Of course, what Xiao Yunyan wants to know is whether the hidden force behind the evil forces here is human or ghost? Or some other cultivator?

After the old man heard this question. His face was very serious. After pondering for a long time, she said to Xiao Yunyan: "Since you asked me this question, in fact, you already have more than 50% of the answer in your mind.

However, I can't speculate on the real situation inside. I just know that the identities of the internal members of that evil organization are very complicated.

And not just one evil force, but two. Their fight has now turned into a union.

It turns out that there is a dark and evil force that has been ruling here, and its real leader is the local evil ghost.

These evil spirits have extraordinary origins. They are the souls of generals who have killed many people in the wars of the past.

because. They are very obsessed with power and hatred, and are unwilling to reincarnate. Instead, he summoned the evil spirits that had not entered the underworld and formed an increasingly powerful force.

There are also demon cultivators, sorcerers, sorcerers, and practitioners of all kinds who have been snared among them. Anyone who doesn't follow the right path will be won over to join them.

However, they are fighting against the underworld. Therefore it cannot exist in the form of a pure soul. So they thought of a way to control the body of a living person.

Therefore, they will find some mentally retarded people and directly implant them into their souls as living bodies.

But there weren't enough people like this, so later they thought of a way to rob fresh corpses. After the corpse is buried in the grave, the corpse is immediately dug up and then re-implanted with their own ghosts.

This person will be sent to another place and live with another identity.

Of course, they are all members of their own group. No matter where they are, they are a dark force of evil forces.

Even so, because they have recruited more and more evil spirits to become members of their internal organization. There are increasing demands on the human body. So the trick they came up with was to harm living people. "

When Xiao Yunyan heard this, she knew that the old man had given her the true answer.

So Xiao Yunyan asked the old man if these people were pretending to be eminent monks or people with advanced cultivation.

The old man nodded. It is said that the world of cultivation was originally a peaceful place, but now it has been destroyed beyond recognition by these monsters and monsters.

Xiao Yunyan understood what he said. Because it is difficult to distinguish between true and false, people with true cultivation focus on inner cultivation and self-cultivation, and will not go out to recruit apprentices.

As for those fake experts, fake gods, and fake immortals, they all have different purposes to promote themselves and make themselves local celebrities.

Then either make money and reputation from it, or like this evil force, deceive more believers and obtain the true surrender of their souls, or directly steal their bodies.

The old man went on to say that these originally had local evil spirits as their main internal leaders.

Later, another evil force appeared here, but they were not ghosts, but evil spirits and demons who came from nowhere.

Although they have just arrived and do not have a deep foundation, these evil spirits and demons do have advanced magic. Relatively speaking, the spells are much higher than those of the local evil spirits.

Therefore, in a very short period of time, through their services such as prediction, fortune telling, and Feng Shui, they made local senior officials and financial groups respect them very much.

The momentum of development is particularly rapid, which also makes it possible. It turned out that the local evil spirits realized their crisis, so the two sides fought fiercely for a long time.

Because the local evil spirits have been developing for many years, they have many believers and are not powerful. It can be wiped out overnight.

Similarly, evil spirits and demons have extraordinary origins. Although they are very few in number, their individual abilities are very strong.

It was a mess at the beginning, but later the evil spirits and demons who broke in later gradually united and became a new force.

Originally, the struggle between them was very fierce, but later, due to their collusion with officials and financial groups in the human world, a new distribution of power was formed.

At this time, the power of demons and evil spirits is getting stronger and stronger, and the power of evil spirits is restrained.

At this point, the old man paused. Xiao Yunyan looked at him. The old man said: "What happened next is that the fight between the two parties lasted for nearly five years. There is no need to go into details. If you want to know anything, you can ask me directly.

What I want to talk about next is because in the past year or so, they have been competing for territory and expanding their power. Excessive interference with the normal life of human society.

Ordinary people were dissatisfied with the government and held several protests. The content of the protest is that in the face of so many strange incidents and various death cases that go unsolved, the government and the public security and judicial system are completely incompetent. They allow things to happen more and more frequently, but are unable to control them.

Because of such a large area. Resistance affects the credibility of the government. For those in power, they lose the support of the people and their support rate will decrease in the next election. Therefore, some government workers and police officers with a righteous heart must vigorously Stop this from happening.

The evil forces have encountered certain obstacles in their expansion.

But after all, there are not many capable people among righteous people. In particular, there are not many true cultivators who can resist the evil forces.

The cultivators gathered together to resist, but were still counterattacked. In the process, two monks with high moral standards were seriously injured.

Therefore, the actions to resist the evil forces did not achieve the desired results. It also compromised the power of justice.

Not only did this incident not achieve the results that the people wanted, but it also contributed to a result that the people did not want to see.

They are two dark forces. When no hostile forces appear, they compete for each other's territory and fight to the death.

But when facing a common enemy, they are also dark forces. A natural alliance formed. So five years later. They finally stopped fighting among themselves. Reach out to the outside world unanimously and contend with the alliance of government officials and righteous cultivators who resist the evil forces.

During this process, great conflicts sometimes arise between government officials and cultivators.

Because some government officials have been infiltrated by the evil forces, and they support the evil forces.

There are also some who firmly advocate resisting the evil forces, but they are not the real people in power.

As a result, the alliance between government officials and justice cultivators is not that close.

Facing the huge evil forces, the loose alliance of the righteous has suffered repeated setbacks.

Even if we get a lot of foreign aid from outside. But the local cultivators know better the actual situation of the local evil forces. So their actions are the most effective.

Foreign aid does not understand the local situation. Without preparation, many people were harmed by local evil forces, resulting in fewer and fewer foreign aid.

During this process, the evil forces became more and more rampant, and ghosts gathered together to form a powerful dark force that could even openly compete with Hades. "

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