Travel through space and help the prince’s husband in construction

Chapter 632: The medical team’s level improved rapidly, but they were feared by the dark forces and

Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan went to other countries to provide free medical treatment. Young doctors and old professors who graduated from medical schools traveled around and treated the people everywhere.

At the same time, they also taught people a way to prevent diseases, which was to add tea leaves when drinking water or boiling milk.

The common people did not understand, so the young doctors went to the places where the crowds gathered and explained to everyone that it was because of their bad eating habits that the body was prone to disease. Among all the conditioning and treatment options, adding tea to food was the simplest and most effective way to prevent disease.

Although the common people understood, there were few places selling tea in Qingmuchuan. Only the elegant people with status would make a cup of tea when entertaining guests at home to show their good taste. The common people did not have the habit of drinking tea.

This problem is easy to solve. Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan's shops sell tea of ​​various grades. They just need to transfer the goods over. If there are shops, they can sell it there. If there are no shops, they can temporarily sell it in the affordable granary.

In the future, if other businesses see the potential of the market and join this business, Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan will no longer participate in the competition of this low-end product. They just wanted to provide tea to the local people in a short period of time, but they didn't want to make money.

Cultivation. A strange market requires a lot of investment. Xiao Yunyan wants her shop to be a pioneer in cultivating the tea drinking habit of the people of Qingmuchuan.

Once the market is developed, high profits will naturally attract most merchants to add tea, the most common daily consumer product, to their businesses.

Things originally went very smoothly, but the dark forces hidden within Qingmuchuan did not stop there.

They saw that medical schools have produced so many young doctors. Not a good thing for them.

Only the more backward the medical treatment is, the more capable they will be of controlling the people and the powerful.

Now the medical level in Qingmuchuan is improving rapidly. They want to stop this momentum. Just make a fuss about young doctors.

Because they have no experience, they just provide free medical services to the people under the guidance of professors and accumulate experience. If some "medical accidents" suddenly occur in this process, these young doctors will inevitably be despised or even criticized by the people under the instigation of some people with ulterior motives.

In this way, their future medical practice will be hindered or even interrupted. This is exactly the result that the dark forces want to see.

Because the dark forces are all cultivators or Gu masters, sorcerers and the like, they all have various dark means to harm people. When those young doctors encounter these people trying to trip them up, they probably can't escape.

However, this was already within the expectations of Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan. So they made preparations in advance to let an old professor with decades of medical experience lead the team to avoid misdiagnosis.

In addition, every free medical team has two guards with strong martial arts skills and high vigilance to protect their safety.

They are dressed in exquisite armor, holding sharp weapons, exuding a majestic aura. They always maintain order around the medical team and prevent evildoers from causing damage.

And secretly, each medical team is secretly protected by Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan’s two cultivator brothers, who are like invisible guardians.

During the day, they hid among the people, always paying attention to the movements around the medical team.

At night, they wear light night clothes, walk lightly, and move through the shadows like ghosts.

They patrolled around the town where the medical team stayed at the inn. Check to see if there are any evildoers. It just so happens that the long night is boring, so take the opportunity to eliminate these evildoers.

Their eyes are as sharp as an eagle's. They always pay attention to the movements around them and never miss any suspicious signs.

These young doctors and old professors are under protection. They may be talking, or they may be focusing on the discussion and research of a certain medical case.

Their expressions were focused and determined, as if they didn't care about the potential danger.

Because they know that they are safe with the protection of the guards and cultivators.

The atmosphere in each medical team is very relaxed and calm. In fact, the guards on the surface and the cultivators secretly were always vigilant, forming a solid line of defense. Together, they guard the members of the medical team and the people being treated, preventing the black hands of the dark forces from reaching out to them.

Recently, the people who were diagnosed and prescribed pills by the medical team suddenly developed various discomforts. Some had vomiting and diarrhea, some had itching all over their bodies, and some suddenly had difficulty breathing...

Then some people spread the rumor that the young doctors in the medical team were not very skilled and made mistakes in diagnosing the people and prescribing the wrong pills, causing these people who originally only had mild illnesses to suddenly develop serious acute illnesses.

After the brothers who had been protecting secretly learned about this, they immediately started an investigation into the patients with abnormalities together with the old professor and young doctors.

They found that these patients also ate certain foods or came into contact with certain objects before and after taking the pills.

In order to find out the truth, the brothers decided to visit the patients' homes. During the visit, two practitioners accidentally discovered a mysterious man in black sneaking into a patient's home.

