Travel through space and help the prince’s husband in construction

Chapter 672 Qingchen is grateful for the gift and attention from his uncle. The four of them formula

Qingchen's eyes, which had just been filled with stars, were now filled with tears. He solemnly bowed to Taoist Qingti, Xiao Yunyan, and Li Mohan.

This was the first time that the child had his own value affirmed since he was old enough to understand things. Although Taoist Qingti had just comforted him.

However, the young Taoist priest was a clear-headed and insightful person. Although he was young, he was also an old hand who followed his master to catch ghosts and eliminate monsters.

During their time of fighting demons and defending the Way, the master and disciple had come into contact with all kinds of human life. He was not an ignorant child, but a man of the world who had seen all kinds of ugliness and calculations in the world. However, he was devoted to practicing the Way with his master, and his mind was pure and not polluted at all.

But he knew that his future new master loved him very much. In the past few days, he did not restrain his temper. However, the new master not only did not blame him, but also tried his best to meet all his requests, always looking at him with a warm and doting look.

This feeling of happiness made Qingchen feel extremely regretful. Why didn't he practice harder before? Then maybe he could meet a new master earlier.

But it's not too late now. He is only twelve years and four months old. There is still a long way to go.

As long as the new master doesn't mind that he is good at eating but useless, he will stick to the new master and won't leave.

Furthermore, these two uncles who had just met actually gave him so many precious gifts. They also prepared enough food for his former master to last for three years. They also provided enough spiritual energy and materials for his former master to practice for a year. This was really generous.

What moved him most was that the beautiful uncle said that his salary was 100 taels of silver a year. That was the total income of his former master for five months. He was no longer the "freeloader" in his master's words.

The child's tears made Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan feel sad, and it also burned Taoist Qingti's heart. He didn't know how to treat this only little fairy servant.

Qingti thought that the child might have lived in poverty in the past, and his body was very thin, which reminded him of his younger brothers and sisters when they were young. At that time, the irresponsible father spent all the money on eating, drinking and gambling.

If my mother discussed with him about leaving some money for the children, she would be beaten. The family often ran out of food, so my mother could only go out to do embroidery work for others to earn a few copper coins to buy some rice porridge for the children.

When the mother was not home, the young Qingti stayed at home to look after the younger brothers and sisters. The brothers and sisters were so hungry that they were weak and always cried and whispered: "Brother, I am hungry, when will mother come back?"

The aggrieved looks of his young and frail brothers and sisters have always been engraved in his heart. Thousands of years have passed, but he still can't forget it. Whenever he thinks of those poor and sad days, he always feels deeply regretful.

Now, he couldn't bear to see Qingchen's aggrieved look. As long as he asked him for food, he would rather not eat it himself and save it for him.

Doing this seems to make up for the regrets that could not be made up for in the past; it also seems to not want to leave any regrets on the apprentice.

In the end, Qingti was a little confused about his feelings towards Qingchen. Are they master and servant, teacher and apprentice, brother and sister, or something else?

If you don't understand, don't think about it. Life is long, so for this little apprentice who is always hungry, just spoil him for now. If you can't teach him well, ask the master to help teach him. This child has a good character and will not be spoiled by him.

After Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan delivered the gifts, they saw the evil spirits far away from the barrier with confused and desperate looks in their eyes.

Xiao Yunyan opened her Yin-Yang eyes and found out that these evil ghosts had been dead for many years. In the long years, they had no relatives on earth to offer sacrifices and worship to them. They struggled hard in hell and endured endless torture every day. They could not see the future or hope. Therefore, they always wanted to run away, find their former families, and seek freedom.

However, most of the evil spirits don't know what to do after they escape, and they just go with the flow.

Some evil ghosts even just want to experience what it feels like to have a delicious and full meal?

Such evil spirits from hell have forgotten hatred, scheming, cruelty... and the things that have caused their faith to collapse in the painful torture day after day.

They don't know the meaning of their souls' existence every day. Is it that they are being punished painfully over and over again?

Once the evil spirits who cannot see the end, the light, or a bright future are bewitched by some force, they will rush to break through their current painful situation at all costs.

Xiao Yunyan shared this experience with her second senior brother and Li Mohan.

Taoist Qingti said: "What Junior Sister said is basically true. They are atonement for the sins they have committed. No one can escape."

Xiao Yunyan asked the second senior brother: "Second senior brother, can you give them a glimmer of hope during this long and painful punishment? Inspire them to yearn for a better future?"

Li Mohan thought for a moment and replied, "We can try. But we need to understand their needs first, and then give them hope in a targeted manner."

