Travel through space and help the prince’s husband in construction

Chapter 50 Li Mohan was attacked and smashed, and the frightened horse kicked the groom's leg o

Xiao Yunyan spends every day either taking the time to make pills in the space or pulling medicinal materials around. No matter how large the inventory is, it is not enough for the entire army to take medicine together.

In addition to the types that can be taken from the medicine cabinet at will, the inventory in the military camp has been used up again. She visited all the nearby medicine shops and medicine dealers. There are two kinds of medicinal materials, and she has bought all the medicines in the three surrounding houses.

Such a busy man has completely forgotten that he has a husband-in-law.

Li Mohan has been busy recently tracking down the person behind the secret exchange of food. This matter was entrusted to him by Xiao Yunyan. Xiao Yunyan ordered the members of the yellow subgroup to hand over the details of the previously discovered situation to Li Mohan and asked him to take over the investigation.

At the border, Li Mohan is not only here, but also a small official who specializes in supervising the acceptance of grain into the warehouse. He has convenient conditions for investigation.

Li Mohan and Xiao Yunyan lived quite far away, in the Sanli Military Camp. Their residences were at diagonally opposite corners of the rectangular military camp.

Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan agreed not to expose their identities until the food subcontracting matter was investigated.

Li Mohan is really too busy. At the same time, he established a good relationship with his superior to facilitate investigation of the situation. While busy inspecting the grain. He was even busier at night. He and the secret guards analyzed the new situation and formulated tracking tasks for suspicious persons.

Another thing that gave them a headache was the assassin who assassinated him. A group of people came and were subdued, trained, and sent to the military camp to be incorporated. Another batch came, again like this, really persevering.

What is puzzling is that the man behind the scenes is shameless. More and more assassins are sent, and the assassination methods become even more sophisticated.

Xiao Yunyan prepared a large number of poisons, poisons, and antidotes for him and the secret guards.

Since the boss, the second child, and his gang members are not short of manpower and are willing to send him well-trained masters, then he will not refuse whoever comes and accept them all.

These killer assassins are not ordinary people, but they are all selected martial arts masters. If the boss and the second child hadn't taken the initiative to give them to him, he wanted to find such masters by himself, but he really couldn't find so many people in a short period of time.

Although both busy people are busy. Xiao Yunyan really left Li Mohan behind for the time being. However, Li Mohan always thought of his mysterious and powerful little wife in his spare time.

He sighed countless times that he really found a treasure. He wanted to find time to visit his wife, but the military camp was not a place where he could move around at will.

Li Mohan was inspecting the grain near the warehouse that day. Coincidentally, the thick hemp rope holding the grain bags had just been untied by the transport workers. The horse that was standing quietly suddenly became frizzy and its front hooves were raised high.

A cart full of grain bags rolled down. Fortunately, the wheels behind the carriage were stuck by two large rocks. After the grain bags rolled down, the horses did not pull the carriage. The horses could only jump in place, neighing and hooting.

The groom tried his best to control the out-of-control horse, but was kicked and broken by the horse that kept kicking him.

The guards were also stunned by the frightened horse. I have never seen a horse standing there as quiet as a chicken suddenly go crazy. The guards didn't react for a moment. When they reacted and ran this way, Li Mohan had already sprayed the poison.

Within two breaths, the horse fell to its knees and fell unconscious. The groom also fell into a coma. Li Mohan looked at the grain depot guard who was lying more than ten meters behind him and who had just ran over and was also unconscious.

He touched his nose, feeling a little anxious this time. He raised his hand and the half-ceramic bottle of medicine spread out in a fan shape. Just by a slight breeze, the medicinal powder was carried far away. There are quite a few people who are fascinated.

Li Mohan felt that he still needed to become more proficient in his drug-spreading technique. Alas, it was a waste of the drug of kissing my little daughter-in-law. Be gentle next time. He was so excited that he not only wasted the drug but also the antidote. Be sure to pay attention next time.

However, what Li Mohan didn't know was that fortunately his hands shook when he was anxious. Those drugs were given to the twenty-four assassins hidden on the wall in time, who were preparing to take the opportunity to assassinate him. Nothing was wasted at all.

"Plop, plop", the continuous sound of heavy objects falling to the ground was heard by Li Mohan. He realized something was wrong.

Because after many times of practice, he is relatively proficient in technique this time. The antidote was kept in his mouth before the medicine was administered, so he didn't fall into coma with others like before.

Li Mohan was knocked down by a rice bag that slipped from the side. He wasn't injured, but his appearance was a bit off-putting.

The black brocade robe and the ink-colored hair were stuck to the dust and grass clippings on the ground and the rice bag, making her look gray and miserable.

He first fed the guards the antidote. The groom's leg is broken, so let him remain unconscious. He asked the guards who woke up one after another to carry the groom to the military doctor's office on a stretcher, and quickly set the bones for treatment.

