The people are increasingly struggling to find a way to survive amid hunger. However, the threat of starvation at any time made them gradually lose confidence in the future.

Their bodies grew thinner and their eyes showed desperate sadness. They run around looking for food every day, but often find nothing.

They can only eat some wild vegetables, bark, grass roots, etc. to satisfy their hunger. These foods are not only difficult to swallow, but also have extremely low nutritional value and cannot meet the needs of the body. Many people are too weak to do heavy labor due to chronic hunger.

To make matters worse, they also face the threat of disease. At this difficult time, they feel helpless and hopeless, not knowing what the future will hold.

Even if they can barely survive until the next season's grain matures, with their current physical strength, harvesting grain will be a big problem. Their bodies were extremely weak and could not withstand long hours of labor.

They could only barely hold on, and their hearts were full of anxiety and worry. They didn't know whether the family could survive until the harvest of this season.

They feared they would faint from hunger in the fields and never wake up.

What's more, even if you receive food, 80% of it will be taken away by the government.

The remaining 20%, if it is your own land, can be used as food for half a year and seeds for the next season. However, in half a year, even if 50% of the grain is left, it will only be enough to survive the next season's grain output.

They can only worry about food and clothing every day, not knowing what the future will bring. They feel they have lost hope and don't know if there will be a tomorrow.

Today, these two levels of worry are like two huge mountains, weighing down the people. They don't know how to face this cruel reality, and they don't know how to get out of this predicament.

They can only endure the hunger and pain silently, hoping that one day things will turn around.

Twenty percent of the grain, except for seeds, is not enough to last for two months even if you drink porridge twice a day.

They are not the worst off. Those tenant farmers who rent other people's land, after the crops are produced, they keep 45% for themselves as food, 30% for land rent, 20% for taxes, and 50% for seeds.

But this season, in addition to paying 80% of the military rations and 10% of the land rent, they had to pay 10% of the remaining grain, half of which was used as seeds for the next season, and only half of the grain was used as half a year's rations.

In any case, it cannot sustain until the next season's grain matures. This is going to kill people!

The people were worried all day long, not knowing how they would spend the next day. They could only look at the sky helplessly and pray to God to bring them a glimmer of hope. Hope the war will end soon. I hope that this season’s food will not be confiscated by the army. Their hearts are filled with fear and despair, not knowing what the future will hold.

At this moment, because of the arrival of Xiao Yunyan and the others, the war ended early.

This news made the people cheer and celebrate this hard-won peace. They speculated that perhaps the plan to collect grain for the next season might change.

After all, the war is over and the army no longer needs so much food. They hope that the government can reduce their burden so that they can get through this difficult time.

At least the war has stopped, and the officials recruiting troops and food do not go to the villages every day to check whether anyone has destroyed the young crops? They worry that hungry farmers will eat the immature grain and there will be nowhere to collect the grain for the army next season.

The war has stopped now. These officials who collected grain were not as nervous as before. They also began to relax and no longer strictly supervise the people. There was also a glimmer of hope in the hearts of the people. They hope that this good news will last and allow them to live a peaceful life.

At this time, Xiao Yunyan led the children to the invaded country to check on the situation of the local people.

Xiao Yunyan and her four children couldn't believe what they saw with their own eyes. As the invader's country, the people were also suffering from hunger, and the situation was even worse than that of the Yuan and Ming Dynasties.

What they saw was people wearing shabby clothes, with haggard faces, and despair and helplessness in their eyes.

In cities and towns, many people beg in the streets and alleys. Their bodies are thin and their skin is dark, obviously the result of long-term malnutrition.

The children saw these scenes with expressions of shock and sympathy on their faces. They could not imagine that people in this invaded country would be so poor and miserable.

Xiao Yunyan's heart was filled with grief and anger. She thought of the war-torn people there in her previous life who were also suffering from hunger, poverty, homelessness and disease. She is deeply aware that the victims of war are not only the invaded country, but also the people of the invader's country.

Xiao Yunyan had thought before that in order to fight the war, it was inevitable to collect grain. It is also normal for people to live frugally and frugally. However, she did not expect that the people would be so hungry.

She stood at the entrance of the village and looked at the people with sallow faces and ragged clothes, and her heart was filled with sympathy and guilt. These people were her people, the people she should protect, but she failed to do so.

Xiao Yunyan sighed, turned around and said to Li Zheng beside her: "Immediately summon the villagers to distribute food so that the people can have enough to eat."

Li Zheng nodded gratefully and began to direct the young adults in the village to distribute food. When the people saw the food, a glimmer of hope flashed in their eyes, but then it turned dim again. If the war continues or food is still confiscated next season, they will still be hungry.

Xiao Yunyan felt a pain in her heart. She knew that these grains only temporarily solved the people's food and clothing problems. To make them completely get rid of hunger, more things need to be done.

Fortunately, the people can finally have enough to eat. There were smiles of gratitude and joy on their faces, which made Xiao Yunyan feel extremely gratified.

Fortunately, the land area in her space continues to expand. In order to cope with this food crisis, she has already gone all out to increase food production. Li Mohan returned to his fiefdom and bought a lot of food from the people.

Xiao Yunyan distributed food to the people for free, which made the people think that the gods in the sky were in too much pain to see them, so they sent such a god and four fairies to rescue them.

Xiao Yunyan told them to hide the food as soon as it was distributed to their hands. If there are grain requisition officers and soldiers coming to collect grain again, be sure not to give it away.

The war is over. There will be no war for a long time. Therefore, they must keep their food and not be deceived by officials who requisition food.

If someone dares to steal food, the whole village will beat the person out. People are going to starve to death, and there are so many things to worry about. The most important thing is to save lives first.

The people also figured out that if they really starved to death, they would have nothing.

Xiao Yunyan and the four babies moved very fast. Every time he went to a village, he went to Li Zheng and asked about the population of the village and the situation of each household. According to the head count, each person was given ten catties of rice, ten catties of noodles, two catties of fat, half a catty of salt, four Chinese cabbages, four Big radish.

Although these foods cannot make them full, they can keep them full until the food matures this season.

Because Xiao Yunyan and the others could only come once, the food they needed to consume before the food matured this season was given to them all at once. The amount of food each person received was more than what the people of the Yuan and Ming dynasties received.

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