Travel through space and help the prince’s husband in construction

Chapter 658: The three brothers and sisters act separately, Yuan Chen takes two monsters to explore

The three brothers and sisters were preparing to go explore the habitats of other ancient beasts. At this time, some monsters showed extreme loyalty to the three gods and were eager to become their guides.

In view of the active help of the monsters, the three brothers and sisters decided to give these monsters who took the initiative to do good deeds a chance to make achievements. So, they each led a few monsters who were very familiar with the internal terrain of Taixu Heavenly Prison and quietly launched a reconnaissance operation.

Before setting off, the three agreed with each other that no matter what kind of dangerous situation they encountered, they must call for the other two to support them in time. Since Master Yuanchen could not enter Xiao Yunyan's space, Xiao Yunyan specially prepared a large number of stiffness talismans, immobilization talismans, and the most powerful thunder talismans for the eldest brother.

Master Yuanchen was touched and helpless by the fact that his junior sister was so worried. After all, as a deity, even if he might not be able to easily defeat an ancient beast, he would not be worried about his life.

As we all know, gods and immortals all possess unique skills and spells. Otherwise, how could they be promoted to the god and immortal ranks?

The younger junior sister was extremely generous to him and the second junior brother, and supported them generously in terms of spiritual supplies, food, talismans, and elixirs, for fear that they would encounter danger during the fierce battles with monsters and evil spirits.

To have a little sister who cares about you so much is truly a lucky thing that is envied by many gods!

At this time, Master Yuanchen, who had already filled his storage bag, said goodbye to his junior brothers and sisters with a smile, and went deep into the forest with the two monsters to look for the giant spider.

The two monsters acted as guides. At first, they moved very fast, but when they approached the edge of the forest, they slowed down at the same time. At this moment, they seemed to be particularly cautious.

The bodies of these two demon beasts were as tall as five meters, and their bodies were quite huge. However, in the Taixu Heavenly Prison, the trees here were towering into the sky, generally more than twenty meters high, and even giant trees over a hundred meters high were not uncommon. Therefore, when they walked in the forest, they would not be easily exposed due to their height.

However, the dense undergrowth growing between the trees made it somewhat difficult for their large bodies to enter.

When they entered the forest, every step they took would make noises because they trampled down the bushes. Moreover, if two monsters and Master Yuanchen entered the forest together, it would definitely alarm the small animals nearby.

One of the monsters said to Master Yuanchen, “Every time we come to the forest to forage for food or find spiritual fruits, we need to travel in groups and carry all kinds of weapons and equipment.

If you don't make these preparations, once you encounter a giant spider spinning a web to hunt you, you won't be able to fight it off with just your limited number of companions."

Master Yuanchen asked curiously, "How big is this giant spider? In addition to using spider webs to attack, does it have any other special skills?"

The other monster showed a bit of fear on its face, and replied tremblingly: "The size of that big spider is almost three times my size.

Its most powerful attack method is not the spider web, but the deadly venom in its mouth. In addition, its shell, which is harder than copper and iron, gives it an impeccable defense. In addition, it has its own weapons, and the barbs on its feet are sharper than saw teeth.

The more its prey struggles, the more firmly it will be stuck.

When the prey has exhausted its strength, the giant spider will use its sharp teeth and claws to cruelly devour the prey alive and dismember it. Then, it will swallow and chew the prey with its huge mouthparts.

As far as I know, almost no prey targeted by the giant spider escapes intact."

Master Yuanchen gradually understood why the two monsters became more timid and cautious the deeper they went into the forest.

Perhaps in their eyes, the number of companions coming this time was too few. Apart from each other, the only one left was the immortal Yuanchen.

However, how strong is Master Yuanchen's attack power? Are the spells he casts sophisticated enough? The two monsters also know very little about these questions.

As for whether they can withstand the fierce and fierce attack of the giant spider, it is an unknown factor full of suspense.

Therefore, Master Yuanchen decided to let the two monsters follow closely behind him. In this way, if they were attacked, at least the two monsters would have a chance to escape.

After hearing this arrangement, the two monsters seemed to become a little braver.

But they feel embarrassed to walk directly behind the gods and rely on them to protect themselves.

One of the monsters patted his chest and vowed that as the master's guide, it was natural for him to rush to the front to explore the way.

Master Yuanchen couldn't help but secretly sigh that these two monsters indeed possessed very good professional qualities.

Although their hearts were filled with fear, they still firmly chose to lead the way carefully in front.

After all, there are many sinister and cunning traps hidden in this forest, and if you are not careful, you will fall into an irretrievable situation. Not only are there traps set by giant spiders, but there are also hunting traps set by monsters.

