The God of Secrets put down his chopsticks and wiped the corners of his mouth with a handkerchief. It seems that he is remembering, as if he is remembering, his face is soft and warm. His eyes were empty, as if he were seeing a scene from a long time ago.

He spoke in his mellow and gentle voice: "After my parents passed away in my previous life, I went to the mountains with my master to practice. When I opened my eyes, I could see the past of my parents in their past lives.

I also know that the reason why they left early in this life is also the cause and effect of their previous lives. The relationship with me only lasted a few years.

only. Although my cultivation level got higher and higher later on. But I always have regrets in my heart that I can't help my parents atone for their sins and make them live a better life.

Master saw that I was stuck in obsession and couldn't extricate myself. So Master advised me to let go of the past and help my parents settle the cause and effect so that they could live a better life in the future.

Master took me to do rituals for my parents in my previous life to help them atone for their sins. So that they can live peacefully in future reincarnations and live happily and long in the next life.

Later, my parents were reborn as human beings, and after they each had a new life, they indeed lived a very peaceful and happy life. I let go of my obsession and truly let go.

Now I have been a god for who knows how many thousands of years. I no longer have that obsession in my heart.

However, the noodles that my disciple made for me today made me miss the warm joy that lingered in my heart when my family enjoyed the food together. "

Xiao Yunyan suddenly felt that her master had been a god for too long. But there was no one close to him, so he felt a little lonely. Today's bowl of noodles reminded Master of his family members and family ties in his past life.

Xiao Yunyan looked at her master's somewhat lonely expression, and she secretly decided that since the master regarded her as a direct disciple who inherited the mantle, and taught her the most precious secret skills of cultivating immortals and part of her cultivation base for free, she was her master's relative. She will fulfill her filial piety as a disciple.

She would often cook food for Master that he thought people would like to eat. I'll make that watermelon soup with perch soup tomorrow.

It was a very simple dish, with only two main ingredients: sea bass and water shield. The butterfly knife technique is the key to making this dish. However, this did not trouble her. She and her grandfather, a food connoisseur, had eaten the most authentic dish of seabass in water shield soup. I've done it a few times myself.

The fresh and tender fish meat and the smooth water shield soup are indeed very enjoyable to eat.

Xiao Yunyan's thoughts were seen by the God of the Secret Realm. The look he looked at Xiao Yunyan became softer and doting. The more I look at this apprentice, the more satisfied I become. Always want to give her more. He asked Xiao Yunyan: "Disciple, do you want to see your relatives in future generations now and see how they are doing now?"

Of course Xiao Yunyan wants to see it. She originally wanted to go back to her home in the future to take a look after going around to rescue her senior brothers in distress.

With the help of Saint Aunt Master and the Demon God, she is now not restricted by time and space and can go to any time and space plane.

But what the new master means is that he can allow him to see his relatives in future generations now. then. He nodded honestly and said he wanted to see it. A beautiful woman from a past life. How are you doing now?

The master asked her to close her eyes, and when he opened them, she had returned to her real home. Her aunt now appeared not as a physical body, but as a soul. Life at home is going on as before, not much has changed. Father, mother. Still busy doing the things I like. Night and day or all day? Yoyo bird, play chess. Do some Tai Chi. I am currently studying a game of incomplete chess.

Xiao Yunyan looked at the old man. Physically tough. The complexion is rosy. He felt particularly relieved that his family members were doing well, and he felt relieved.

Just then, he saw a young girl. Holding a plate. Carefully made little pastries, and a pot of tea. He shouted with a smile on his face as he walked. Grandpa Xiao. You have been playing chess for a long time. Come quickly. Drink some tea, eat some tea, and rest for a while. Wait a minute.

Mr. Xiao was still deep in thought. She raised her head and saw the girl walking over with a smile. She shouted very happily: "Xiaoxuan, then you can put the tea next to the table. You just want to drink a cup of tea with me, and then help me study this game of chess." . I have been researching for a long time, but I haven't figured out any way to crack it. Let's see if you can crack it?

I made a bet with that old guy from the Zhang family. Who will solve this incomplete game first? The first child you and Haoming have in the future will be named after someone else’s surname. I must maintain it and fight for the naming rights for my child. "

Xiao Yunyan didn't know the woman named Xiaoxuan in front of her. She seemed to be very close to her grandfather, as if they were grandparents. But she really didn't know that such a number one person existed during her lifetime. In addition, the old man from the Zhang family that grandpa mentioned is the chairman of Mingyang Group. Like your grandfather, he is also an old man who loves Go. He always likes his grandfather to play chess.

