Travel through space and help the prince’s husband in construction

Chapter 622: Building a safe haven, a reservoir, free clinics for all, and the couple are worshipped

On the beautiful island, Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan showed their wisdom and talent. They carefully designed a new harbor to provide a safe haven for the fishermen's boats.

The new harbor is spacious and strong, with deep berths to accommodate ships of all sizes. The entrance to the harbor cleverly utilizes the natural topography to form a natural barrier that effectively reduces the impact of waves.

The breakwater is tall and solid, like a solid wall, protecting ships from strong winds and waves. The construction of the pier is adapted to local conditions and adopts modern technology, allowing ships to dock and set sail easily.

The fishermen were full of gratitude for the help of Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan. They saw hope for the future and no longer worried that the typhoon would threaten their lives and property.

When the typhoon hit again, the boats were docked safely in the harbor, and the fishermen's hearts were filled with peace of mind and gratitude.

This new seaport has become the pride of the island and also witnessed the kindness and wisdom of Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan.

During the time the couple stayed on the island, they got along very well with the islanders and were as close as a family.

Under the leadership of the couple, their pharmacy and clinic held a grand free medical consultation event for patients across the island.

Since residents on the island do not live a wealthy life, once they fall sick, most people can only choose to endure it.

However, this practice often results in minor illnesses being delayed until they become major ones.

In addition, due to the scarcity of fresh water resources on the island, people have to resort to distilling seawater to supplement drinking water during seasons of severe fresh water shortage.

But in this process, the distilled water lacks various minerals, which makes the islanders' bodies more susceptible to problems such as back and leg pain.

More importantly, island residents rely on fresh, pickled or dried seafood as their main food source all year round.

Long-term intake of high-purine foods has made gout stones a common and frequent disease among island residents.

These illnesses not only bring physical pain to residents, but also seriously affect their quality of life.

Faced with this situation, the couple was extremely anxious and decided to do their best to help these kind people get rid of their illness.

Xiao Yunyan was well aware of the harm that gout could do to people. In order to enable everyone to effectively prevent this inevitable disease in the future, she specially prepared a pill and provided it to everyone.

Surprisingly, the price of this pill is very affordable. Just three pounds of dried sea fish can buy enough pills for one person to take for half a year.

Due to the abundant fish resources in the ocean and the construction of new ships and new safe harbors, the task of fishing and storing dried fish became much easier for the people.

Such a cheap pill can cure the local disease that has long plagued the residents of the entire island.

The island residents were deeply grateful for the kindness Li Mohan and Xiao Yunyan had shown them, and could not help but fall into distress.

They discussed privately how they should repay the great kindness of the two miraculous doctors.

The excited island residents even came up with the idea of ​​building a shrine for these two kind-hearted doctors.

From now on, everyone will regard them as the patron saints of the island and worship them devoutly.

This proposal was unanimously agreed by everyone. However, they did not tell Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan about it.

Because they know that this couple doesn't care about fame and profit at all.

They really did it without expecting anything in return! They were so selfless, just out of their deep sympathy and love for the poor people.

Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan took the lead and led many doctors in the pharmacy and clinic, working day and night for nearly half a month.

During this period, they carefully treated those patients with more serious conditions, and distributed some special pills for free to those with milder symptoms.

Not only that, they also generously gave the patients some precious Lingquan ginseng water so that they could take it home to nourish their bodies.

In this way, it is effectively ensured that these patients can recover quickly and no longer suffer from illness for a considerable period of time.

The residents of the island privately exclaimed: "These two great men are so rich and kind-hearted!"

Not only do they open a granary here, but the grain they sell is also of high quality and affordable.

Moreover, the pharmacies and clinics they run often give away medicines and provide free medical services to the people. The pills they sell on weekdays are affordable and more importantly, effective.

Compared with other clinics, the clinic and pharmacy run by Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan simply disregards profit and is only focused on treating patients.

The people were full of doubts. What was the purpose of these two people? Was it just to accumulate virtue?

However, there are rumors that the couple has opened clinics, drug stores, and grain stores on all continents.

If this is true, wouldn't they lose all their money by doing business like this?

But seeing that the couple did have sufficient funds, they gave away large quantities of food, distributed large quantities of pills for free, and provided free medical treatment to the people of the island.

So, where did their wealth come from?

Although the people only whispered in private and did not dare to ask Xiao Yunyan, Li Mohan and their men face to face.

However, these rumors gradually reached the ears of the guys. In fact, they had already made up their minds about this.

