Travel through space and help the prince’s husband in construction

Chapter 57: Thorough preparation before the expedition, Wu Zheng robs along the way and disturbs the

Xiao Yunyan exchanged 2,500 slingshots from the space. In addition to ensuring that the two thousand cavalrymen who go out with the military expedition have one hand. Two hundred were left as spare.

The remaining three hundred were given to all the special operations battalions composed of the assassins who assassinated Li Mohan. There are one hundred and sixty-three left.

Give it to all the generals and commanders, and each captain will have one in hand. The last two left were sent to the weapons camp and asked to be made accordingly.

You can use beef tendons instead of elastic rubber bands, but you can’t find that much beef tendons at the moment. Xiao Yunyan exchanged three thousand meters of rubber bands from space. Thirty centimeters can make a slingshot.

The leather bag to hold the stones can be made of sheepskin, cowhide, or horsehide, and the raw materials are easy to find.

The main body of the slingshot can be a wooden handle and use tree branches, but there are not so many suitable tree branches. So I used iron bars and bent them into a suitable shape.

Although iron is very expensive, fortunately there are very few materials used. The old weapons in the warehouse are melted, and it is not very complicated to make iron bars.

The use of Xiao Yunyan's slingshot requires certain skills. The original archers and crossbowmen were each equipped with a slingshot.

Because, when fighting, the number of arrows will not be too many, and if you carry too many arrows, you will not be able to move at all. Therefore, if we say thirty or fifty arrows, it is considered too much.

But this is not the case with a slingshot. You can carry hundreds of stones in your bag. Even if you use up all the stones, you can pick them up and use them everywhere.

A skilled slingshot player can hit the target with marbles of any material or pebbles of any shape. Peach pits, apricot pits, iron walnuts, pebbles... there are marbles everywhere.

The soldiers who got the slingshot first were like getting a treasure. Go to the river beach and look for small stones that you think are of the right weight. Because they have been washed by running water for a long time, the particles are round and smooth, which is especially suitable for making marbles.

Practicing the use of slingshots has become the favorite activity of this group of young soldiers after training.

They go to the grassland to hunt rabbits, sheep, hozens, mice, and especially like to hunt birds in the sky.

These little animals are in trouble. The frightened birds flew around, and the animals on the ground did not dare to run out of the cave. Fortunately, in three days, the two thousand cavalrymen of the cavalry battalion will set off.

The animals were busy hiding, and Xiao Yunyan was busy preparing special recovery pills using spiritual spring water for the soldiers who were going on the expedition.

It’s not just martial arts that require special medicines. There are still two thousand soldiers and even horses, so everyone must have a share.

Traveling for thousands of miles, sleeping in the open air, a battle may break out at any time. Without more detailed preparations, the number of casualties will increase. This is what Xiao Yunyan least wants to see.

In addition to pills, there is also ginseng spiritual spring water to replenish physical strength at any time. Bring four water bladders per person. One is specifically for dilution. The other three are all original solutions.

And the most important thing is food. Outside, how can two thousand people fight without food? It is not always good luck to catch prey, nor is it always possible to grab food.

Therefore, bring some life-saving food, it is a necessary supply. Xiao Yunyan believes that the best food is something that can be eaten directly, filling you up, making you hungry, and rich in nutrients.

When she is performing tasks, she most often eats compressed biscuits, dried meat, and preserved fruits. These foods take up little space, are high in energy, have a light smell, and are easy to preserve.

Now, she can exchange these two thousand people for ten compressed biscuits each. Two kilograms of preserved fruit per person.

Beef jerky is too expensive. However, she has recently developed braised mutton jerky with the master chef. It tastes good, the meat is delicate and not burnt, and is very suitable for long-term storage.

Last night, Xiao Yunyan asked the master chef to prepare 5,000 kilograms of dried meat, giving each person two kilograms. This dried meat is light in weight. Two taels of dried meat is enough for a meal.

