Travel through space and help the prince’s husband in construction

Chapter 560 Negative energy disrupts the six realms, and Xiao Yunyan is sucked into the formation. C

The answers of these big goblins are all the same. A voice in their minds keeps reminding them that if they eat more fairies, their evil spells will become stronger, and the cultivation bottlenecks they encounter will be easily overcome.

And this strong consciousness in their minds constantly urged them to eat more goblins.

Under the control of that powerful idea, they can no longer control their actions, and even their thoughts have entered a very vague state. There is only one thought in their minds, which is to eat more goblins.

Xiao Yunyan verified a thought in her heart, that is, there is a kind of negative energy sweeping across the six realms.

However, for gods with noble character and good people in the world, such negative energy has no effect. Including the kind ghosts in the underworld and the kind fairies in the fairy world are not affected.

Those affected by such negative energy are the evil spirits from hell who are very greedy and evil in their hearts; the demons who are very greedy and aggressive; the fairies who are very greedy and lustful, humans and local gods and ghost generals in the human world. and evil spirits.

They come with their own negative characters and emotions. Therefore, their minds are controlled by this negative energy.

Xiao Yunyan's speculation is close to the truth, but the truth is not that simple.

Xiao Yunyan explained her thoughts to everyone. Everyone decided to investigate the source of this negative energy while attacking the mysterious power of the island country.

They were divided into three groups. Others remained unchanged. Taoist Qingti and Li Mohan formed a group, and the three groups acted separately.

They started from the island country and traveled around to look for clues. The mysterious power of the island country was not a concern. They wanted to find out the deep-seated reasons why the negative energy interfered with the six realms.

In this process, Xiao Yunyan, Master Shenggu, and Calabash Baby formed a team.

They discovered something strange. Those living beings controlled by negative energy behave more and more crazily and pose an increasing threat to other living beings.

At the same time, the three groups responsible for the investigation were themselves monitored by some mysterious force. Whenever they get close to key clues, they always encounter various obstacles and dangers.

However, everyone did not back down. They relied on their cultivation, magic and wisdom to confront the mysterious dark power head-on again and again.

The mysterious power gathered by the island nation suffered a tragic blow.

This also aroused the negative energy deep in the island country to launch attacks on the three groups of people.

However, the Demon God and Yuan Chen are the strongest. They not only resolve all kinds of accidents and disasters caused by negative energy, but also inflict heavy damage on the negative energy directed behind the scenes.

They caught many local gods, ghost generals, evil spirits, devils and evil spirits controlled by negative energy.

Demons and evil spirits are sent back to the demon world and the evil world. Local gods, ghost generals, and evil spirits were all packaged and sent to Taoist Qingti for disposal.

In the group between Taoist Qingti and Li Mohan, Li Mohan is relatively weak. However, he can enter the space at any time and can also use various auxiliary means prepared by Xiao Yunyan. Therefore, Li Mohan's weakness is made up for.

Taoist Qingti's spells were powerful, and the various auxiliary methods given to him by Xiao Yunyan seemed to be even more powerful.

The mysterious power of the island country commanded by negative energy was struck with fear. More ghost generals, evil spirits and local gods were caught, and they did not dare to be rampant anymore. Demons don't have many evil spirits. After being caught, they are sent to the devil for disposal.

Xiao Yunyan's group is the strongest, and Master Shenggu's cultivation level is almost the same as that of Master Yuan Chen. Moreover, Master Shenggu's spell attack power is particularly strong.

Calabash Baby's magic is not weaker than Li Mohan. Xiao Yunyan's cultivation level is much higher than that of Calabash Baby. Her spells are more powerful.

However, Xiao Yunyan and the babies in her belly were regarded as women and children who needed protection. Calabash Baby and Master Shenggu would not let her reach out, and they had to protect her at all times.

Therefore, when encountering a battle, Xiao Yunyan was invited back to the space, allowing her to hide in the space and wait for opportunities. If Master Shenggu and Calabash Baby are in danger, she will seize the opportunity to attack the enemy in the space and then hide back.

