After the plane landed, a group of seven people checked into the hotel. Their first stop was in the capital of the island country, because the island country has more people and less land, and the hotel is not as grand as the Dragon Kingdom Hotel. The two military star personnel will arrange for everyone to stay in a four-star hotel in the city.

Master Shenggu said: "The purpose of our visit this time is to investigate the dark forces, and we must try to be as secretive as possible."

Xiao Yunyan suggested: "It is better to go to places where dark forces are rampant based on the information from previous investigations and find a place to stay nearby."

After a few people reached an agreement, they took the subway and arrived at the suburbs of City D. It was relatively quiet. They chose a quieter B&B. The small three-story villa was rented out by them.

The boss is one. Older. The old woman was very kind.

Xiao Yunyan also has an attitude. Friendly with the old lady. After booking the room, I chatted a few words. In fact, I was asking about the local security situation. Is it dangerous to go out for fun at night?

The old woman's smile suddenly froze, and then she said to Xiao Yunyan in a very gentle manner: "Guests should try to go out during the day. Nighttime is always not as convenient as during the day."

In effect, the old woman was telling her that it wasn't safe to go out at night. But the old man can't say it clearly, if he directly says it's not safe here. Then wouldn’t there be no one staying at her B&B?

But this old woman is indeed a kind-hearted person. She added again that if you want to go out, try to go with as many people as possible and don't be alone.

Xiao Yunyan thanked the old lady for the reminder. While chatting with her, Xiao Yunyan observed the pedestrians coming and going on the street.

Xiao Yunyan speaks authentic island language, speaks in a civilized and polite manner, and has a particularly pleasant voice. The old lady was very willing to talk to her.

The old lady asked Xiao Yunyan, are the group coming to D city for a trip?

Xiao Yunyan said that several of them came to the island country to travel, and they planned to visit everywhere. Ask the old lady if there are any fun places nearby. The old woman gave several suggestions, and Xiao Yunyan took a small notebook and wrote them down one by one.

Then Xiao Yunyan guided the old lady's language. Ask him if there are any particularly mysterious figures around here. For example, an eminent monk with many followers, or a great god? They wanted to visit and have their fortunes told.

A strange look flashed across the old lady's face, but then she asked Xiao Yuntian with a smile: "Guest, are you looking for monks who devote themselves to practice? Or are you looking for those goddesses who can predict? Masters?"

Xiao Yunyan deliberately pretended to be a blind believer who didn't understand anything, and said: "I want to find a fortune teller who is particularly popular, or a master who can predict, to help me calculate my future fortune."

Because real practicing monks don’t do so many tricks, nor do they attract a bunch of pilgrims. So those who want. To gather more believers. False gods and false Buddhas. Some miracles will inevitably be revealed, including fortune-telling predictions.

The old woman said: "There are really two people around here. One of them is a goddess, known as Master Jingyin.

She is 90 years old. I have been helping others predict things since I was young. Many people come to her for predictions. The price charged by this goddess depends entirely on the wishes of the believers, and there is no clear price tag. "

Xiao Yunyan asked: "Can you give me the address and contact information of this goddess?"

The old woman enthusiastically wrote the address and phone number of the goddess to Xiao Yunyan. And he enthusiastically told her how to take the path she was looking for?

Xiao Yunyan asked again: "Then there is another master named He Fang?"

The old woman frowned, but she still told Xiao Yunyan about the prediction master.

She said: "This forecasting master is called Master Kato, and he is a man. He is probably in his 40s. He was not famous at first, but in the past three years, there have been more and more followers. He mainly predicts certain current affairs and politics. Military trends.

Because his prediction accuracy is very high, he has a high reputation in the prediction community. There are many people who come to him to help with predictions, and they are all upper-class figures.

Among them, there are many political figures, consortium presidents, celebrities...

Because there are so many people coming to see Master Kato for predictions, reservations need to be made in advance, and the fees are quite high. "

Xiao Yunyan was very interested in Master Kato, so she also asked the old woman for her address, phone number, and the best way to get there.

After finishing speaking, the old woman told Xiao Yunyan: "This Master Kato is sought after by many believers, so he is a very mysterious figure and very arrogant. Not everyone accepts him."

Xiao Yunyan knew that the old lady was telling her that if she wanted to join Master Kato, it would not be that easy. So let me know in advance, don’t go all the way and not see me.

