Travel through space and help the prince’s husband in construction

Chapter 565: The Beast Lord was summoned by his own clan to establish a new order of demon rule in t

When the Ancient Warcraft Supreme had just finished sealing the negative energy one day, his spiritual power was almost exhausted. Before he could replenish it, a powerful wave of restlessness swept through his mind.

The Beast Lord felt the summoning spell from the ancient demon clan. It couldn't believe that since it imprisoned itself in the Wanxu Array, it had never felt a call from its own kind again.

Because the ancient monsters were sealed in the Taixu Heavenly Prison of Tianwaitian. It thought that as the Supreme Ancient Warcraft, the leader of all ancient beast tribes, it was controlled by many gods working together.

Neither party can kill the other. The fight was too fierce. If we didn't stop, I'm afraid the six realms would be completely destroyed, leaving no room for recovery.

So, the gods negotiated with the ancient monster supreme. If it imprisoned itself and promised not to lead the monsters against the creatures of the six realms, it would let those monsters go and let some of them be sealed in the Taixu Heavenly Prison of Tianwaitian. Some of the little monsters were imprisoned in the demon world.

Until the Supreme Master of Warcraft improves his cultivation level and reaches the point where he can control his emotions and improve his character level. When he can not only change his irritable and destructive personality, but also control and lead the demons very well, then let him choose whether to return to Taixu Heavenly Hell and live with the ancient monsters and evil spirits?

Now, he can control his emotions very well. During the 30,000 years it spent in the Wanxu Array, it experienced loneliness, self-doubt, violent self-mutilation, and gave up struggling until it found a way to redeem itself in despair. It has lasted five thousand years.

Later, he became obsessed with practicing. As one's cultivation improves, the worries of the past gradually become far away from them. The tranquility of his mood gave him the desire to create a new world.

In the later time, it will be responsible for continuously adding seals of negative energy so that those will not interfere with itself and the creatures in the six realms.

At the same time, he was using his own cultivation to transform the mountains, rivers, lakes, and small islands in the Wanxu Array. On it, there are physical flowers, plants and trees, birds, insects, fish, shrimps, frogs and crabs, and all kinds of animals.

He used his own cultivation to gradually create a new world. In it, it finds inner peace and happiness.

However, everything was destroyed due to the sudden surge of negative energy pouring out of the seal.

The spiritual energy in the magic circle is quickly consumed, used to strengthen the seal, and also used by the Beast Lord to resist being invaded by negative energy and return to his former bloodthirsty and furious self.

Fortunately, Xiao Yunyan came when it couldn't hold on any longer. It's back on again. The Wanxu Magical Array has also regained its vitality.

However, just when everything was getting better and better, it received a call from the ancient monsters. Let it release negative energy, break out of the magic circle, join them outside the heaven, recruit a large number of disciples, compete with the gods in the heaven, and create a new six realms ruled by monsters.

The Beast Lord couldn't figure out how the demon beasts, demon kings and evil spirits sealed in Taixu Heavenly Prison escaped?

Because it knows that the seal of the ancient great god prevents the creatures in Taixu Heavenly Prison from contacting the outside world. It was simply impossible to issue a summons.

The Beast Lord is worried that these Warcraft clan will cause great trouble in the Six Realms and be wiped out. I was also disturbed by the call of my kindred.

All the efforts it had gone through for 30,000 years suddenly experienced a shocking reversal just when it was about to bear fruit.

If it keeps its promise, it will re-seal the negative energy inside the magic circle. I have reached the xinxing standards and emotional control required by the gods. I wonder if the gods will send it back to Taixu Tianyu. Even if he returns to Taixu Heavenly Prison?

However, even if it went back, it would only be in a different place of imprisonment. It’s just that the area there is larger and there are more creatures. Of course, it will be reunited with its kin. I won't be so lonely. But after all, there is no freedom.

If it listens to the call of its kind, it will work with them to re-establish order in the six realms. Not only can the whole race gain true freedom. You can also fight against the gods and no longer be suppressed by them. All the spiritual materials and resources in the six realms can be enjoyed by their demons, and their cultivation will be improved much faster. Therefore, monsters will one day become demons and demons.

If this path can really be realized. Then it creates a better future for the entire race and the evil spirits that coexist with them.

However, this bright future is not easy to realize. Once all beings in the six realms are hostile, they will be hunted down by the gods again. The demons don't have the same good luck as before. Last time, except for those of the same race who died in the war, the rest of the demons were imprisoned in different places, and at least their lives were preserved. If it happened again, they might be exterminated.

However, in order to get a better prospect, their fellow tribesmen have created miracles and broken out of the imprisonment in the Taixu Heaven Realm. As the leader of the demon clan, could it act as a stumbling block for the other clan members in their efforts to achieve freedom and create a better future?

Weighing the pros and cons and unable to make a choice, the Ancient Warcraft Supreme fell into a dilemma.

His emotional instability caused the entire Wanxu Array to collapse. The environment has also changed. The originally calm interior of the magic circle was now filled with sand and rocks, and sometimes frost, rain and snow fell from the sky, freezing the newly revived flowers, plants and trees again.

At the same time, Xiao Yunyan felt the sudden and drastic environmental changes in the magic circle.

Although Xiao Yunyan didn't know what happened, she had an answer in her heart, that is, these sudden weather changes were caused by the sudden change of mood of the owner of the Wanxu Array. She wanted to find out.

So, Xiao Yunyan entered the space first, put on thick outdoor clothing to keep out the cold and rain, and then walked out of the portable space.

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