Travel through space and help the prince’s husband in construction

Chapter 685 Yuan Chen asks the King of Hell to take in lonely ghosts and becomes a drinking buddy. Y

Master Yuanchen walked on the misty clouds and came to the entrance of the underworld. He was dressed in white fairy clothes, with a solemn expression and a fairy-like aura.

He came to the Hades Palace alone and asked to see the Hades. The Hades saw that the visitor was the Taoist Qingti's senior brother, the Immortal Master Yuanchen. He immediately stood up very solemnly, greeted Master Yuanchen, offered his seat, and asked about his purpose. He stared at Master Yuanchen, with a hint of doubt in his eyes.

Master Yuanchen returned the gift and sincerely asked the King of Hell for help. He then told the King of Hell in detail about the situations of the lonely ghosts who could not enter the underworld.

These lonely ghosts cannot go directly to the underworld to live. But his voice was full of earnestness, hoping that the King of Hell could find a way to place these poor ghosts.

Master Yuanchen promised that he could provide the ghost messengers of the underworld with some spiritual materials for cultivation as a reward for the underworld to receive these lonely ghosts in advance. The ghost messengers of the underworld and the various government offices should not be allowed to work in vain.

The King of Hell sat silently at the table, tapping his fingers on the tabletop with a slightly frowned brow. He knew very well that the rules of the underworld were strict and could not be easily changed once established. However, Master Yuanchen's words made him fall into deep thought.

The rules of the underworld are meant to maintain order and fairness, but sometimes, overly strict rules can make people feel indifferent. The King of Hell couldn't help but think of what he had experienced over the years, and felt the same way about the fate of those lonely ghosts.

Finally, the King of Hell made up his mind and decided to personally lead Master Yuanchen to find a suitable place to house these ghosts. So, the two embarked on an unknown journey together.

They passed through dark passages and gloomy paths, and finally came to a desolate land, which was silent and filled with a desolate atmosphere.

Master Yuanchen silently performed mysterious magic to free the wandering ghosts from the jade pendants where they were hidden.

These souls that were nearly devoured by the Negative God have now finally found a temporary shelter under the protection of Master Yuanchen.

The King of Hell looked at everything in front of him quietly, feeling an inexplicable emotion in his heart.

He knew that Master Yuanchen not only saved these ghosts, but also saved the compassion in his heart that had long since faded.

"Master Yuanchen, thank you." The King of Hell said softly, with gratitude flashing in his eyes.

Master Yuanchen smiled slightly. He understood the King of Hell's intention. "I just did what I should do. I hope these ghosts can rest in peace."

The King of Hell nodded in agreement. He promised that if there were other similar cases in the future, they could be sent to this desolate place. Although this place was not as prosperous as the underworld, it could at least give these ghosts a place to stay.

“However, only when these ghosts’ life spans are over can they enter the prosperous areas of the underworld,” the King of Hell added.

Master Yuanchen smiled and nodded. He knew this was the best arrangement. Although these ghosts could not enjoy the prosperity of the underworld immediately, they at least had a glimmer of hope.

"That's good. I hope they can wait here with peace of mind." Master Yuanchen sighed softly and looked into the distance.

The King of Hell looked at Master Yuanchen's back and secretly felt lucky to have met such a kind and wise immortal. He knew that Master Yuanchen was not only an immortal, but also a person with great love in his heart.

The King of Hell explained to Master Yuanchen that if it was time for the ghost to reincarnate, then the time had come and he should be reincarnated.

In order to let these wandering ghosts live here peacefully, the King of Hell used his magic power to transform the city streets and shops into a living place.

In the future, the ghosts' families will offer them offerings, and they will receive them. They can live a normal life here. These ghosts have truly rested. Fortunately, they met Master Yuanchen, which is a blessing in disguise.

Master Yuanchen said to the King of Hell with a smile on his face: "I have caused a lot of trouble for you and the officials and ghost messengers of the underworld this time. I have no way to repay you. I want to send some spiritual supplies to the underworld, but I am worried that you will not be able to accept them."

The King of Hell quickly waved his hand and refused, "No! If the Emperor of Dongyue knew about this, he would probably misunderstand that I led the ghost officials to accept bribes.

We are just doing our duty. If we are punished for this, wouldn't it be worth it? "

Master Yuanchen nodded in understanding and exclaimed, "The King of Hell is honest and upright, which really makes me admire him. How about this, after I am done with this busy period, I will go to pay a visit to the Emperor of Dongyue in person and explain the whole story to him. After that, I will deliver spiritual energy and materials to the ghost messengers of the underworld and the various government offices. After all, everyone has made efforts and deserves to be rewarded."

The King of Hell smiled slightly, indicating that he did not care about the rewards, and advised Master Yuanchen not to go to so much trouble.

It is their job to capture ghosts and make proper arrangements for them. Instead, they should thank Master Yuanchen for his kindness, which has reduced the number of wandering ghosts that disturb the lives of the living.

The two men respected each other, and Master Yuanchen suddenly took out a jar of spiritual herb wine from his arms and invited King Yan and Judge Cui to taste it together. He smiled and explained: "This is just a small gathering between friends, it can't be considered a bribe."