Because they knew very well that their two masters were the richest in the world. Even if these pills were given away for free and the food was handed over, the masters still had enough financial resources to bear it.

These guys knew clearly that the two masters set the prices of food and medicine slightly cheaper than other stores not because they were stupid or didn't care about profits, but because they did it on purpose! There were deeper considerations behind this!

If the masters really wanted to take away all the business, it would be easy! All they had to do was to lower the prices of food and medicine to the lowest possible level, and then their competitors would be left with nothing but sighs and no business at all.

Once you have taken over the entire market, and then you can raise the price as you please, wouldn't that be equivalent to monopolizing the entire world's business? Then you can make as much money as you want!

Although these servants usually don't like to talk too much, whenever they see the people gathered together after dinner and whispering about their masters' affairs, some servants who can't help but come forward and say a few words out of curiosity.

After repeated questioning by the island residents, the guys finally let in and revealed a shocking secret:

Their two masters are by no means ordinary people, they are gods from heaven!

Since you are a god, you naturally don’t need to rely on business to make money!

The masters opened pharmacies, clinics and granaries in various continents to meet the needs of local people and stabilize local prices.

Whenever other merchants wanted to raise prices when disaster struck or materials were scarce, as long as the masters' shops were there and continued to provide food and medicine to the people at the original low prices, other merchants would not be able to realize their conspiracy of hoarding goods.

Therefore, everything the two masters did was not for the purpose of making high profits, but just to help the poor people in the world live in peace and prosperity.

The residents of the island admired Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan even more.

The two gods who could have lived freely and at ease were now running around for the people!

They had no way to repay such a kindness, so they became more determined to build a shrine.

They planned to wait until the two gods left, as the rainy season would be over and there would be more sunny days, so they could build a shrine and sculptures on the island.

After the island owner knew about the people's idea, he also agreed with this approach.

Because these two great benefactors not only helped the residents of the island to overcome the difficulties, but also rebuilt their homes, built new ships and new ports.

His old mother and frail wife were both cured by Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan personally.

His old father-in-law was also cured of severe gout.

The island owner's father-in-law was the previous owner. He had been fishing at sea all his life. He had suffered a lot when he was young, but he not only supported a large family, but also accumulated a fortune.

He also took the people to deep-sea fishing so that the residents on the island would not go hungry.

Because he lived on the ship for many years, he got gout when he was less than 40 years old. As he got older, the gout became more and more serious. The old man was tortured by gout for many years. He often had thoughts of committing suicide.

If it weren't for the fact that he had a large family of younger generations who were particularly filial to the old man and made him miss his family, he would have chosen to end this painful life long ago.

Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan continued to give the old man special pills, and used their own spiritual power to petrify the gout in the old man's body. The old man who had been tortured by gout for nearly 30 years can finally spend his old age in peace.

Even if the people did not have this idea, the island owner wanted to repay these two great people in some way.

Now it seems that building new words is the best way. Because these two great benefactors did not seek wealth, fame, or profit, he did not know how to repay the kindness of these two great benefactors.

Now people are proposing to build a shrine to the deceased, which is the best way.

Therefore, the islanders began to secretly prepare for the construction of the ancestral temple.

Soon they hired the best craftsmen on the island and used the finest materials.

A month later, a magnificent shrine was built on the seashore.

The shrine houses lifelike statues of Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan, and islanders come to pay homage every day, offering flowers and fragrant fruits to express their gratitude.

At this time, Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan were unaware of this. After completing the free clinic on the island, they boarded the Azure Dragon and Purple Dragon to continue their journey around.

Until one day, they passed by here again and came to the island to visit the guys and people on the island, and saw the ancestral temple built for them.

There was a lot of incense burning there. The flowers and fruits offered were changed every day. The two were deeply moved.

And those women who prayed devoutly in the temple, expecting the two gods to protect them and give birth to their babies safely and smoothly, were suddenly surprised to find that the two gods they had been worshipping for a long time actually came to the world again as they wished!

The excited women rushed forward and kowtowed to the couple.

Faced with such a fanatical scene, the couple wanted to stop it, but they were ultimately powerless to resist these devout pilgrims.

In the end, he could only let them kowtow three times in front of him.

Since these women have sincerely prayed to the gods to protect them so that they can give birth safely, the couple who are known as "gods" will naturally not let them down with their piety and trust.

At this moment, most of these pregnant women are already in their sixth month of pregnancy.