This kind of cooperation allowed them to have no accidents in the process of confronting negative energy. Similarly, those mysterious forces directed by negative energy are also caught by them a lot.

The mysterious power gathered by the island country was completely defeated by these three groups of highly capable gods and elves.

About half of the assembled mysterious forces were captured. The remaining half also disappeared.

No matter how negative energy arouses their aggressiveness, they will never attack. They are clearly aware that if they don't hide anymore, they will be destroyed by the group.

The ultimate goal of Xiao Yunyan and the others is not to eliminate all these mysterious powers in the island country. Therefore, their current mission goal is to find the source of that negative energy.

Several people believe that there must be a place where negative energy secretly exists in the island country. So they conducted a carpet-like search of the island country, specifically looking for those very secret and inaccessible places.

Xiao Yunyan's group found a mysterious ruins deep in the mountains. In the ruins, Shenggu, Calabash Boy and Xiao Yuntan discovered an ancient formation, which exuded a strong negative aura.

Just as they were trying to solve the mystery of the formation, a powerful force suddenly emerged and involved Xiao Yunyan.

Suddenly, Master Shenggu and Calabash Boy were anxious. They regretted extremely that they should have let Xiao Yunyan enter the space just now. Unexpectedly, there was no fighting here, but Xiao Yunyan was sucked into the magic circle. What should I do?

Master Shenggu wanted to enter the magic circle, but no matter how she attacked the magic circle, she would be bounced back by the powerful negative energy of the magic circle.

Calabash Baby also tried several times, but was still forcibly bounced away. Calabash Baby asked Master Shenggu not to continue attacking the magic circle.

Master Shenggu wanted to explore the source of this magic circle, but all he saw was a dark mist.

The two of them entered the space together to see if Xiao Yunyan had returned to the space.

But Calabash Boy sadly discovered that he could not enter the space now. Was the owner transported to a realm of nothingness? The magic circle sealed the space.

The space exists because of Xiao Yunyan's existence. If Xiao Yunyan encounters an accident, the space will instantly return to its original state and turn into an emerald jade gourd that will automatically return to the Yun family's Mudu.

However, although Calabash Baby cannot enter the space, he also confirmed that the space is still with the owner. Otherwise, he will also become the original state, return to the gourd space, and return to the state of the spirit body.

Now Calabash Baby and Master Shenggu want to solve this mysterious magic circle, and at the same time pray that Xiao Yunyan is safe and sound.

When Master Shenggu left the heaven, she already knew that Xiao Yunyan would encounter a fatal disaster during this mission. At that time, Emperor Hunyuan asked the holy aunt to protect Xiao Yunyan personally. However, if danger occurs, Saint Aunt need not worry.

Emperor Hunyuan said that Xiao Yunyan was his successor, and he had already given it to Xiao Yunyan. It's a life-saving thing, so it won't be life-threatening.

But how Xiao Yunyan can survive this disaster depends on her luck. Maybe she'd be hit hard, maybe she'd be unscathed. But you can be sure that there will be no life-threatening danger.

Master Shenggu also knew that Xiao Yunyan also kept the most precious resurrecting elixir in her own storage bag. That was the life-saving elixir refined by Xiao Yuntian using the medicine cauldron.

As long as she still has breath and can take the elixir out of the storage bag and throw it into her mouth, her life will not be in danger.

Master Shenggu and Calabash Baby kept observing this mysterious magic circle. What surprised Master Shenggu was that she could not find any way to crack this ancient mysterious magic circle.

Master Shenggu believes that this thing is definitely not made by modern humans, nor is it a recent addition. It may be that some ancient demon or evil spirit left it here during the war between immortals and demons, and the battle between gods and demons.

Moreover, according to Master Shenggu's speculation, such a mysterious and weird magic circle is not only found here in the island country, but even in other walks of life, there are hiding places for this evil magic circle. That's why in a short period of time, negative energy A big explosion in all walks of life.

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