Travel through space and help the prince’s husband in construction

Chapter 604: In-depth investigation of the mastermind behind the scenes, garrison training of militi

Xiao Yunyan had not forgotten the incident of the child being thrown away in the village. However, she had asked the villagers to count the number of people and did not find the two bad guys who stole the child.

Xiao Yunyan decided to loosen the outside and tighten the inside to let the villagers pay more attention to the safety of their children. And she will arrange for people to come to the village to investigate the village and nearby villages and towns. We must find out who is so bold as to steal the child?

Xiao Yunyan received a tip that there were suspicious people stealing children in other villages and towns. She looked solemn and immediately dispatched her men to investigate.

The men were divided into two parts. One part quietly sneaked into the village below and collected clues from house to house.

They were careful and did not miss any detail, and the investigation process was tense and orderly.

In a remote mountain village, they found a dilapidated hut. There were overgrown weeds in front of the house and it looked like it had not been inhabited for a long time.

However, as they approached, they heard fierce noises coming from inside the house. The men winked at each other, quietly approached the window, and peeked in.

They saw a figure holding a child, who was struggling in his arms. The figure was moving strangely and was obviously the suspicious person they were looking for.

They immediately kicked in the door and quickly subdued the suspicious person. After some interrogation, they learned that this was a criminal gang that specialized in stealing children and had committed many crimes nearby.

Another group of men were exploring the official roads and docks to see where the captured children were sold. But no trace of the children was found.

This shows that the captured children were either loaded into the cargo and transported secretly; or they were temporarily hidden in a secret place and were not transported out.

Xiao Yunyan asked her men to investigate carefully and make sure to find the hiding place of the kidnapped children and rescue them safely.

We must also find the other members of this gang. This criminal gang that steals children must be completely eliminated.

Xiao Yunyan was angry. He and Li Mohan worked so hard, and even his father and mother came to the place in person. Understand the sentiments of the people and do practical things for the people. The officials in the court are also conscientious in their work. Why are the people still like this? Evil criminal gangs exist.

Could it be a local official? Poor management? Eliminating Yunyan is not just a thorough investigation of those criminal gangs. They also conducted secret investigations into the performance and conduct of local officials. Not found. There are officials who bend the law for personal gain or who are in collusion with evil forces.

Such investigation results gave instructions to Xiao Yunyan. I feel better. if only. As long as government officials don't become corrupt and collude with evil forces, then there won't be a big problem. No matter how good a society is, there will always be evil people.

She decided that these criminals must be brought to justice and security in villages and towns must be strengthened. Keep children safe. She knows that only by resolutely fighting crime can people live a peaceful life.

Xiao Yunyan once arranged for retired veterans to serve as co-ordination personnel for public security. However, in many places in these remote mountainous areas, there are no retired veterans, or those retired veterans have received better arrangements and no longer live in the villages.

Therefore, security in these remote areas is very weak. Once a bad guy sneaks in, the villagers won't be able to detect it quickly. As children play around, there is always an opportunity for bad guys to take advantage of them.

This is where Xiao Yunyan is now. It is not anyone's fiefdom and is located in the western mountainous area of ​​Beichuan. There is a long distance between villages. It is probably beyond our reach to rely on border garrison troops to maintain security here.

So we can only rely on self-help. Organize people, conduct training, patrol local areas, and protect local security. Just like in the early days of the modern Dragon Kingdom, the activities of enemy agents were rampant, and there were many criminals who secretly robbed. Therefore, each village has patrolling militiamen to maintain local security.

After Xiao Yunyan thought for a moment, she decided to dispatch a group of soldiers from the border to various villages and towns to temporarily help maintain public order and arrest bad guys. At the same time, cultivate a group of local patrol militia with combat effectiveness.

She wrote a memorial, detailing the current problems and solutions, and asked the emperor for approval to mobilize troops.

At the same time, she also started organizing the villagers to establish a militia and self-defense team. After the border guards are assigned to each town, they will serve as training instructors to train these militia and self-defense forces on a town-by-town basis.

Train them in basic defense skills. Xiao Yunyan believes that through everyone's joint efforts, the safety of the village will be guaranteed.

While protecting the people, these militiamen could earn some wages for themselves and avoid their servitude.

Xiao Yunyan plans to allocate these wages from the local finances. The local government has set aside this part of the budget. When paying taxes to the court, this part of the budget will be deducted.

This matter was also written down on origami paper by Xiao Yunyan and handed over to the court.

The emperor and the queen have not returned to the palace yet. Li Mohan was busy with his own affairs. Now Ping'an and Jixiang take turns to go to court and manage government affairs.