Xiao Yunyan examined them one by one with ease. When she encountered a pregnant woman with a minor ailment, Xiao Yunyan used her miraculous healing skills to cure her on the spot.

Not only that, Xiao Yunyan also thoughtfully left them a few doses of pregnancy-preserving medicine. She repeatedly reminded them: "If you feel unwell in the future, you can take this medicine immediately.

This way, you and your child can be safe. When it comes time to give birth, there will basically be no dangerous conditions such as dystocia."

Finally, Xiao Yunyan comforted them and said, "If you really encounter any unexpected situation, you don't need to panic too much. Just ask your family to go to the clinic under my name in time and ask the gynecologist there to diagnose and treat you.

The doctors all have very advanced medical skills and can help everyone get through the difficult period of childbirth safely."

It was said that the two gods in the ancestral temple actually appeared. Many people whose family members were seriously ill and could not be cured came to ask the two gods to go to their homes to help save the patients.

Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan followed them to their home to see a doctor, and asked them why they didn't go to the clinic to see a doctor?

They all said they had looked for a doctor, but after the doctor's diagnosis, they concluded that the patient was already terminally ill and there was no cure.

Upon hearing this, Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan first tried to comfort the anxious people with kind words.

But at the same time, they also had to tell everyone: although they both had some knowledge of medicine, it was limited to treating common illnesses; as for matters of life and death, those were beyond human control.

If the patient is old and the time is coming, even they would never dare to interfere with the life of others. After all, changing the fate of others would violate the law of heaven, and they themselves would be punished.

The residents of the island have always respected these two gods and obeyed their orders.

After hearing what they said, everyone agreed in their hearts - the length of a person's life is determined by the causes and conditions of past and present lives, and it is not something that can be easily changed.

They originally only held on to a glimmer of hope, thinking that perhaps their patient was not destined to die, which was why they happened to encounter the two gods visiting the island again.

If this is true, maybe the patient at home will be able to successfully overcome the current difficulties...

Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan went separately to visit the seriously ill people in the homes of those who came to them for help.

Li Mohan also opened his Yin-Yang eyes! He and Xiao Yunyan both have the ability to see through the life and death of patients.

When they encounter patients who are truly at the end of their lives, they will use their powerful spiritual powers and do their best to help these patients alleviate the suffering caused by the illness.

They know that the passage of life cannot be stopped, but they can use their abilities to make patients feel peace and tranquility in their final moments.

They will not go against the will of nature and forcibly prolong the patient's life, but will respect the laws of nature and allow the patient to say goodbye to this world in a relatively relaxed way.

During this precious time, the patient can communicate with his family in a peaceful state of mind, and tell them his last words and wishes from the bottom of his heart. Then, with the warm company of his family, he can move towards the end of his life peacefully and without any worries.

However, things in this world are not always so simple and clear.

Some patients have not reached the end of their lives, but are extremely weak and need to spend several difficult years in bed.

After in-depth research, Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan discovered that the reason these patients suffered so much pain was due to the evil karma they had created in their past and present lives.

Therefore, Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan decided to explain the truth to everyone, and after obtaining the consent of their families, try another way to resolve this suffering.

They cleverly transformed the patients' pain into other forms of punishment, such as requiring them to donate a sum of silver to build a freshwater reservoir on the island.

In this way, patients can not only make a contribution to society, but also alleviate their physical and mental pain.

Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan discussed this issue after they left the island last time.

This is a rather tricky problem for the island's fresh water.

If it is not properly handled, the daily lives of the island residents will be greatly affected, and their physical condition may also be difficult to maintain.

After carefully reviewing various materials, Xiao Yunyan came up with a bold idea: to build a freshwater reservoir on a higher part of the island.

In this way, the rainwater can be collected and stored in the reservoir during the abundant rainfall season. Then, thick bamboo tubes are used to connect the reservoir to nearby households.

Due to the complex and undulating terrain of the island, it is sufficient to build only one reservoir in each small area.

In this way, after the rainy season, people can drink fresh water from the reservoir with peace of mind when fresh water resources are scarce.

Taking into account the rainfall on the island, after the rainy season, the amount of water in the reservoir should be sufficient to meet basic needs such as cooking, making dishes and drinking water on a daily basis.

As long as the water is boiled, the bacteria in it can be effectively killed and people can drink it with confidence.

With these reservoirs, every time it rains, some water will be successfully stored. In this way, the islanders will never have to worry about fresh water shortages.

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