(Two thousand words were added to the previous chapter. It has not passed the review for the time being, resulting in a jump in the content. Please forgive me. After it is passed tomorrow, everyone will read it again!) These ghost generals took advantage of Xiao Yunyan and the others before they left the island country, and planned to attack Xiao Yunyan and others. They deliver fatal blows. Let Xiao Yunyan and her group pay the price with their lives for destroying the industry and power they have worked so hard to build.

Because there are still some demons and evil spirits hiding here, they plan to stay for a few days. The demons and evil spirits that hid these things were also found.

Just when Xiao Yunyan and Saint Aunt were out, the serial bombings carried out by the ghost generals against them happened right next to Xiao Yunyan and the others.

Master Shenggu and Xiao Yunyan were blown out by the sudden car bomb. However, Xiao Yunyan and Shenggu did not fall heavily to the ground, but floated out along with the force, and then suspended in the air.

They looked down to see what was going on. What they couldn't believe was that the originally bustling streets were filled with traffic. But just now. passing place. Three cars collided and exploded one after another.

They saw with their own eyes that a series of vehicle explosions occurred on the ground, which not only injured ordinary people around them, but also affected the vehicles. There are also roadside shops.

Xiao Yunyan and Shenggu were at the moment when the car exploded. He flew away from the scene, but Xiao Yunyan was also injured. It's just a superficial wound. The holy aunt had energy to protect her body, but a large piece of her clothes was burned.

Xiao Yunyan and Shenggu smelled a conspiracy, and they felt that this sudden three-car collision and explosion occurred. It was too weird, because an exploding car had already exploded before it collided, right next to them.

Xiao Yuyan opened her yin and yang eyes, but. All the people in the vehicle were killed. Even the limbs are broken and unable to pass. Useful information was found on them. Face below. Xiao Yunyan and Aunt Sheng could not sit idly by indifferently to the tragic scene. They fell to the ground again, facing the injured people around them. Before the ambulance arrived, Xiao Yunyan had already taken out pills from her arms that could quickly stop bleeding and repair wounds.

Xiao Yunyan did not take out those miraculous elixirs because they were too conspicuous. Xiao Yunyan did not want to create mysterious incidents here. These are the pills he took out. The special medicines sold in my own pharmacy are also very effective.

These injured people. Got it when I was very helpless. Such pills. Some people don't dare to take it, and some people swallow the pill directly into their stomachs when Xiao Yunyan is helping them. The bleeding speed was significantly reduced, and the pain disappeared quickly. This effect made them feel miraculous, and they shouted loudly that this medicine was so useful. Everyone eat quickly.

Other injured people saw the person who had just taken the pill and suddenly became less painful, and. Seeing that their mental state suddenly improved, they all took the pills in their hands into their stomachs, indeed. Within a quarter of an hour, the bleeding of these people had completely stopped. My body didn't hurt that much anymore. At this moment, the ambulance came here following the traffic flow.

The injured who were supposed to be carried into the ambulance found that their wounds had stopped bleeding and were not that painful, so some of the slightly injured people left directly without going to the hospital. Only some of the seriously injured people were hospitalized last month. They were carried to the ambulance, but the nurses and doctors discovered that no matter how seriously injured they were, the bleeding points on these people's bodies had stopped bleeding. This reduces the difficulty of treatment. Fortunately, the nurses and doctors aroused curiosity. Get the injured to the hospital quickly, and then. Those who were not mutilated in limbs, only injured by broken bones. Unlike the injured in previous accidents who screamed in pain, they actually felt no pain.

The doctors thought that the nerves were blown out, but during the process of bone setting and suturing, as well as the cleaning of burn wounds, these people were not in unbearable pain as before.

Doctors and nurses were very curious about this situation and asked what these injured people had experienced and why they were not in heartbreaking pain.

The injured all said: "There were two kind-hearted women at the scene who provided us with special medicine.

We didn't believe it at first. Some people ate it first and found that there was no bleeding and the wound no longer hurt after eating. We all took the pill, so no one feels terribly bad now. The wound is not painful.

Xiao Yunyan gave them trauma medicine that had the effect of relieving pain and stopping bleeding.

Such pills can alleviate the pain of these innocent people. It can be regarded as a kind of compensation from Xiao Yunyan to them.

Just after the wounded were evacuated, Xiao Yunyan and Master Shenggu were blocked by the sudden appearance of four ghost generals with three hundred years of magic power.

They asked where Xiao Yunyan and Shenggu came from? Where did the pills just fed to these injured people come from?

These ghost generals want to deceive the formula and production method of these pills from Xiao Yunyan and Master Shenggu. Then they will be killed.

Xiao Yunyan looked at these four ghost generals and knew that the car explosion just now was their fault.

So Xiao Yunyan asked instead of answering: "What is the intention of you four ghost generals to stop us? Isn't the explosion that just happened caused by you?"

This was a ghostly smile, so Xiao Yunyan quickly and obediently gave the pills to them. Then the method of making the pills was also explained truthfully. And follow them to the pharmaceutical factory under their name, make the pills with their own hands, and only let them go after confirming that the medicine is effective.

When Xiao Yunyan listened to the words of these four ghost generals, she looked at their true thoughts with her yin and yang eyes.

As expected, these ghost generals were the ones responsible for the explosion, and they originally wanted to kill her and the master.

But before the car following them exploded, Gui Jiang received temporary instructions from her superiors, saying that she and her master might have special pills on their hands.

Therefore, you must first trick them into getting the pills, and then learn how to make the pills before killing them.

However, when they received the information. Car explosions have occurred. The four ghost generals still regretted that they answered the call late.

But when their master and apprentice fell from the sky, the four ghost generals realized that they had underestimated their cultivation before. So while waiting for them to feed the pills to the injured, the injured soon stopped crying. The wound stopped bleeding. The four ghost generals saw the effect of the pills with their own eyes. That's why I waited for the injured to leave before coming to stop them. Ask for pills and recipes and methods for making them.

Beautiful clouds and smoke. A bottle of pills was taken out from the space and the bottle was opened in front of them. These ghost generals smelled the rich spiritual energy and immediately greedily absorbed the spiritual energy emanating from those pills. They even wanted to snatch the bottle of medicine from Xiao Yunyan's hand and eat it all.

The ghosts don't want to use the pills to cure diseases, but just want to absorb the spiritual energy in them.

However, Xiao Yunyan did not let them succeed. Just as they were snatching, Xiao Yunyan was already there. Floated to other places. This is a ghost who will suddenly realize Xiao Yunyan. Their cultivation and body skills were beyond their imagination. The four of them were no match for them at all, however. Now that they have received the mission, they can't. Before taking action, he gave up directly, so he was a ghost general. Use all your magic. Fighting with Xiao Yunyan. But before they could touch the hem of Xiao Yunyan's clothes, Master Shenggu raised his hand and used his strength to knock them out more than ten meters, and then they fell heavily to the ground.

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