won't get lost.

Patamon took over from Lin Xuan and started rowing, but a little slower.

At this time, a strange frog beast came to report.

"The area ahead is no longer under my jurisdiction. According to Qiwamon, the front... seems to have been controlled by Mechanical Evildramon." Chaohaidramon said.

"Has it been controlled? Who is the leader?"

"It should be Puffermon."

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