In addition to Mingwa, it has begun to be used in more and more fields in Beichuan and other countries. In places where drought and drought are common all year round, or where dry spells are particularly pronounced during the rainy season, water storage tanks have become an increasingly common infrastructure.

Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan took the lead in launching a comprehensive transformation of their Beichuan Kingdom.

Prior to this, the construction team led by her and Li Mohan had carried out large-scale reconstruction work on local ditches and official roads.

This construction team undertakes engineering projects everywhere and is committed to improving roads and water conservancy facilities.

However, they have not yet ventured into the reservoir type of project.

Now, Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan decided to teach this key technology to their construction team.

As a result, the masters of these construction teams have a new task.

In inland areas, fresh water resources are often extremely scarce during the dry season, especially in higher and dry places. There is drought for most of the year.

To make matters worse, sometimes the water in the river bed dries up almost completely, leaving only a weak trickle.

People not only have to carry water to drink from there, but also irrigate the thirsty seedlings.

In such a place, during the dry season, it is almost impossible to get water from the well in the village.

In the vast land, a wide and magnificent river runs through it. But during the dry season, the shallow water flow has become a valuable resource that is fiercely competed for by villages upstream and downstream.

People in the lower reaches cannot live without water. In order to allow the villages upstream to leave some water sources for their use, they have to put down their dignity and beg hard.

However, villagers upstream naturally have to prioritize meeting the needs of their own villages. Therefore, they often build dams to block the water flow, and then release the water after irrigating the land in their villages.

As a result, the downstream will face a flow cutoff for several days. No matter whether it is the thriving seedlings, humans or livestock, they cannot bear the suffering of lack of water, and their lives are seriously threatened.

In order to fight for their basic rights to survive, people in the lower reaches had to carry shovels, hoes and other tools and go to the villages upstream to ask for an explanation.

Sometimes, the two sides even have fierce conflicts and destroy the dams fenced upstream.

In this battle for water resources, Li Zhenghui of both sides led the strongest men in their respective villages to discuss politely at first.

If negotiations break down, the only solution is to use force. After the battle, the two sides will sit down again to discuss.

The people in the lower reaches begged the villagers in the upper reaches to give them a chance of survival.

Eventually, after some compromise, an agreement may be reached, such as releasing half of the water to supply downstream, and holding part of the water in channels for the upstream. Or hold water for one day, release water for another day, and take turns watering the ground.

Such disputes over water often occur in this land. But no matter what, people always seek reconciliation after fighting and work together to find solutions to problems.

After all, everyone understands that only through mutual cooperation and mutual understanding can we jointly cope with the challenges of nature and find a way to survive.

As for the injured people, everyone in the village donated generously. Those who had money contributed money and those who had no money contributed their efforts to help them treat their injuries.

However, some people unfortunately suffer lifelong disabilities, and some even lose their precious lives.

Due to the huge pressure to survive, fierce armed fights and group fights frequently occur as people compete for water during dry seasons when water resources are scarce.

This is not a problem that can be solved by simple moral education or civilization, but an inevitable conflict caused by facing cruel reality.

When Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan traveled around, they once again deeply realized the seriousness of this problem. So they decided to give local officials details about the kind of reservoir they would build on the island.

When local water officials heard about the facility, their eyes sparkled with excitement, but the sparkle quickly dimmed. After all, the funds required to build such a reservoir on a large scale are not small. They were concerned about the court's willingness to allocate the funds.

Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan expressed relief: "You don't need to worry. Our construction team is fully capable of undertaking this project.

Not only will labor and materials be contracted, but local people will not be asked to serve for free. Even if workers are recruited, corresponding remuneration will be paid. "

After hearing this, local officials felt somewhat relieved, but still had doubts. They asked how long the project would take and what difficulties they might encounter. Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan answered patiently and said they would go all out to ensure the smooth completion of the project.

After some discussions, the two parties finally reached a consensus. Local officials expressed their gratitude to Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan for their kindness and promised to fully cooperate with the construction team's work.

Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan reported the matter to the court. Officials finally decided that the money would have to be funded by Beichuan's Ministry of Household Affairs.

The local government allocates part of the taxes paid to the national treasury to use them as wages and materials to pay the workers of these construction teams. Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan do not make any profits from it.

Even the clam shell bricks they used were shipped from low-priced production areas as much as possible, and the construction cost was calculated at cost price.

