Xiao Yunyan quickly peeled off the black python skin and put it into the space. This is a good thing for making armor. Armor that can resist magic attacks is a treasure that many gods like to collect.

Those who practice cultivation are even more eager for it. As long as two scales are made into a heart-protecting mirror, they can resist the enemy's fatal attack.

When Xiao Yunyan is free, she plans to use this huge python skin to make a set of protective armor for each of the children.

The remaining python flesh and blood was given to the monsters as food. Xiao Yunyan asked them to divide it equally.

The monsters rushed forward and began to eat the black python's flesh and blood. Soon, the black python was reduced to a skeleton. The monsters immediately found a place to meditate and absorbed the large amount of spiritual energy in the python's flesh.

Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan watched this scene with a lot of emotion in their hearts. This python had cultivated for no less than two or three thousand years, and just turned into a pile of bones.

However, Xiao Yunyan also put the skeleton into the space.

Because this python bone is a good traditional Chinese medicine, it can strengthen the tendons and bones. When used to soak in spiritual spring water or medicinal wine, the effect is particularly good.

Xiao Yunyan planned to cut these bones into small pieces and soak them with other Chinese medicines to make a magical wine that could strengthen the tendons and bones.

Older people in the world can drink this kind of wine, the smallest kind from a small wine cup, one cup a day, for ten days in a row and their muscles and bones will be strengthened.

The old gods in heaven drink this kind of wine, which can also make them strong and healthy. Their bodies will not easily suffer from the five signs of decline. Unless their mind is covered with dust, it is not a problem that can be solved by spiritual wine, so it is another matter.

Xiao Yunyan's actions made the ancient god behind her scream in anger. This little girl was so annoying.

The Qilin Python was a special beast that he had personally trained. Ordinary magic attacks were simply incapable of dealing with it.

That was the pet he had trained after three thousand years of careful cultivation. This pet was in tune with his mind and could appear in front of any target he attacked at any time.

This pet can attack the enemy according to his thoughts. So he can hide behind and use the negative energy and this Qilin python to hit all the enemies.

But this time, his beloved pet was directly dismembered by the two little kids, Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan.

The flesh and blood of this Qilin python was also a good spiritual medicine, but those stupid monsters took advantage of it. The most precious scales and bones were taken away by Xiao Yunyan.

This was the treasure he had cultivated, but in the end he got nothing. This made him so angry that he quickly took back the soul of the Qilin Python.

Although the Qilin Python has no body, its soul is connected to his mind.

All you need to do is train a giant python and let it take over its body, inject the soul of the Qilin Python into the body of that python, and then train it for a few decades, and the Qilin Python will be able to perform the mission again.

But he didn't want to let Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan get away with it, so he had to get it back. Now that his identity was hidden, he could use his public identity to ask Xiao Yunyan for the spirit wine and elixir.

So the ancient god quietly looked around to see if there was anyone watching the border outside.

As a result, he found that the eldest disciple of Emperor Hunyuan was stupidly probing around his barrier, while the cunning Taoist Saint was already trying to break his barrier.

The ancient god does not want to reveal his identity. After working hard for so many years, he cannot let his efforts go to waste and must keep it stable.

So the ancient god immediately collected all the negative energy in the barrier, and now there was no trace of energy left in it.

Of course, his body was also turned into nothingness, and after he left the barrier, Master Yuanchen did not notice that a hidden ancient god had passed by him.

While the Saint Lady of Taoism was trying to find a way to open the barrier silently, she discovered the fluctuations of spiritual energy at the barrier.

The fluctuation lasted only for a moment, and then it returned to calm.

The two felt the energy in the barrier again, but found that there should be no energy. There was no fluctuation. The Saint said to Master Yuanchen, let's leave for now, there is no need to explore here anymore.

Master Yuanchen didn't understand at first, but when he felt that there was no energy or spiritual power in the barrier, he thought that the ancient god must have taken back the energy inside, and just now, when the barrier was violently fluctuating, the ancient god should have left.

Those ancient gods with high cultivation levels were really not someone they could capture easily, so he and the Taoist Saint Lady only came to investigate the situation, and did not dare to really fight with the ancient god. Otherwise, once they were injured by the other party, their cultivation would be greatly damaged.

And it is very likely that there is no way to verify who hurt them. The Taoist Saint and Master Yuanchen searched again in Tianwaitian, but did not find any suspicious signs. So they could only go back and report what happened to Emperor Hunyuan.

Emperor Hunyuan also felt that this ancient god was not simple. Ziwei, who was listening to the story, also frowned. He expressed his guess.

"Emperor, let me tell you what I think. Let's see if it makes sense.

I think that an ancient god who could possess such magical powers must have been good at training pets.

At the same time, he may be an ancient god with a strange personality and a very evil nature.

Emperor, do you think we should change the direction of our search? I don’t think we should look for it among the ancient gods who have normal identities.

Some of the Five Decaying Gods with extremely strong magical powers have entered the six realms of reincarnation for a long time. However, they do not necessarily return to the heavens through normal cultivation. Instead, they are quietly reborn in the form of souls, attached to a certain newly promoted god.

On weekdays, if he collected all his energy and spiritual power and did not interfere with the actions of the possessed immortal, everything would be normal.

But when he needs to use the body of a god to do something, he can make the soul of the god sleep, and then he can control the body of the god.

If he doesn't need his body, he can use his soul to hide anywhere. His cultivation is too high, so if we don't pay attention, we won't be able to find his whereabouts."

Master Ziwei's words made everyone fall into deep thought. Emperor Hunyuan nodded slightly, indicating that he approved of Master Ziwei's conjecture.

"If that's the case, then finding this ancient god will be as difficult as finding a needle in a haystack." The Taoist Saint sighed.

Master Yuanchen suggested: "Why don't we start with those newly promoted immortals who have abnormal behavior, maybe we can find some clues."

Everyone agreed and decided to conduct an investigation in this direction.

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