Travel through space and help the prince’s husband in construction

Chapter 492: The general and cavalry fight, and Lanyu makes a surprising move. The Lava cavalry was

When Yulong arrived at the western border, it was when the Lava cavalry was preparing for the second attack.

The soldiers and military households of the Lanyu Dynasty were very nervous. After the last attack, they were already prepared. But facing the menacing Lava cavalry, they were still not sure whether they could withstand the enemy's attack.

The last attack caused great trauma to the soldiers and military households in Lanyu. Many families lost their hard-earned savings of food, livestock, poultry, and daily necessities. But they were all snatched away by Rawa's bandits. The hearts of the people were filled with fear and hatred.

They knew that the Lava cavalry were a group of very cruel enemies, and they were only interested in robbing things at this time. There's no guarantee that I won't attack them next time.

The machete of the Rawa people is a veritable murder weapon. Fighting on horseback, one by one, killing people is like chopping melons and vegetables. In the blink of an eye, several lives were lost.

This is not the result of the common people's imagination, but the conclusion drawn by Lanyu's long-term battle with the Lava people.

Yulong was the king of the Lanyu Dynasty. He saw the tension and fear of the soldiers, and he knew that what they needed was confidence and courage.

So Yulong walked up to the soldiers and said loudly: "Brothers, we are ready. We have enough troops and weapons. I believe that I can save everyone's lives. This time I will let the Lava cavalry There is no return.”

When the soldiers heard the words of the Dragon King, the tension and fear in their hearts gradually subsided, and their eyes became firm.

They know that they are not alone. They have a king like Yulong to lead everyone to fight the enemy together. They will definitely be able to defeat the enemy.

Yulong continued: "Brothers, you are the people of the Lanyu Dynasty, with an indomitable spirit and an indomitable will. We cannot let the enemy's flag fly on our land, and we cannot let the enemy's horse hooves crush it. Our home. We must use our blood and lives to defend the land and people of Lanyu."

The soldiers were infected by the words of King Yulong, and their hearts no longer had fear, but were filled with pride and ambition.

They raised their weapons high and shouted loudly: "For Lanyu and for honor, we swear to fight the enemy to the end!"

Yulong looked at the group of brave and fearless soldiers in front of him, and his heart was filled with emotion and pride. He knew that they were the hope and future of the Lanyu Dynasty. Yulong secretly made up his mind to protect these passionate men guarding the border.

Now the morale has been boosted by the arrival of the Dragon King. Everyone knows that King Yulong is very skilled. Like the Queen, he is a cultivator and has super abilities.

The king said he could save each of their lives. He can also lead them to destroy all enemy troops. The soldiers believed that the king would be able to do it.

Yulong immediately distributed antidote pills to several generals and asked them to take the antidote pills to their subordinates first. Wait a minute, Yulong plans to use poison to deal with these Rawa soldiers who are captured and plundered on horseback.

Because the soldiers of the Lanyu Dynasty were already prepared this time, the commander of the Lava Cavalry asked the Lava Qi soldiers to be divided into two teams. One team rushed in and fought with the soldiers.

The other team is preparing to release arrows from behind to support teammates in front. Their cooperation is very tacit, and they look like well-trained elite troops.

When Yulong saw this situation, he couldn't help but feel nervous. He knew that he could not let the Lava cavalry rush in like this, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous. Because they were on horseback, holding long scimitars, it was easy to cut the Lanyu soldiers who were fighting with their heads raised under the horses.

Yulong immediately ordered the soldiers to shoot with bows and arrows to stop the charge of the Lava cavalry. At the same time, he was also ready to take the drug and release it when the time was right.

The Rawa cavalry saw the soldiers of the Lanyu Dynasty starting to shoot, and they also started shooting.

Soldiers on both sides are warriors who have experienced hundreds of battles. They know that they cannot retreat on the battlefield and only by facing the enemy bravely can they win.

They held the bows and arrows in their hands tightly and stared at the enemies in front of them, as if they wanted to see through their souls.

At this tense moment, the smell of death seemed to be in the air. Everyone knows that this is a life and death battle, and no one can retreat or give up. They must fight for their homeland, their loved ones, and their honor.

With a shout, the Lanyu soldiers started shooting. Their arrows pierced the night sky like lightning, speeding towards Lava's soldiers.

The soldiers of Lava were not to be outdone, and they immediately fought back with bows and arrows. The two sides launched a fierce bow and arrow battle.

In the process, some soldiers were shot and fell to the ground. Their bodies were dripping with blood, but their eyes remained firm. They know that they cannot give up and must persevere. Because behind them is their home, their relatives, and their honor.

Soldiers on both sides were shooting non-stop, their arrows crisscrossing in the air, like a brilliant fireworks display. However, behind this performance, there are countless lives and blood. Everyone is fighting for their own beliefs and their own ideals.

In this fierce battle, both the Lava cavalry and the soldiers of the Lanyu Dynasty showed their courage and perseverance. They are not afraid of hardships and sacrifices. They use their lives and blood to defend their homeland and honor.

After the first round of archery by both sides ended, Li Xuyang took out the Sky-piercing Monkeys and fired several Sky-piercing Monkeys at the opponent's cavalry, then waited for the other side's soldiers to be stunned by the drug.

The sound of the Sky Monkey's explosion frightened the horses under these soldiers. The drug had not yet taken effect, but the horses were frightened.

Some war horses are out of control and want to run rampant. Lava's cavalry struggled to control their horses. But these war horses were running around uncontrollably. He didn't run very far when suddenly his feet seemed to trip over something, and the horse's legs knelt forward.

The soldier on horseback was thrown out. Horses fell to the ground one after another. The soldiers also rolled to the ground, unconscious. The soldiers who were far away from the explosion range of the Sky Monkey were stunned when they saw what happened in front of them.

Some soldiers at the upper end were indeed unaffected by the drug. They thought that the sounds of the explosion just now affected the horses' emotions. But they couldn't figure out why these soldiers suddenly fell to the ground.

Seeing their companions fall one after another, the remaining Lava soldiers were frightened and quickly turned around and ran back.

Yulong didn't want to let go of this opportunity. He flew forward like a big eagle.

Mitsurugi flies very fast. He quickly chased the cavalry behind. He was in no hurry. It was just that when the cavalry saw him, they shot arrows at him on horseback, hoping to shoot down the dragon.

Yulong's movement is very agile and cannot be shot by these soldiers.

Yulong continued to chase, his heart beating fast, and he held the small medicine bottle in his hand tightly. This was his hope of annihilating the enemy in one fell swoop. He passed the horse's head and felt the wind whistling in his ears. He knew he had to act quickly.

He took out the bottle of poison from his pocket and carefully opened the mouth of the bottle. He was ready to follow the direction of the wind and spread the medicine into the enemy's cavalry.

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