Travel through space and help the prince’s husband in construction

Chapter 641: The monkey world is strictly hierarchical, female monkeys dare not eat meat, Xiao Yunya

These little monkeys were filled with gratitude towards Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan.

Although the monkeys were a little drunk, they became extremely excited and their movements became more agile and quicker due to the absorption of spiritual energy.

Five monkeys happily rushed into the woods. After about two quarters of an hour, they came back with five adult female monkeys.

Xiao Yunyan stared at the five skinny female monkeys, and a trace of pity arose in her heart involuntarily.

These female monkeys are skinny and emaciated, obviously the result of long-term hunger. Their eyes reveal despair and fatigue, as if telling the hardship of survival.

When the baby monkeys were young, the mother monkeys ignored their own hunger and did their best to feed their children.

They use their dry breasts to feed the baby monkeys, which consumes a lot of energy for their bodies, but it is difficult for them to get enough food to replenish their energy.

The mother monkeys silently endured the torture of hunger and made great efforts for the survival of their children.

They search for food everywhere in the barren mountains and forests, but often can only find some meager fruits or young leaves.

Every time they find food, the mother monkey always lets the little monkey eat first while she endures hunger.

Their bodies are getting thinner and their fur is losing its luster, but they still hold on and protect their children.

In this difficult living environment, the mother monkeys showed the greatness of maternal love and tenacious vitality. Their persistence and dedication are touching, but also make people worry about their fate.

Fortunately, it is autumn now and food is relatively abundant. If it were other seasons, these female monkeys would probably be even more skinny and haggard.

In this peaceful forest, Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan approached the little monkeys cautiously, with smiles on their faces and friendly eyes. They gently waved their arms, sending warm signals to the little monkeys.

The little monkeys had felt the kindness and care of humans here before, so the female monkeys did not show too much vigilance towards Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan's approach. They looked at the two strangers curiously, with curiosity flashing in their eyes.

Xiao Yunyan slowly squatted down, took out some fresh fruits from her backpack, and gently handed them to the little monkeys. Li Mohan gently stroked the head of a little monkey, as if conveying his kindness to them.

The female monkeys watched all this quietly, trust and kindness gradually revealed in their eyes.

They began to approach Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan, accepted their gifts, and expressed their gratitude in their own way.

At this moment, the distance between humans and animals was shortened, and an atmosphere of harmony and beauty filled the air.

Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan deeply felt the innocence and cuteness of the little monkeys, and the little monkeys also truly felt the warmth and love exuded by these two kind humans.

The female monkeys naturally did not come empty-handed. On the way, they learned that the two kind-hearted people had a special liking for mushrooms, so they carefully searched for them along the way.

The monkeys' hard work paid off, and they successfully found four extremely precious Hericium erinaceus, in addition to several piles of fresh hazel mushrooms.

Xiao Yunyan expressed her deep gratitude for bringing them so many precious mushrooms, and without hesitation, she took out the roast beef and some roast fish that had been cut long ago, handed them to them enthusiastically, and urged them to enjoy the food quickly.

However, facing the tempting food, none of the five female monkeys dared to reach out to take it. They just stood there quietly, motionless, staring at the food. Then, they began to communicate in their unique monkey language.

What was surprising was that Xiao Yunyan seemed to have magical powers and miraculously understood what the monkeys said.

It turns out that these monkeys find these foods extremely delicious, but they dare not enjoy them easily.

They are filled with fear, worrying that once they eat this tempting meat, they will emit a unique scent.

If the monkey king smelled this special smell, he would definitely blame them for finding such a wonderful food and not offering it to the monkey king and the queen first, but tasting it secretly instead. At that time, the monkey king would be extremely angry and would definitely punish them severely.

Xiao Yunyan widened her eyes with an expression of disbelief on her face. She really couldn't believe what she had just heard!

In the monkey world, the hierarchy is exactly the same as that in human society, and it can even be said to be much more complicated than that in human society!

The world of monkeys seems to be a more distinct hierarchical society, with strict order and clear class divisions.

Even if those monkeys who were extremely hungry found food, they would never dare to taste it easily. Instead, they had to respectfully offer the food to the Monkey King and Queen before they could enjoy it.

When Xiao Yunyan saw this scene, she couldn't help but feel pity in her heart. She quickly comforted the monkeys and told them not to worry or be afraid.

After the monkeys have finished eating the delicious meat, they can rest here for a while. After a while, when the food is almost digested, they can go to the forest to pick some sweet and delicious fruits to eat.

In this way, the remaining meat smell in the mouth can be covered up and the smell on the body will gradually dissipate.

Then, the monkeys happily returned to the tribe with fresh and juicy fruits and presented them to the monkey king and queen. In this way, they no longer had to worry about being punished for being away from the group for too long.

These female monkeys were surprised to find that Xiao Yunyan could not only understand their language, but could even communicate with them through willpower. Their hearts were filled with novelty and joy.

The female monkeys became more respectful to Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan, and obediently accepted the proposal made by Xiao Yunyan.

At this moment, five female monkeys were seen sharing the delicious food given by Xiao Yunyan in an orderly manner.

However, Xiao Yunyan did not provide wine to the female monkeys. She knew very well that if these female monkeys showed signs of drunkenness after drinking a little wine like the little monkeys did, once the monkey king found out, the five pairs of monkeys would definitely face extremely serious consequences. If things went wrong, they would even be expelled from the entire monkey group.

It should be understood that for monkeys that lose the protection of the monkey group, life will become extremely difficult. They are likely to become targets of attack by natural enemies and lose their precious lives.

Xiao Yunyan does not want to interfere too much with the hierarchical order of the animal world. She hopes that nature can maintain its original balance.

Unlike the little monkeys, these female monkeys were particularly obedient to the rules. They only ate two pieces of steak and about a pound of fish and then stopped eating.

There was still a lot of food left over that she had specially prepared for them.

Xiao Yunyan asked them doubtfully whether they were full. If not, they could enjoy the remaining food without being restrained.

Faced with the tempting food, the monkeys' eyes revealed desire, but they still struggled to suppress their inner impulse and shook their heads firmly.

Then, they conveyed their thoughts to Xiao Yunyan.

It turned out that they planned to hide the food and save it for their children for the next meal.

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