Travel through space and help the prince’s husband in construction

Chapter 538: Sibao wanted to do the mission with his parents but was dissuaded. The evil spirit esca

Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan are going to the human world to perform tasks, and it will take at least three months to return. Of course, the little babies must be informed of this matter.

When the four little babies heard this. Ask to do this task with your parents.

Xiao Yunyan let them learn their skills in heaven with peace of mind. She said: "This matter requires a lot of mission personnel, so we have used members from the League of Justice. There are more cultivators there who are not too high in cultivation. This mission also gives them the opportunity to increase their actual combat capabilities." Experience and merit.”

When the babies heard what their mother said, they felt it made sense. However, it is always a bit regretful not being able to go on missions with my parents.

Xiao Yunyan promised: "Although the dark forces to be dealt with in this mission are powerful as a whole, individual dark forces are not very powerful and are relatively easy to deal with.

Therefore, the mother-in-law wanted to leave this opportunity to the members of the Justice League.

The mother-in-law promised that when she encounters a more difficult task in the future, she will take the four little babies with her. "

After the four little darlings heard their mother's promise, they stopped thinking about it. Since it wasn't too challenging, they didn't go.

After all, there will be many opportunities for them to accumulate merit in the future. Let’s give it to the uncles of Ziwei Yunxiao Palace first.

However, Ping An said to his mother: "Mother, if you encounter danger during the execution of your mission, do not rush to the front. When you need our help, call us. We will rush to your side immediately."

Xiao Yunyan nodded solemnly to Ping An, her little son who was usually unsmiling but very attentive, and comforted the four little darlings who were full of concern: "Don't worry, in order to protect my safety, your uncle Yuan Chen and Master Sheng are Zu will walk with me and guard me at all times. Calabash Baby will also be taken with me.

So you can rest assured. Listen to the teachings of the two masters and uncles in heaven with peace of mind. "

Although the four little babies can go to space when they miss their father, queen and mother, they will have the opportunity to see them. However, parents are very busy, and they are also going through experiences. Therefore, there are not many opportunities for a family of six to meet in space.

This time, the father, queen, mother and concubine are going out to fight against such a huge evil force. The difficulties and dangers involved are self-evident. They want to accompany them, but their parents do not agree. They can only hide their concern silently in their hearts. Please take care of yourself, mother-in-law.

Xiao Yunyan promised that although she could not come to the sky to see them. From now on, they can meet their parents in the space every half month.

After the four babies received their mother's promise, they reluctantly said goodbye to her.

Xiao Yunyan asked the senior brothers and Master Sheng who participated in the operation to get ready. Together, they went to the demon world to find the demon god Li Xuyang. If she wants to come too. Participating in the action can reach the time and space plane where the Dragon Kingdom is located just from the Demon Realm.

There were actually 300 members of the Justice League participating in the mission this time. Originally, Xiao Yunyan did not want to bring so many senior brothers there.

But Master Ziwei said: "Since you have to face such a huge evil force, you will be constrained by the lack of manpower.

Even these three hundred people may not be able to. Because what you have to face is not just the evil forces of the Dragon Kingdom, but... The evil forces in that world as a whole. "

Xiao Yunyan listened to the Master's words and brought 300 members of the Justice League.

When a group of people came to the demon world, they saw a scene that made everyone unable to believe what they saw.

These beings in the demon world who were once disobedient to discipline are actually busy in an orderly manner.

Some are participating in various spell trainings, some are meditating and practicing, and some demons are collectively greening the demon world and planting flowers, plants and trees.

Xiao Yunyan's arrival was welcomed by all beings in the demon world. The beings in the demon world also showed a friendly attitude towards other guests.

Xiao Yunyan asked them, where is the devil?

The second guardian happened to be among the crowd. He came out and said to Xiao Yunyan: "The devil took the great elder and the great protector to the evil world to rectify the recent turmoil there. There are evil spirits sneaking into the world to do evil.

Recently, the new evil god found that more and more evil spirits were sneaking away, and he couldn't control it. I couldn't find out where the evil spirit escaped, so I came to ask the devil for help the day before yesterday. The Demon God has only been gone for two days.

Princess Duanjing, do you have something important? If there is something urgent, I will take you to the evil world to find the devil. "

When Xiao Yunyan heard that the Demon God was dealing with such an important matter, she originally didn't plan to disturb her anymore, and thought that the Demon God would not be able to spare the time to perform the mission with her.

Senior Brother Yuan Chen, who was standing by, asked the second protector: "When did the evil spirits escape from the evil world?"

The second guardian said: "At the beginning, there were only one or two people. The new evil god didn't know that things were getting more and more serious later. He found out after investigation. This kind of thing has been happening for more than half a year."

Master Yuan Chen. Turning back to Xiao Yunyan, she said: "One month in the evil world is equal to one year in the human world. Since it happened for half a year in the evil world, it lasts six years in the human world.

It seems that the increasingly rampant evil forces in the human world may be the huge dark forces established by these evil spirits from the evil world who came to the human world and attracted the evil forces in the human world.

So we really have to find the devil. This matter is very likely to be directly related to her. "

Xiao Yunyan was awakened by the senior brother's words. Indeed, the dark forces in the world are so rampant. Without the support of the huge forces behind it, it would be impossible to achieve it.

Xiao Yunyan immediately asked the second guardian to lead the way, and they immediately followed to the evil world.

There, the Demon God, the Great Protector and the Great Elder are helping the new Evil God to explore every nook and cranny of the entire evil world, trying to find where these evil spirits escape to the human world.

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