These foods are used as life-saving supplies and can only be eaten when food cannot be found.

In addition to these, bring fifty large meat buns to each person. Anytime, anywhere, when you are tired from playing, just take it out and eat one. regain strength.

Xiao Yunyan helps make buns at the food camp. I found that they were making buns very simply and crudely.

Place a large bun on the table, use a eating bowl to scoop out a bowl of cabbage and pork stuffing, place it in the middle of the dough, use both hands to gather the dough, and pinch it tightly to get a big bun base.

Where are the eighteen pleats? Just make them natural and wrap them tightly so that the stuffing is not exposed. The speed is so fast. Buns are rarely made in the military camp because it takes too much time and ingredients.

There are currently 300,000 troops assembled, each with 10,000 troops. One food camp can only provide food for one army. A soldier eats in large quantities. A small eater can eat five or six buns as big as a large bowl, and a big eater can eat a dozen. It can't be covered at all.

Therefore, when eating steamed buns, there is a quota of three for each person, and the rest is filled with rice porridge. Even so, making buns in the military camp must be done quickly. So we invented the standard, pleated-free bun.

Fifty buns for two thousand soldiers were prepared and left to cool. There are three large pots of meat fillings left. Simply make it into meat sauce and braise it. Today the whole army will eat noodles with soybean paste.

Knead the dough with warm water, let it rise, roll out the dough, cut the noodles, put it in the pot, and add cold water. This process is very fast. Today, there was no delay in eating time because of making buns for the expedition cavalry.

Enough noodles. There is less meat filling. Cut more pickles and mix them into the meat filling. Fry the meat filling and pickles in oil. After frying, add soybean paste and stir-fry. Add a lot of salt and pepper, the thirteen-spice powder exchanged in the space, and soy sauce. , and finally add the flour-beaten gravy. Boil until thick and remove from pan.

The soldiers came to prepare their own meals, carrying a bucket of noodles and a bucket of sauce. There are ten people in one tent, and one bucket of noodles is not enough. Each battalion ate two large barrels of noodles and all the meat sauce.

The soldiers were all delighted. too delicious. Noodles made from fine white noodles. I have never tasted such delicious noodles since I was a child. The taste of meat sauce is also something I have never tasted before.

The soldiers were full of satisfaction and became energetic. They were in small groups, practicing slingshots and wrestling, showing the energy that young soldiers should have. Such lively scenes have become more and more common recently.

In the past, I couldn't eat enough, I didn't eat well, I had no strength, my legs were weak, my knees were painful, and I had scars all over my body. From time to time, I suddenly felt itchy and painful like needle pricks.

Now, everything is getting better and better because of the arrival of Doctor Xiao. The future has become promising!

Zhajiang noodles were promoted in the military camp as part of an effort to improve food. Received a welcome from the soldiers.

On the night of the third day, two thousand cavalrymen brought enough supplies, quietly bypassed the enemy's joint camp, and marched quickly towards the enemy's rear.

Wu Zheng was an expert in tactics and could be said to be the God of War in Beichuan. He knows how to use troops. The troops are sent out mysteriously and mysteriously.

For a time, the wealthy tribes of Qiang and Rong were attacked at night one after another. Gold and silver jewelry were robbed, tribal leaders were arrested, slaves were released, and horses were robbed. For a time, the Qiang Rong were in a state of chaos.

It was already the fifth day when new information was reported to Wang Ting and the Generalissimo one after another. Wang Ting sent troops to the robbed tribes farther away to investigate the situation.

This group of cavalry, who were a thousand miles away three days ago, entered the royal court that night. King Qiang Rong never expected that he would be shaved bald in the royal court. The whole royal court was full of people. Women have all become bald. A warning was left that if the troops were not withdrawn, his head would be moved.

Overnight, the homes of several important officials were looted, and the masters became bald. But the Qiang Rong nobles were so frightened that they cried and begged the king to call the generalissimo back to protect their safety!

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