King Yan and Judge Cui looked at the spiritual herb wine in front of them and couldn't help but feel deeply moved. They knew very well how precious this spiritual herb wine was, but Master Yuanchen's sincerity and kindness made them unable to refuse.

The King of Hell and the Judge were very moved by Master Yuanchen's affability, and the three gods drank up a small jar of spiritual herb wine together. The King of Hell and the Judge also tasted many snacks produced by Xiao Yunyan's space.

The three gods had only drunk a few glasses of wine, and apart from feeling full of spiritual energy, they were not drunk at all. Master Yuanchen asked them to meditate quickly to transform the spiritual energy in the wine. He would not disturb them, and would invite the two of them to have a few drinks together the next time he sent ghosts over.

The King of Hell and the Judge expressed their gratitude to Master Yuanchen. They knew how precious this spiritual herb wine was to practitioners. Master Yuanchen actually gave them such a precious thing. This friendship was really rare.

Master Yuanchen smiled and told them that they were welcome, saying that he still had some things to deal with, and then he left the underworld, leaving the King of Hell and the judge to continue tasting the magical herbal wine.

The King of Hell and the Judge were both well-informed people, but they were also greatly shocked by such precious spiritual wine! They were even more grateful to Master Yuanchen. It was so rare to be able to drink this kind of treasure that was hard to find on the ground and in the sky! They had deeply understood Master Yuanchen's intentions.

The two did not exchange many pleasantries, but only expressed their expectation to meet again and drink wine together again. Master Yuanchen smiled and nodded, indicating that there would definitely be a chance.

After Master Yuanchen returned to his room, he immediately discussed the next course of action with the Taoist Saint. After some discussion, they decided to rest for a night and then fly back to China directly in public the next morning.

However, just as they were about to take off from the island country, the great gods on the negative side seemed to have sensed something and still could not believe that the two cultivators had really left.

They became extremely cautious, realizing that they might be targeted, so they chose to hide temporarily and wait for the opportunity.

Although these negative gods did not know the identities of Master Yuanchen and the Taoist Saint, they sensed danger from their previous actions. They knew that they had to be careful and not expose their whereabouts easily.

Just like that, the originally active negative gods suddenly disappeared, as if they had evaporated from the face of the earth. They no longer appeared as frequently as before, but hid in the dark, quietly observing the situation.

At the same time, Master Yuanchen and the Taoist Saint Lady did not give up the pursuit. They obtained intelligence through various channels, and based on the information provided by Xiao Yunyan, they determined the places where those negative Fang gods often appeared.

Afterwards, they quietly returned to the island country and began to investigate secretly. Although those negative gods hid very deeply, Master Yuanchen and the Taoist Saint Lady firmly believed that as long as they waited patiently, they would be able to find clues and catch them all.

A few days later, those negative people appeared again. This time, a shocking thing happened again at a scenic spot - many tourists fell into the sea!

Master Yuanchen and the Taoist Saint Lady concealed their auras and carefully sensed the situation around them. They were surprised to find that those negative gods were hiding nearby, quietly waiting for the death of tourists. Once someone died, they would immediately rush forward to snatch the ghost.

Master Yuanchen and the Taoist Saint could not bear to see these young lives fall before their eyes and become pitiful wandering ghosts. So, they quietly cast spells to help those who tried to commit suicide escape from danger. However, all this did not escape the eyes of those negative gods.

As time went by, the tourists gradually became aware of the eerie atmosphere. The originally bustling scenic area became unusually quiet, with only the faint sound of the wind and people's nervous breathing. It felt as if the whole world was shrouded in a layer of eerie shadow.

This strange atmosphere caused the tourists to panic and everyone fled the scene. The negative gods hid in the dark and continued to stare at the remaining people.

The existence of the gods made ordinary people feel an inexplicable oppression and fear. This feeling was like an invisible force that made people breathless. It seemed that as long as they relaxed their vigilance, the cold breath and ghosts would rush out from some corner.

Faced with this situation, Master Yuanchen and the Taoist Saint realized that they had to take action.

The darkness at this moment is full of mystery and uncertainty. Perhaps the gods are planning a new conspiracy, or perhaps they are waiting for the right time to give their opponents a fatal blow.

They sensed that two mysterious figures were nearby. They were ready to strike out in unison, aiming to capture Master Yuanchen and the Taoist Saint Lady in one fell swoop.

They did not dare to relax at all and vigilantly observed the movements around them, fearing to miss any subtle clues.

However, no one can predict what Master Yuanchen and the Taoist Saint are thinking and what their next move will be.

The seemingly peaceful scenic spot has actually been shrouded and intimidated by these two invisible and intangible auras. They are like two sharp swords hanging high above the head, which may fall at any time and deal a fatal blow to people.

It was only when Master Yuanchen and the Taoist Saint Lady concealed their auras again that the gods on the negative side relaxed their vigilance. They thought that the two strange cultivators from outside sensed their large numbers and were scared away.

The tourists, who had just been upset and frightened by the depressing scene, felt that the atmosphere around them suddenly became normal and were no longer afraid.

But they didn't want to stay here for too long, and left the scenic spot one after another, leaving only a few tourists who wanted to jump into the sea.

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