The cultivators followed secretly and eventually discovered the black-clad man's conspiracy - he poisoned the patients' food and tried to put the blame on the medical team.

Just as the man in black was about to leave, two cultivators appeared and started a fierce fight with him.

The man in black could cast a spell. The two cultivators used magic to fight him. They were not prepared for the man in black to cast a spell in secret while they were fighting openly.

One of the cultivators was tricked. Suddenly, her body was no longer under her control. In turn, he attacks his fellow disciples.

Fortunately, another senior brother reacted quickly and immediately used a talisman to control the junior brother who was under the spell and immediately gave him a pill to remove the spell.

However, this lowering head is so poisonous that even special pills cannot completely relieve the control of the lowering head. It can only make the cultivator who has been hit by the head drop temporarily stop attacking his companions. However, his mobility was limited and he could only be protected by a protective magic circle.

Fortunately, another cultivator used the amulet spell and at the same time cast offensive spells to subdue the man in black.

The man in black was tough-talking and refused to reveal the organization and instigators behind the scenes, as well as their purpose of poisoning.

This senior brother is also responsible for the protection of the medical team, so he can only send messages to Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan to explain to them what happened. And asked Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan to treat the junior brother who was controlled by the descending head.

Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan were teleported to the vicinity of the city. Soon, the couple found the inn where the medical team was staying.

After Xiao Yunyan's special interrogation method, the man in black burst into tears, gave up resistance, and truthfully confessed the mastermind behind the scenes - an evil force lurking in Qingmuchuan.

It turned out that they attempted to control the medical industry in Qingmuchuan by creating medical accidents and discrediting the medical team.

Medical treatment is underdeveloped, so witchcraft, head-dropping techniques and poisonous insects can all control the common people and high-ranking officials. Behind Qingmuchuan's back is the sphere of influence controlled by their organization.

Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan decided to join forces to fight against this evil force so that the people of Qingmuchuan could live a peaceful and harmonious life.

However, the common people listened to the instigation of these dark forces and came to the doctors of the medical team to argue and demand compensation.

It seems that Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan have to work hard to expose the conspiracy of this group of evil forces and appease the people's misunderstanding and resentment towards the medical team.

Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan knew that the most urgent task was to stabilize the people's hearts.

So, they first came forward and worked with the old professors to cure the seriously ill patients. Then they stood up and explained to everyone: "Everyone, please stay calm. All of this is a conspiracy by evil forces. We will definitely give everyone justice."

They then showed the man in black's confession and the evidence they had collected.

The people were dubious. At this time, an old man who had been rescued by the medical team stood up and said: "I was seriously ill before, thanks to these young doctors who saved my life. They will never harm us." Then, more and more people came forward. More and more people started to agree.

Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan took the opportunity to announce that they would assist the government in thoroughly investigating this dark force and restore clarity to Qingmuchuan.

Thanks to their efforts, the people's emotions gradually calmed down, and the medical team regained everyone's trust.

Beneath the surface of light, dark forces still lurk. The man in black who was caught was just the tip of the iceberg. The other men in black are like ghosts, hiding in the shadows and continuing their evil deeds.

The hustle and bustle of the town during the day covered their tracks. People were busy in the sun, unaware that darkness was spreading.

These men in black move strangely, shuttling through the streets like ghosts. Their existence seems to be a curse, bringing endless fear and uneasiness to the people.

As night fell, the moonlight was blocked by dark clouds, and the men in black took advantage of the darkness to move quietly. Their figures were looming in the darkness, as if they had merged into the night.

Their purpose is to cause destruction. In addition to preventing the improvement of civilian medical standards in Qingmuchuan, they may be planning a bigger conspiracy, or they may be waiting for the opportunity to cause trouble again.

However, the power of justice did not show weakness, the king's secret guard Fang and Li Mohan's men jointly handled the case. The two sides worked closely together, not letting go of any clues, determined to catch these men in black in one fell swoop.

They pursue in the dark, not afraid of danger and never give up hope. This contest is a game between light and darkness, a showdown between justice and evil.

In this invisible war, everyone may become a key part. Cultivators, guards, and secret guards, only by uniting can we defeat the dark forces hidden behind and restore tranquility and peace to the town.

In order to ensure everyone's safety, Xiao Yunyan equipped them with antidotes, detoxification drugs, sleeping pills, talismans... and everything else that could protect their lives.

The evil forces in Qingmuchuan don’t know that they have done enough evil and they will soon suffer a devastating disaster.

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