If Master Yuanchen came to this forest alone to explore, he would not be so cautious. He might just fly over the treetops and quickly lock onto the target.

However, the two monsters said that if they adopted this method, the spiders would quickly notice their arrival.

Although they were very afraid of sudden attacks from spiders, if the giant spiders knew that the immortals had arrived, they would hide and this exploration would be in vain.

Therefore, these two monsters were not only worried about being attacked by the giant spider, but they were also afraid that the identity of Master Yuanchen would be exposed too early, causing the giant spider to hide.

The giant spider has many descendants, and spiders of various sizes have woven a tight intelligence network in this forest. Whenever a monster enters the forest, the giant spider can quickly detect it.

However, at this time they were moving through the woods, searching for food like ordinary monsters, and did not arouse the other party's vigilance.

But who can say for sure? Maybe the giant spider wants to change its taste recently and will take the initiative to attack them.

In this way, Master Yuanchen will have the opportunity to meet the giant spider and learn about its specific situation.

Master Yuanchen understood from the descriptions of the two monsters that if he wanted to obtain information without letting the other party know, he could only use the power of space.

Unfortunately, he did not master this ability, so he could only choose to confront head-on.

Master Yuanchen has made up his mind that if this giant spider really committed many evil deeds, it would hunt the monsters as its prey and even attack the three of them.

Then he would never show mercy, nor would he worry about whether his identity would be exposed. He would directly attack the giant spider, capture it, and hand it over to his master for disposal.

If he couldn't defeat the giant spider, he would at least ensure that the two monsters could evacuate safely. Then he would contact his fellow apprentices to devise other plans for capturing them.

After entering the forest, the road ahead became extremely difficult. Fortunately, the two monsters were quite familiar with the route and did not encounter any danger.

However, Yuanchen Jonin noticed that the trees along the way were covered with a large number of spiders, and spider webs were everywhere.

Ordinary spiders are as big as bowls, and some are as big as pot lids. Along the way, spider webs are everywhere, and once they stick to hair or clothes, they are extremely difficult to tear off.

So they broke off a branch and cleared the spider webs as they went.

When they went about two hundred meters deep into the forest, they saw a wild boar tightly entangled in a huge spider web.

The wild boar used its tusks to bite desperately, trying to break free, but the spider web was all-encompassing, and the silk was thick and sticky.

Faced with such a huge spider web, the wild boar seemed to be trapped in an inescapable cage. It wailed, hoping to be rescued by its companions.

Then, the wild boars nearby heard its miserable howl and did not dare to act rashly, but just watched nearby.

Master Yuanchen did not rescue the wild boar either, because monsters hunting animals is a normal food chain in Taixu Heavenly Prison.

Wild boars are carnivorous animals that can be hunted by monsters. Since the wild boar has fallen into the spider's trap, it will soon become the spider's food.

If Master Yuanshen released the giant spider's food, it would not be an exaggeration for the giant spider to regard him as an enemy.

Not far away, Master Yuanchen stood quietly under a big tree, his eyes fixed on the wild boar.

This wild boar looks huge and its body is covered with spider webs. It is obvious that it is at a disadvantage in the competition for survival.

A trace of pity welled up in Master Yuanchen's heart, but he understood that the laws of survival in nature are cruel.

He knew that if he intervened, the wild boar might be helped temporarily, but it would not escape the hunting of the monsters. Just now, the wild boar struggled frantically to escape the cage. It had already consumed most of its energy. If the big spider wanted to eat it, the wild boar would eventually find it difficult to survive in this forest.

He watched the wild boar silently, thinking in his heart, and he realized that every life has its own trajectory and challenges, and these experiences are also part of their growth and evolution.

Although he sympathized with the wild boar's plight, he respected the laws of nature more.

Master Yuanchen turned and left, his steps light but firm. He understood that his duty was to comprehend the true meaning of Tao through practice, not to change the laws of nature.

He believes that whether it is wild boars or other creatures, they all have their own unique way of survival and value.

As Master Yuanchen left, the two monsters gave up the idea of ​​eating the wild boar. Not only was the wild boar covered with spider webs, they did not dare to touch it easily.

More importantly, although Master Yuanchen showed pity for the wild boar in his eyes just now, he left quietly, choosing to let the wild boar become food for the giant spider.

So they couldn't anger the giant spider for the sake of a wild boar and affect the operation.

Away from the wild boar, the surrounding forest returned to peace. The wild boar continued to struggle for survival. Perhaps it could redeem itself and escape from the entanglement of the spider web.

Perhaps its tribe can help it escape and find its own way to survive. However, Master Yuanchen and the two monsters have to face unknown risks in the depths of the forest.

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