Travel through space and help the prince’s husband in construction

Chapter 99 Yan Bing wins and gets the golden bow, and the empress acts as a matchmaker to marry Wu Z

In the Royal Hunting Ground, there were not so many traps in the next few days. Their competition is over. The combination of Yan Bing and Xiao Yunyan won the first place. Far more than other combinations.

The other ladies each lost two thousand taels to them. The emperor also gave Yan Bing a golden bow. The handle of the bow is made of rhinoceros horn, wrapped with gold wire, and the golden light is particularly dazzling.

With this bow, other noble ladies will be jealous. That was a reward that only the top shooter in Beichuan would receive. During the Wu Zhuangyuan competition, he ranked first in archery and first in the overall score. After being evaluated by the emperor, he was awarded the "Wu Zhuangyuan" and was awarded such a golden bow.

There is no competition for women's martial arts champion, but Yan Bing became the first woman to own a golden bow. Does that mean she is recognized as the "female champion" among women in the capital?

Xiao Yunyan was very happy for Yan Bing. Such an honor is very fitting for her, the female overlord of the capital. She is even more worthy of being the future wife of the Western Marquis Wu Zheng.

The emperor and queen asked Yan Bing and Wu Zheng privately for their opinions. Ask them if they want to get married? If you have this idea, ask the Queen to marry the two of you.

When Yan Bing heard the Queen asking about her marriage to Wu Zheng, she immediately pouted and said coquettishly: "Aunt Queen, Bing'er doesn't want to get married. If Bing'er has to come to the palace to accompany Aunt Queen, she won't be free to marry! It is extremely difficult to see my aunt.

Also, can my aunt have the heart to let Bing'er become a widow after getting married? I haven't seen my husband for several years, and now that I'm married, I've just found a prison for Bing'er! Bing'er doesn't want to! "

The queen heard the implication of her niece's words. It was not that she was unwilling to marry Wu Zheng, but she was afraid that after getting married, she would no longer be able to freely continue to dominate the streets, nor could she enter and exit the palace at will. Let alone stay with Wu Zheng forever. If these problems are solved, she will get married.

This ghost girl is asking for special honors from her. Make her promise that she can enter and leave the palace at will in the future.

This is not a difficult matter. The queen promised Yan Bing that if she wanted to come to the palace in the future, she could come in by handing her a sign.

Moreover, the Marquis of Zhengxi will not be as strict with his wife as other civil servant families. If she wants to go out for a walk, it's not just up to her.

After getting married, she could also go for a walk at the border with Marquis Zhengxi. When there is no war, it is also fun to help Zheng Xihou train soldiers. You can stay in Bianguan for as long as you want, or you can come back to live as long as you want. Absolute freedom!

The queen is trying to coax her niece into marrying her to Wu Zheng. In fact, they didn't need the Queen's coaxing at all. Yan Bing's heart was already filled with joy. It's just that they are being tight-lipped on purpose and want more good conditions.

Now that she got what she wanted, she immediately leaned into her aunt's arms and said shyly, "Bing'er's marriage is entirely up to my aunt."

When the queen heard that this ghost girl had met the conditions she wanted, she immediately agreed. That's a good time to strike while the iron is hot. Wait a minute and ask the emperor how the tone of the inquiry is going?

The emperor summoned Wu Zheng to the imperial study and asked him straight to the point: "Zheng Xihou, what is your impression of Yan Bing? Are you willing to marry him and spend the rest of your life with him?"

Wu Zheng praised Yan Bing. It is said that Yan Bing is honest and has a sense of justice in her heart. Her appearance and riding and shooting are also among the best in the capital. Her status is something that few women in the capital can match. He didn't dare to reach for such a perfect woman.

The emperor said with a smile on his face: "It's not a high ranking. Your current status just matches Bing'er. I'm not asking you if you have these things, I'm just asking if you like her? Are you willing to spend the rest of your life with her? ?Don’t talk to me about anything else and answer me honestly.”