Where there are bamboos, the local area will solve the problem. Where there is no bamboo, it will be solved by the space.

People everywhere are very happy to have such projects to benefit their people. It was a life-saving project. Every year, some places experience crop failure due to drought.

The people have no water source. Is there any follow-up food? As a living material, when there is no water or food, the people can only flee with their families.

Along the way, we slept and ate in the open. Hungry and full. Many elderly people with poor health died on the road. If caught up.

When the weather is cold, the elderly, children, and weak patients may die of cold or starvation on the way.

After the news spread, the people cheered. Their long-awaited water problem is finally expected to be solved, and they no longer have to engage in endless battles for water.

In the following days, Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan led the construction team to carry out construction intensively. They are not afraid of hardships and work hard day and night, just to let the people have clear and sweet water as soon as possible.

As the project progressed, reservoirs sprung up like mushrooms after a rain. The people witnessed all this and were filled with hope and gratitude. They know that these reservoirs are not only the source of life, but also the guarantee of future life.

With everyone's joint efforts, reservoirs in various places have been completed one after another. However, water source is a problem.

Just when Xiao Yu proposed to build a reservoir. At that time, droughts occurred in various places, including several places in Beichuan due to drought. lead to. He Miao was about to cry to death and sent an urgent memorial report to the court. Xiao Yuyan and Li Mohan acted separately and led the engineering team to the drought place.

They acted with Qinglong and Zilong, because Qinglong and Zilong. Water can be mobilized and they will get it every time. Collect water from places with abundant water resources, and then provide drenching rain in dry places to alleviate local droughts. Construction crews then began building water storage ponds on site. Because the project is not big. There are many people, and local people also participate in the labor, so. Within less than half a month after arriving in a place, reservoirs were built in areas where water was scarce. Qinglong mobilized water sources from far away to fill the reservoir with fresh water, enough to sustain the people until the next rain.

Although Xiao Yunyan did this a little bit. He was suspected of interfering with the local climate, but he did not interfere on a large scale. He only allowed the people to have water temporarily, so the rain gods in the sky and the earth pretended that they did not see Xiao Yunyan's behavior.

Construction team. Because there was an additional project, the manpower was somewhat insufficient, so Xiao Yunyan let them. Work on projects along the way and recruit new members along the way.

Worked in the engineering team for a while. The engineering boys have all been trained, and the masters are particularly willing to train them. The purpose of Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan is. navigation. If a master can bring out a disciple, he will give it to him. Part of it is rewarded to the apprentice. You will also be rewarded for leading apprentices. With material stimulation, these masters no longer keep their skills secret and do not allow outsiders to steal their knowledge. Instead, they especially like to recruit apprentices.

Now the engineering team has done it. Almost all those who have been working on projects for more than three years have become accomplished masters. When Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan asked them to go to various places to do projects, they only went to two or three masters. Among the local people, those who were willing to participate in the construction were selected as laborers, and wages were paid to these people on a daily basis.

This makes the engineering team more efficient. And in various construction sites, people can also earn some money.

When Xiao Yunyan and the others were building infrastructure projects, they would not easily use free corvee labor, absorb local surplus labor, and provide them with some short-term labor opportunities.

Although it cannot fundamentally help local people improve their lives, it can provide them with some extra income.

As the reservoir project continues to advance, more and more areas are benefiting from this great project. People's lives have been greatly improved. They no longer have to worry about water sources, and agricultural production has been reliably guaranteed.

The reputations of Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan spread throughout the Beichuan Kingdom and became heroes in people's hearts. Their good deeds not only changed the fate of countless people, but also brought harmony and stability to society.

With the efforts of the engineering team, more reservoirs have been built one after another, shining like pearls embedded in the earth. These reservoirs bear witness to human wisdom and courage, and have also become a blessing for future generations.

But Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan did not stop their steps. They continued to move forward, bringing hope and happiness to more people. In the process, they gained countless praises and respect, and also made many like-minded friends.

This project was favored by other countries, who also asked Xiao Yunyan and Li Menghan to send construction teams to help build local reservoirs. Envoys from other countries were sent to invite Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan to help build the reservoir. The two readily agreed and led the engineering team on a new journey.

In a foreign country, they encountered many difficulties, but they overcame them one by one with wisdom and courage. After the pool was built, the local people were grateful to them, and the friendship between the two countries became deeper.

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