The book was received safely, and he immediately discussed it with the courtiers. A decision was quickly made to accept Xiao Yunyan's suggestion and let the Ministry of Household Tax Bank be responsible for this amount.

The local government deducts this part of the budget directly when paying taxes. For a fief with a feudal lord, if you are willing to adopt this suggestion, the feudal lord will be responsible for this payment.

Soon after, the imperial court's approval came down, requiring state governments to report the number of remote villages that needed to organize self-defense forces.

At the same time, each village organized its own militia and self-defense forces. The border garrison dispatches soldiers to various places based on the principle of proximity. Conduct half-month training to help local self-defense forces improve their combat effectiveness.

Soldiers with training capabilities were drawn from the border defense. Quickly stationed in various towns and counties, while training the militia of the Self-Defense Forces, while strengthening the investigation of evil forces.

Some time ago, due to the instigation of Qin Zheng's men and other evil forces, riots against the imperial court broke out in various places. Although the rebel organizations have been suppressed one after another, there are still some residual forces hidden among the people.

They were not deceived people who did something wrong in a moment of confusion. They were originally important members of the rebel organization.

The excerpt suggested by Xiao Yuntian said that during this period when the local garrison was training the militia and self-defense battalions, and taking advantage of the training, the soldiers led many members of the militia battalion to conduct a cleanup in various places. Focus on investigating rebel forces. Hiding people, stealing children, and trafficking in people. Gangs, and various other criminals who do bad things.

These soldiers who are sent out will receive double their pay. If the real criminal is caught and proven to be true, he will be addicted on a head-to-head basis. There are rewards for both the soldiers who lead the team and the militiamen who participate in patrols and pursuits.

There must be a brave man under a heavy reward, not to mention this. A group of young and strong rural militiamen led by border guards with extremely strong combat effectiveness will spend this half month. As an opportunity to change their lives, they are very proactive. I want to catch more bad guys, perform more meritorious deeds, get more silver rewards, and go home to marry a wife.

Thanks to everyone's efforts, the security situation in remote areas across Beichuan has been significantly improved.

The lives of the villagers have also returned to their former peace. Militia patrols became the norm.

Those young men who were selected as militiamen really changed their destiny.

Because they do not delay taking care of their farmland. You can also earn extra wages. Once the bad guys are caught, there will be extra generous rewards.

Therefore, these young men who wanted to sign up to be militiamen are now worth soaring and have become the most popular candidates for unmarried women in various places to choose husbands.

After this operation, the criminal gang that arrested the children was wiped out. Many evildoers and absconding criminals were also caught.

After the soldiers completed their mission, they returned to the army with a generous reward, which made other comrades envious.

The children who were taken away were all safely returned to their families. Xiao Yunyan personally contributed 20 taels of silver to each of these kidnapped children. And order. Owned. doctor. The children had physical examinations. Those who were sick were treated, and those who were not sick were also prescribed some pills to soothe their nerves.

Logically speaking, this matter is complete. It is over, and a new protective barrier has been created for Beichuan local security.

However, after in-depth investigation and interrogation of these criminals, those who stole the children were discovered. The gang eventually sent these children to. Secret organizations everywhere.

Xiao Yunyan realized that this matter might be related to the masses.

As expected from the final investigation, Qin Zheng and the others were wiped out after the last rebel force. Also became a lost dog.

If it weren't for the fact that many members of the internal organization were kidnapped, only a few would be left secretly hidden. They capture these children in order to train them from childhood to become killers and intelligence officers of the rebel organization.

Although the children are young, after a period of training. With members of the rebel organization watching in secret, the children can complete the task of gathering intelligence alone. Older children can also complete the assassination mission.

Those children who are particularly disobedient to discipline will be controlled by voodoo masters and controlled by voodoo insects.

In short, according to the criminals' accounts, a group of children have been brought to the secret training base. Even they don't know the specific location of that base.

After they catch the child, they just put it at the corner gate of the backyard of the sub-tank. In less than three days, all these children would have been taken away without anyone noticing.

Asking other questions, the members of the lower-level organization who are only responsible for catching children don't know much about it.

Xiao Yunyan asked her secret guards to send several people to assist the original investigators in the in-depth investigation. Xiao Yunyan and Ye Yu also joined the investigation, but their goal was to capture Qin Zheng and several of his core members, such as Yang Gushi. Head-dropping division. And several altar owners. As long as these people are not caught in one fell swoop, no matter how many of their minions are cut off, it will not help.

Therefore, Xiao Yunyan planned to search for herbs everywhere while going to various places to detect traces of Qin Zheng. He could no longer be allowed to escape justice.

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