Xiao Yunyan thanked this warm-hearted and kind-hearted old woman again. While talking to her, I noticed that she looked bad.

So, Xiao Yunyan used fluoroscopy to check her body and saw a tumor in her abdominal cavity. It's something that grows in the uterus, like uterine fibroids, but it's actually a malignant tumor.

Xiao Yunyan discovered that the old woman was talking to him. From time to time I would touch my lower abdomen with my hands. The brows will frown unconsciously.

Xiao Yunyan asked the old woman, "Madam, I see that you don't look very good. Are you feeling uncomfortable?

I know Chinese medicine. If you feel uncomfortable, I can help you diagnose your pulse and take a look. "

The old woman sighed and said to Xiao Yunyan: "Thank you for your concern, guest. I do feel uncomfortable. I often have pain in my lower abdomen, which has been particularly severe recently."

Xiao Yunyan asked him if he had gone to the hospital for a checkup? The old woman shook her head and said that she ran the B&B alone, and he was the one who kept the shop on weekdays.

Moreover, going to the hospital for treatment is too expensive. If she really wanted to cure the disease, she needed to go out of business. However, if the B&B stops, she will have no income.

Xiao Yunyan was very curious. The old woman said that she was alone. Did she not have any savings when running a B&B? He didn't even have time to go to the hospital for a physical check-up. And it seems that she is very worried about the cost of going to the hospital for treatment.

The problem was solved in the process of talking to the old woman. I think he is a very kind and kind old man, so I want to help him. So Xiao Yunyan asked the question tactfully. The old woman smiled bitterly and said, although I am alone now, my husband owed a large amount of foreign debt before his death.

Operating a B&B, part of the income is used to meet daily needs. The rest was used to pay off debts. Now, I have almost paid off the debt. If I persist a little longer, after I have paid off the foreign debt, I can close the store for two days and go to the hospital for a good check-up. "

Xiao Yunyan asked smoothly: "I'm very sorry. It reminds you of the sad past. However, if you are willing to tell me, can you tell me why your husband owed a large amount of foreign debt during his lifetime. Did something happen to him? ?”

The old woman sighed. While looking blankly, thinking about the past, he talked leisurely.

"My husband. He was once a very capable policeman.

Because they are being arrested. In the process of the evil forces, people from that party were offended and threatened by the other party.

My husband has a strong sense of justice and is not threatened by them. However, his superiors found various reasons to severely criticize him, and sometimes even framed him.

My husband didn’t understand the reason at first, but later he found out that the police had cooperated with those dark forces.

Therefore, when he enforces the law impartially, he affects other people's interests. So, he reported the truth to the supervisory department.

Unexpectedly, he was accused of accepting bribes many times. And the amount is huge.

Of course my husband would not plead guilty to this trumped-up crime. So he found strong evidence to clear his name.

However, the power above is too great. In the end, he was falsely accused of accepting bribes many times, with huge amounts and conclusive evidence.

If he fails to hand over the huge sum of money within the stipulated time, he will be sentenced to death. "

When the old lady said this, she pressed her abdomen again, frowned, and then took a few deep breaths before calming down. continued:

"Although I run a B&B and my husband still has a job. I live a very comfortable life, but I don't have much savings.

Because our child became seriously ill five years ago and we spent all our family’s savings, but we were unable to save him in the end.

Suddenly we had to hand over such a huge sum of money. For us and my wife, it was money that would only take ten years to earn.

My husband refused to accept the verdict and continued to pursue legal channels, but the verdict was still upheld. There was no way he could ask for help. He was so anxious that he suddenly fell ill.

I can only use the remaining savings in my hand to treat him.

But during the treatment period, those evil forces came to assassinate him. In the end, my husband could not escape and was killed by them.

And that huge debt did not disappear because of her husband's death.

The court ruled that I must return the money, otherwise my property, including this B&B, will be confiscated. "

When the old lady said this, she burst into tears. She wiped her eyes, but the tears couldn't stop.

So she continued to choke and said: "Although the value of my real estate plus this B&B is not as much as that huge sum of money.

But this is my home, the home for me, my husband and our three children, even though they have left me one after another.

However, even if I am the only one left, I will protect this family.

Besides, I have no other source of livelihood after leaving here. So I can only continue to run this B&B.

In addition to basic living expenses every year, the remaining income is used to pay off debts. "

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