The Jade Dragon and the White-haired Witch. In the north. Although the crisis of the second city being captured was prevented. But because the first city was destroyed. Enemy occupation, so a large part. Border lands, especially rural areas. Without the protection of soldiers. Suffered wanton robbery by the invading army.

Just when the grain was about to be harvested, Zeng was attacked. These farmers in the countryside. I had to harvest the food in the fields, but I didn't know if the food would be taken away by the invading soldiers.

In the frightened days of the common people, some of them stood guard at the entrance of the village, while others went to collect grain, and everyone cooperated. They did not dare to put the finished grain in their own homes, and the cellar was not safe, so the village chief took charge of it. They discussed that there was a secret cave in a nearby mountainous area, and everyone worked hard to collect the food and send it to a platform near the cave. There. The older people are responsible for drying the grain, putting it into bags and storing it in the cave.

But those who have their eyes on food. intruder. They would not be allowed to finish harvesting the grain quietly, so they continued to harass various villages. See if they have collected the grain into the warehouse. If you find that the grain has been cut, go to the village to collect the grain immediately. Because there are villagers on sentry duty in the village. Standing on the top of the tree, I saw soldiers running towards me from a distance, so they blew their whistles and hid quickly. When the cavalry ran into the village, they could hardly find anyone. Even if you find old, weak, women and children. Can't run. There was no food at home, so I rummaged around and left cursing.

It's not that the invaders' soldiers are kind-hearted, but they know a truth. If they kill all the people at the border, they will want to steal food in the future, but no one will help them grow food.

Therefore, their purpose was to grab food, not to kill people. After these common people figured out the mentality of these snatchers, they were no longer so afraid.

So they gathered the food as quickly as possible before the invaders came, and then hid after collecting the food.

In some places there are no caves. But there are woods. Deep in the woods. Found a big piece. A sunny place where the grain can be dried. Then. Find a hidden place to dig a cellar and temporarily store food in it.

The marauders' soldiers did not dare to enter the mountains because they were not familiar with the geography. Moreover, they all entered the village on horseback. They did not dare to leave their horses at the foot of the mountains, as they would be captured. The local people stole it. Without their horses, they lost the ability to escape quickly.

If it falls into the hands of ordinary people, the swords in their hands will not be so useful. Therefore, they only dare to enter the village and grab food when the people are not paying attention.

Now that the people have been robbed by them, they are naturally on guard against them. Recently, these invaders who have gone to various villages to steal food have gained less and less. Sometimes I can't get food, but I see there is still food at home. If you don't hide your daily necessities, just pick up one or two items, whatever comes handy, but don't leave them empty.

The common people denounced these invaders as thieves. But they did not dare to confront the invaders on horseback and holding scimitars.

They still want to save their lives and live a happier life in the future. They believe that the king, queen and his friends will drive these invaders away from the Lanyu Dynasty.

The white-haired witch and the jade dragon. I learned that in addition to the second city recently. In addition to the crisis, after the first city was attacked. Although the other side has not made another large-scale invasion, small groups of forces can break into the border at will and go to various villages to snatch food. They feel that this matter must be resolved immediately, otherwise the people on the large border will not be able to produce and live normally. Being harassed by the invaders and being in constant fear all day long is extremely miserable for the people.

Now that they are here. It is necessary to solve this problem. The two planned to go to the enemy to explore the actual situation and see what kind of strength the opponent had.

The white-haired witch wants to give this. An invading army. The lesson was so great that they no longer dare to break in and snatch things easily.

Yulong thought the same way, and he wanted to seize the first city, let the army return to the first city, guard the border, and also guard the border.

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