Travel through space and help the prince’s husband in construction

Chapter 74 A noble lady comes to challenge, Yan Bing prepares for the challenge

On the afternoon of the first day, the men were in high spirits and full, and wanted to try their luck in the woods.

The hunting competition begins the next morning. In the afternoon of the first day, get familiar with the venue and explore it

A forest that I want to go to.

Social animals have a certain range of activities. Animals that drive over from the pasture are used to moving around the woods adjacent to the pasture.

And those animals that originally lived in the woods, such as wild boars and tigers, have their own territory.

It is said to be a forest here, but it is actually a very, very large area, covering several mountains, but the mountains here are not very high.

The workers mainly cleared the relatively flat part of the forest, where there were no big beasts.

But during the competition, if you want to win the top spot, you have to go deep into the mountains to find large prey. People with high martial arts skills and very skilled hunting skills will not just hunt small animals in flat areas.

In the afternoon, Wu Zheng, Li Mohan, and Yan Sheng rode into the woods with their hunting dogs and guards. They can ride horses on flat areas, but at the foot of the mountains they can only move forward on foot.

Before entering the forest, Li Mohan told Xiao Yunyan not to leave the camp. Let her be more careful and protect her father and mother.

At this time, the mastermind behind the scenes has not been found, and their goal has not been achieved. They may take advantage of this time to make some assassination moves.

Li Mohan knew that Xiao Yunyan had abilities that ordinary people could not match, and that she was full of poisons and intoxicants, so he felt that she was the safest with her beside his father, the queen, and his mother.

Wu Zheng came over specially to chat with Yan Sheng and Yan Bing for a while.

Yan Sheng persuaded his younger sister not to get along with the young ladies who came to challenge her, and to stay well in the camp.

Yan Bing said arrogantly: "I don't bother to be enemies with them. But if they want to challenge my authority, I will not admit defeat. Hunting is my strength, how could I admit defeat in front of those weak chickens?"

Wu Zheng was afraid that Yan Bing had fallen into the trap of those noble ladies.

Although he has been staying at the border and not asking about things in the capital, it does not mean that he does not understand the situation here. After all, he is also the concubine of an official family. He has experienced more things than his legitimate sons. He has experienced many conspiracies and conspiracies.

So he also advised Yan Bing to protect himself. But this little girl is really strong. She has made it clear that if someone challenges her, she will definitely accept the challenge and will beat them to pieces.

Wu Zheng was still a little worried. He gave her a bottle of each of the poisons and antidotes he brought with him. Tell her that this thing is life-saving. Once she encounters danger and cannot escape, she must first swallow an antidote and then spread the drug out. But remember, be sure to watch the wind direction. If you go against the wind direction, you will not be able to hurt the target person or animal.

Yan Bing felt Wu Zheng's care for her, and her face instantly turned red. However, she still looked fearless and said, "Brother Wu, keep this thing. You are going to hunt in the mountains, and you need this thing to protect yourself."

Wu Zheng told her that Xiao Yunyan gave him many bottles at one time at the border, and there are still many bottles left. Let her keep these two bottles for her own protection. Yan Bing accepted it and said that he would go to his cousin later to ask for some more life-saving magic weapons.

Yan Sheng and Wu Zheng were relieved. As long as Yan Bing had some more drugs on her body, I believe it would not be that easy for some people to harm her. After all, Yan Bing's martial arts skills are unrivaled among the ladies in the capital. The female overlord of the capital did not gain her fame in vain, she also fought for it along the way.

The three of them, Li Mohan, packed up their belongings and took with them the poisons, poisons and antidotes prepared by Xiao Yunyan, slingshots, short crossbows, long swords, machetes, and two large water bags each of them diluted with Lingquan ginseng water. And the forty-two steamed buns left over from lunch today went into the mountains together.

They said that if they found a suitable resting place in the mountains, they would never come back. Wait until you catch prey the next day and then come back.

After the three of them left, Yan Bing felt bored and went to his cousin's sister-in-law to ask for a life-saving magic weapon.

At this moment, several noble ladies in hunting attire ran over to look for Yan Bing. His words were full of disdain and challenge.

Yan Bing was too lazy to talk to them at first. She knew that these girls were average in riding and shooting and were no match for her.

However, he couldn't stand the deliberate provocation of these eldest ladies.

Those noble ladies said that she obviously didn't know anything about cooking, so someone must have helped her cheat. Yan Bing wanted to refute, but no one listened to what she said.

Someone suggested that if she wanted to prove her ability, she might as well go hunting together to see who could kill more animals.

They girls can hunt herbivores on the flat ground.

Yan Bing said, that's no problem, but she has to wait until tomorrow. She doesn't have time today. I have to go to my cousin sister-in-law soon to figure out what to eat tonight? No time to deal with them.

The purpose of these girls is not tonight, but waiting for tomorrow. They want Yan Bing to fall into the trap they designed in advance. I just came here to declare a challenge today, and I also wanted to arouse Yan Bing's competitive spirit so that she would not have to think about anything else.

Looking at the proud backs of these girls, Yan Bing secretly thought that these people must have bad intentions. She would not be stupid enough to face the challenges of so many people alone.