Then, he took out his bone whistle and blew two bird calls. The secret guard Tiansan, who was protecting him in the dark, appeared beside him. He happily reported: "Congratulations, master, you reacted quickly this time and brought down all the twenty-four assassins. Now, they have been taken away by our people."

Li Mohan nodded. Suddenly, he ordered Tiansan to notify Xiao Yunyan and go to the military doctor's office to find him. Just say that he was knocked unconscious by the rice bag.

The corners of Tiansan's mouth couldn't help but turn down slightly. The master misses his wife so much that he can even imagine pretending to be injured. It’s really hard for the princess.

After receiving the order, Tiansan flew away and disappeared. Is he going to complain to the hostess, or is he going to file a complaint?

Xiao Yunyan saw Tiansan coming to report that the prince was knocked down by a rice bag that fell from a frightened horse. He was injured and needed her treatment. I'm in the military doctor's office now.

Xiao Yunyan watched Tian San report the process in an orderly manner. I was still wondering, why was Tiansan not worried at all when the prince was injured?

Looking at Tian San's expression that was a bit funny, she understood that Li Mohan was exaggerating. Otherwise, with Tiansan's character, he would have been so anxious to pick her up and run away, eager to save his master.

Xiao Yunyan also wanted to see what Li Mohan looked like after being hit by a rice bag? Moreover, the groom had a fracture, and Xiao Yunyan wanted to see if the groom needed bone grafting and suturing.

When Xiao Yunyan rushed to the military doctor's office, Li Mohan was chatting with the military doctor. Learn about Xiao Yunyan's deeds from the military doctor.

Especially the special pills, magic potions, and suture surgeries that were popular throughout the western border areas. It was a miracle that all the wounded and military doctors praised.

Li Mohan snickered proudly while listening to others praising his little wife. Haha, the miracle doctor you talk about is my prince’s little daughter-in-law. The proud look was really undisguised and beyond words.

Suddenly, he found Xiao Yunyan, who was disguised as a man, walking in. She immediately pretended to be weak and in pain, as if she was dying of pain.

Xiao Yunyan pretended not to know him. The military doctor ran over and explained the groom's condition to Xiao Yunyan in detail.

The groom's thigh bone was cracked by the horse's hoof, and it was broken diagonally when he fell. What's even more unfortunate is that the extended thigh bone pierced the thigh muscle and also punctured the aorta. It just didn't break at first.

The groom was carried to the military doctor's office by the guards. He had just put him on the bed and was less than ten breaths old. Suddenly, blood began to flow from the artery in his thigh, and the blood flow rate became faster and faster.

Fortunately, the military doctor was by his side and immediately tied the roots of his thighs tightly with a rope made of beef tendon. The bleeding was temporarily stopped. However, this method is temporary. The bleeding must be stopped immediately.

Fortunately, Xiao Yunyan left him special styptic powder. When the leg is pricked, the powder can still be used to stop the bleeding. However, once it is released, the place where the blood vessel ruptures will be flushed open by blood. He was about to send a handyman to ask for Dr. Xiao.

Li Mohan said that Doctor Xiao would be here soon and he had already sent someone to invite him.

Really, Xiao Yunyan arrived just after half a cup of tea.

Xiao Yunyan asked them to prepare hot water. She took out a scalpel, sutures, and silver needle bag from her leather satchel. There are also iodophors and alcohol for disinfection.

Hot water was brought immediately. Xiao Yunyan first cleaned her hands and then disinfected them with alcohol. Then disinfect the wound that the groom had already cleaned by the handyman again.

The groom, who had been unconscious, almost woke up from the pain. Xiao Yunyan used silver needles to seal the acupuncture points on her legs to numb them. I also used a local anesthetic cotton ball and wiped the skin near the wound.

She didn't dare to take out the injectable anesthetic. It was too hard to explain.

Xiao Yunyan was ready, putting on a mask, gloves, and a white coat. She didn't dare to take out the sterile gown.

She wants to teach on the spot and teach military doctors and doctors what surgery is.

In the future, military doctors will inevitably use surgery. It's better to choose a day than to hit it. Today's case is very serious and it is just suitable for on-site teaching. Once you learn something difficult, it becomes easier to learn something simple.

Xiao Yunyan asked the doctor to help. Hold several flashlights and shine them on the wound from different angles. It was too dark in the room to see clearly. With the light of the flashlight, she could see clearly the injured muscles, blood vessels and flesh of the groom.

Xiao Yunyan asked the military doctor. Wash your hands. Disinfect well and wear sterile gloves and a mask. Standing aside to help her pass the surgical instruments.

Xiao Yunyan's surgical instruments are all arranged in order. So the medics don't need to know what it is? Just follow Xiao Yunyan's instructions and take them in order. For example, she would say yes, take the tool in the third grid on the left and the tool in the second grid on the right. Later, you only need to report the coordinates, such as fifth from the left and eighth from the right. A military doctor would understand.

Compared to one person's surgery, it was much easier for her. But the medical conditions are also very different. This is the time to put her skills to the test. Xiao Yunyan was calm and calm, and her movements were not delayed.

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