The prince of Nubia was an ambitious, cruel and ruthless man. He desires power and wealth, and in order to achieve his goals, he is willing to sacrifice everything, even the people of his own country.

When he learned that the Lanyu Dynasty was a wealthy and powerful country, he decided to launch an aggressive war in an attempt to seize the land and wealth of the Lanyu Dynasty. Regardless of the life and death of the people, he mobilized a large number of troops and supplies to prepare for an attack on the Lanyu Dynasty.

When the people heard the news, they were filled with fear and anxiety. They know that this war will bring countless deaths and pain, and they do not want their homes to be destroyed, nor do they want their relatives to be killed.

They protested to the prince one after another and asked him to stop the war. But the prince turned a deaf ear. He believed that the life and death of the people had nothing to do with him. He only cared about his own interests.

The prince's behavior made the people very disappointed and angry, and they began to resist the prince's rule. They organized themselves and prepared to launch an uprising to overthrow the prince's regime and support the young prince in establishing a new government, a government that truly cared for the people.

The prince learned of the people's plan and was very frightened. He decided to take extreme measures to suppress the people's uprising. At the same time, we must seize the little prince and put him under house arrest. There are no rebels like the little prince. There is no way to use force on him. Establish a new regime.

He ordered the army to open fire on the people and massacred countless innocent people. The blood of the people stained the earth red, and their screams resounded throughout Nubia.

However, the people were not intimidated by the prince's atrocities. Instead, they became more determined to resist. They continued to organize and prepare for a larger uprising. They know that only through their own efforts can they overthrow the prince's rule and establish a country that truly belongs to the people.

However, the military power is firmly in the hands of the prince. The old emperor has been imprisoned, and the little prince is being hunted. Although the people revolted, it happened in a hurry. There is no good organization or leader. Therefore, the people's uprising did not work. Shake the eldest prince. The role of power. Nubia was still suppressing the people and robbing supplies from the people without scruples, while frantically attacking the border of the Lanyu Dynasty.

Because there were no borders in the early Sapphire Dynasty. Be prepared, so. right. Nubia. Crazy offense. They were caught off guard and suffered heavy casualties, but because of the city gate. Block, so the Nubian soldiers even launched. After many forcible attacks, the city gate was still not secured. Open. Because it was next to the rocky beach, they also thought of using a trebuchet to attack the city gate.

At the same time, the stones under the ramp wall were piled up, just enough to become a ladder for Nubian soldiers to climb the wall.

Seeing the Nubian soldiers climbing to the city wall crazily. edge. The soldiers of the Lanyu Dynasty stood on the city wall holding swords and guns. Fight with the attacking soldiers below. There were heavy casualties in the process. But the soldiers of the Lanyu Dynasty cannot relax even a little bit, otherwise once they are attacked into the city, they will be overwhelming. This city wall could no longer protect the borders of the Lanyu Dynasty.

Fortunately, there is an advantage in attacking from top to bottom. Even if a few were lucky enough to climb onto the city wall, they were hacked to death by the soldiers in the city.

Seeing the unnecessary bloodshed and sacrifice of these soldiers, the little prince felt very distressed, because these men who were hacked to death were the most elite troops in Nubia. He is also a young child in the common people's family. It is also the hope for Nubia’s future.

However, because of the greed of the eldest prince, they were involved in this fight with no chance of winning and lost their lives in vain.

Little prince, pray to the gods to help Nubia quickly end this meaningless struggle.

His prayer seemed to be heard by God. The frontier of Lanyu Dynasty. With the aid of inland soldiers, the situation on the battlefield changed. Seeing that there was no advantage, the prince also stopped his crazy attack.

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