Xiao Yunyan nodded in agreement. "For example, for those evil spirits who are eager for a good meal, you can tell them that if they perform well during the atonement process and if they perform well within half a month, they will be rewarded with a delicious meal."

Xiao Yunyan said: "Those homesick ghosts who are eager to see their hometown in their previous life can be granted the right to return to their hometown once every July 15th if they behave well.

To ensure they return in time, tracking charms are placed on them. If they do not return, they will be arrested by the Black and White Impermanence.

If they return in time and do no evil in the human world, they will be rewarded with a delicious meal. "

Taoist Qingti added: "Or let them believe that as long as they work hard, the sins they have committed can be repaid in the end, and they will be liberated.

During this process, there are always small rewards to constantly encourage them to endure the painful process of atonement. "

Taoist Qingchen, who was listening to the three people's conversation, also expressed his thoughts: "Some evil ghosts miss their relatives in their previous lives and want to know how their relatives are doing now?

Why not give the evil spirits a reward? If they meet the standard, they can see the actual situation of their loved ones now. "

Everyone brainstormed and came up with more than a dozen forms of rewards that might rekindle hope for the evil spirits in hell.

These include not only the rewards mentioned above, but also rewards that all ghosts like, such as new clothes, paper money, gold and silver ingots, as well as gold and silver vaults to store their belongings.

Although they are made of paper, they are imaginary to humans, but to ghosts, they are real wealth.

Taoist Qingti decided to give it a try, so he sent a copy of the plan to the King of Hell, asking him and the judge to study whether it was feasible and whether there were any changes that needed to be made.

The King of Hell replied that he had no objection to the other points except for one point that needed further discussion.

Some of the evil ghosts in hell are so powerful that it may be easier to allow them to return home than to catch them.

The Black and White Impermanence are very busy on weekdays. The Mid-Autumn Festival is even busier.

The ghosts were released and had a night of freedom, but some evil ghosts took the opportunity to take revenge on those who had grudges against them. The Black and White Impermanence were also busy catching the ghosts who came to the human world to do evil.

Therefore, the Black and White Impermanence really do not have that much spare time and energy to carry out these extra difficult tasks!

This is indeed a difficult problem. However, when the young Taoist priest Qingchen learned about this problem, he said, "Master, I will help you guard the barrier of hell. If any evil ghost dares not to return in time, or dares to do evil in the human world, you can personally catch them and throw them into hell to punish them severely!"

Li Mohan listened to the young Taoist priest assigning Qingti tasks as if it was a matter of course, so he wanted to tease him.

"You, a little fairy servant, are an apprentice, but you are ordering your master to do things. Why don't you go and catch the evil ghosts, but instead hide away and be lazy?"

Qingchen explained earnestly, "Uncle Junior, you don't know that I am a recognized ghost exorcist in my sect. When they asked me to catch ghosts, they ran away before I even got close."

Li Mohan believed what he said, because he had helped Taoist Qingti guard the hell barrier for a period of time in hell, and it had never been as peaceful as it was now.

The evil spirits in hell were now cautiously staying away from the barrier. It was as if there was something so terrifying that they dared not approach. The evil spirits that had been attacking the barrier crazily only dared to take a look at this side from a distance occasionally.

In fact, Qingchen's suggestion was the most appropriate. If Taoist Qingti could be assured of the situation in hell, it would be most efficient for him to go out and catch those unruly evil ghosts.

Taoist Qingti thought Qingchen's proposal made a lot of sense. Since he wanted to make some changes, this task should naturally be undertaken by him, and he should not add extra tasks to the ghost messenger and the Black and White Impermanence.

Thus, the plan was basically finalized. Qingti cast a spell to pass this information to the evil spirits in hell.

After the evil ghosts received the news, light gradually flashed in their originally confused eyes, as if they had found their target.

Because they were not sure whether this was true, some brave ghost generals ran to a place not far from the barrier and asked whether the information everyone had just received was true.

Taoist Qingti used magic to display the content of the reward and the standard to be achieved in the form of flashing words in the air above each layer of hell. This light curtain will always exist, and the rewards on it will always motivate these evil spirits.

The evil ghosts who have a goal are no longer confused. Now that they have a goal, they can calmly accept the repeated painful punishment.

They understand that if they resist they will be punished more severely. If they do not resist and repay the karmic debts of their previous lives, they will not only be able to escape from hell early but also receive many other small rewards.

Since they couldn't escape the punishment anyway, they might as well face it positively. Therefore, the evil ghosts began to accept the punishment calmly, looking forward to their first reward. They also looked forward to a better future.

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