If it's just fair competition hunting, she's not afraid. However, she grew up in the capital and had been exposed to the intrigues between noble girls since she was a child. Those in the same camp unite with each other, and those on opposite sides bully each other.

Since his brother and Wu Zheng are so worried about her, he must be fully prepared.

She is not the legendary female overlord with big breasts and no brains who knows nothing except acting and rolling around.

She has been learning some military tactics from her father and brothers since she was a child. Although he is from a civil servant family, he has never slacked off in terms of martial arts. After all, it was not long after the founding of the People's Republic of China, and people paid special attention to martial arts and military strategies.

In addition, their Yan family is the queen's maternal family and has very strict requirements for future generations. Brothers and younger brothers, we must do it. We can write articles and write articles, and we can kill enemies and pacify the world with military force.

He was raised like a boy since he was a child, so his mind is not very bad.

After sending away these noble ladies, she packed up and went to find her cousin-in-law. When Xiao Yunyan saw this little cousin coming to her with a lawsuit on her face, she thought something had happened?

Before she could ask, Yan Bing chirped and told her everything that happened this afternoon. He also explained his analysis to Xiao Yunyan in detail.

Xiao Yunyan gained some new insights into this very vigilant little cousin. Sure enough, none of the children who grew up in the aristocratic circles of the capital were simple. Even though they appear to be very carefree and ignorant. In fact, the mind's eye is like a sieve.

She didn't resent Yan Bing's protective attitude, but felt more at ease.

Xiao Yunyan casually took out a few packets of poison and gave them to Yan Bing. There are also two packets of poison. This poison is very effective, but it does not cause immediate death, but severe coma.

In fact, at first, the effect was not much different from that of drug addiction. It's just that drugs are time-sensitive, but poisons are, if you don't get the antidote, no matter whether you are a human or an animal, you will be dead within two days.

Because the poison was so lethal that he would collapse upon hearing it and would die within two days if he did not receive treatment, so Xiao Yunyan asked Yan Bing to use the poison with caution. When you are in danger, just sprinkle some poison.

Xiao Yunyan felt that this little cousin had made a lot of enemies, and she was afraid that some people would plot some big conspiracy against her, so she gave her a large amount of drug, enough to charm about 2000 people.

Watching my cousin take out a bunch of bottles and cans from her small satchel like a magic trick. Yan Bing said in a rogue manner: "Cousin, I also want that little satchel of yours. I think it's inconvenient to carry things in my purse."

Xiao Yunyan also felt that this was not a big problem, but she could not redeem it from the mall in front of Yan Bing. So after emptying his satchel, he gave it to Yan Bing and said, "If you don't mind my cousin using it for a few days, you can use this first."

Yan Bing was a little embarrassed to win someone's love. Xiao Yunyan said it didn't matter. She also has the same bag, but she didn't bring it with her. You can ask your subordinates to go back to the palace to pick it up, and it will be delivered in three days.

Yan Bing was still embarrassed to bother Xiao Yunyan's men, so he made a special trip for a bag.

Xiao Yunyan pretended to be impatient and asked: "Cousin, when did you become so nagging? Just use it if you like. Why are you being polite to your cousin?"

Yan Bing didn't shirk anymore. She carried a small bag and stuffed all the bottles and jars given to her by her cousin into it. She confidently promised her cousin that she would definitely disgrace those ladies who looked down on her and deliberately belittled her. Press their raised tails and raised heads to the ground and rub them again and again.

Xiao Yunyan likes Yan Bing's sharp-edged character who dares to hate and love. I feel more and more that she is very suitable for a simple-minded general like Wu Zheng.

Xiao Yunyan sent Yan Bing away and prepared dinner immediately. In the evening, she planned to have pheasant stewed with mountain mushrooms, which was full of game and delicious. My father and mother will definitely like it.

Make three staple foods, steamed buns, flower rolls and rice. Of course, these are not only eaten by the three of them, but also by the guard maids. We can’t let them do it alone, let’s just do it together!

Xiao Yunyan asked the little maids to go into the woods and the edge of the pasture to pick mushrooms under the protection of the guards. Because a kind of white straw mushroom is abundant in the local area, you can recognize it at a glance without having to distinguish it carefully. Therefore, there is no need to worry about them picking up poisonous mushrooms.

Xiao Yunyan directed the cook to use yeast to make the dough, which was faster. By the end of the day, thirty drawers of steamed buns and rolls were about to be steaming hot. Five drawers of rice are also steamed together.

The only thing left to cook is pheasant stewed with mushrooms and a few seasonal vegetables brought from the palace.

Unexpectedly, some guards had just caught three venomous snakes. , send it over and ask the master how to deal with it?

Xiao Yunyan ordered to collect two of them and use them to make snake porridge tonight. Those who eat steamed buns and flower rolls can have some thin snake porridge with them. The other one is marinated and delicious, and the snake meat is grilled at night. There are also marinated rabbits and pheasants, and they are grilled together at night. The gall of the snake must be left to make wine.

Xiao Yunyan actively prepared dinner. She didn't know that something unexpected would happen after dinner. Fortunately, he had prepared a lot of food in advance. Otherwise, everyone may not have time to have breakfast tomorrow morning.

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