When Wu Zheng saw that the emperor was challenging him, he directly expressed his thoughts. He said: "To be honest with you, Your Majesty, when I first saw Miss Yan, I thought she was different, but I don't understand the relationship between men and women.

As we got along later, I felt more and more that this woman had more and more advantages. It just fits what Chen Xin likes.

If I am lucky enough to marry Yan Bing in this life, it will be my blessing. I am willing to stay with her alone from now on. There will be no other women in the house. "

The emperor did not expect Wu Zheng to be so affectionate. It was normal for men in this era to have three wives and four concubines. It's not like there are no monogamous couples, indeed they are very few.

Especially as a military commander, because he is at the border all year round, he needs to spread his branches quickly. Therefore, after marrying the first wife, he will quickly raise several wives and Mrs. Ru. After completing the task of carrying on the family line, quickly run back to the border to continue the task.

Therefore, a promise like Wu Zheng's actually cut off his own retreat. Once Yan Bing is unable to have children or only has daughters but no sons, won't he have to cut off his descendants in the future?

The emperor did not hide anything and discussed his thoughts with Wu Zheng seriously.

Wu Zheng said: "Reporting to the emperor, I am a concubine in the family. There are older brothers and younger brothers in the family. There are concubines and concubines. There is no shortage of people to carry on the family line. I only need to marry the woman I like and live a peaceful life. That is what I want. The best marriage ever.

It has been difficult for military generals to die well since ancient times. I hope that I can start well and end well, accompany Yan Bing for the rest of his life, and grow old together!

The emperor was so moved by Wu Zheng's straightforward and true feelings that his eyes wet.

He laughed at himself and said: "I am too old to listen to such sensational confessions from you young people. Since you are sincere to Yan Bing, then let the queen arrange the marriage for you and Yan Bin."

Yan Bing is the queen's niece. Her dowry is naturally rich, and your betrothal gift cannot be too shabby. If you marry Yan Bing. I will give you another five thousand taels of gold. Give you some time to purchase some worthy betrothal gifts. Don't embarrass Bing'er, and don't embarrass the Queen. "

Wu Zheng felt happy. Not only did the emperor and the queen support him in marrying Yan Bing, the most suitable woman in his heart. Even the betrothal gift was prepared for him by the emperor. He immediately knelt down and kowtowed, thanking him. Thank the emperor for his favor. The emperor waved his hand and told him to get out of here.

The emperor finally couldn't hold it in anymore, wiped the moisture from the corners of his eyes and smiled again. These two young people actually have such a deep bond. It's rare, love at first sight. He really didn't know this story, so he had to go find the secret guard and ask what the scene was like at that time.

After the emperor and empress met. I heard that both of them were very willing, but Yan Bing openly asked for good terms, while Wu Zheng just kept silent and got a big advantage.

Finally, the emperor and the empress made another betrothal gift. But they don't care about this if a pair of lovers can finally get married.

the next day. The emperor announced in the Jinluan Palace that the queen would marry Wu Zheng and Yan Bing. The wedding is scheduled to be completed in three months. After the two got married, after another three months of vacation, Wu Zheng led his wife back to the border to guard the border.

The woman Wu Zheng loves most in his heart is always an indescribably perfect woman. However, he has no fate and no qualifications to love her. Since she wanted to marry Yan Bing herself, he also tried hard to discover the good qualities of Yan Bing.

Gradually, the love in my heart turned into worship. From being interested in Yan Bing to liking him.

It's not that his emotions are changeable, but that he makes rational choices. If he chooses to be single and persists for the love in his heart, it will not only hurt himself, but also cause Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan to have an irremovable barrier in their hearts. Love is not about trying every means to possess, but to silently protect and fulfill.

Therefore, he chose to make everyone happy, abandon the love that should not be persisted, and choose to like each other. It fulfills everyone and also fulfills myself. What's more, he will only have one woman in his life, and that is Yan Bing, so he has no regrets!

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