The Haoming mentioned by grandpa should be the grandson of the Zhang family, who is now the CEO of Mingyang Group.

I remember that the Zhang family had intended to marry the Xiao family so that they could marry Zhang Haoming. He is one year younger but doesn't want to get married. He just wants to get married. Serve the country. He often travels on business and has no time to talk about marriage. Besides, he doesn't like Zhang Mingyang, a man who is obsessed with money and career.

Now it seems that Zhang Mingyang and the woman named Xiaoxuan in front of him should be engaged. He looked at Xiaoxuan with a shy look on his face. He squirmed and blamed Grandpa. She and Haoming had just gotten engaged, and before they got married, the two elderly people had already thought about the naming rights of their children. Is it a little too early?

He looked at his grandfather with a smile. He twirled his gray beard and laughed loudly, saying that your child has become our granddaughter and is engaged to that boy Haoming. After getting married, the relationship between you two is so good now that you are inseparable. Three months later, the wedding was successfully held. Giving birth is not yet. Something soon? "

The woman named Xiaoxuan couldn't resist Grandpa, so she immediately poured the tea and placed it in front of Grandpa. Then the tea was served to Grandpa. I moved a little and let grandpa try what he had just made, coconut milk egg crust puff pastry and taro paste nut cake.

Xiao Yunyan saw it. I almost missed the delicate one on the plate. Two snacks. It seems that grandpa likes it very much. After eating a piece of each item, he couldn't help but nod his head, drank a few sips of tea, and then said: "Xiao Xuan, you are such a considerate child. Since my granddaughter Yan'er left us, it's thanks to you that you came to our home. Yes. Your kindness and filial piety have soothed our family's pain of losing a loved one.

Since you became my god-granddaughter, I have been truly blessed.

You and Haoming will be fine in the future, get married and have children. If it can bear the name of our Xiao family. Your position in the Xiao family and Zhang family will be further consolidated. No one in the Zhang family would dare to bully you. "

Xiao Yanyan listened quietly to the conversation between the two. He gradually understood the origin of this woman. It should be that grandpa was out with an old friend. When playing chess with noodles. A girl I met by chance. By family. Beat up Qi Wu. Let him sell himself. Give your brother a wife.

The grandfather looked at the girl, felt pity for her, rescued her, and gave the family 50 yuan. I severed my relationship with this girl.

This girl named Xiaoxuan was brought home by her grandfather. This girl. She is very obedient and takes the initiative to take care of her grandfather, father and mother. Servant at home. Although he was taken care of very carefully, however. Xiaoxuan is a clever girl, and her grandfather likes the cakes she makes. The dishes are also suitable for an old man's taste.

Gradually, the family's thoughts and emotions for him transferred to the small circle, this girl, whose parents favored sons over daughters. He suffered a lot at home. The whole family will love each other. Transferred to her body. So later her parents recognized Xiaoxuan as the goddaughter of the Xiao family.

The Zhang family has always wanted to marry the Xiao family, and this girl is also unmarried. Haoming and Xiaoxuan fell in love at first sight. Everything will fall into place. We got engaged a year ago and are getting married in three months.

Xiao Yunyan wants to have someone like her who can replace her by her grandparents and parents. Girls appear. Feel relieved. Even they. No matter how much I miss myself, I can't. Be there to take care of them for a long time. With Xiaoxuan's existence. Parents and grandparents can at least take some comfort in thinking of themselves.

Xiao Yunyan kindly gave this girl named Xiaoxuan. I looked at my past and present lives. This girl was very miserable in her previous life, and she is also very miserable in this life. But since arriving at the Xiao family, his life will get better and better. However, Xiaoxuan often didn’t have enough to eat at home. He did all the hard work, so his body suffered from deficiency and cold. Look at the surface. It's not obvious, but it's not easy for girls like this to get pregnant, and even if they do get pregnant, it's very easy for them to miscarry.

Xiao Yunyan sees the future because. He could never conceive a child, so he was abused by his mother-in-law. Xiao Yuyan didn't want this kind and pitiful girl. In any pain. So I decided to wait until next time. When I have the opportunity to come to the opposite side of time and space. To this girl named Xiaoxuan. Take good care of his body so that he can conceive and give birth smoothly. Even if he repays her for taking care of his grandparents. Be filial to your parents.

Xiao Yunyan looked again at her father who had just returned from outside. Together with mother and others. Went out to play tennis.

Seeing her parents who were in very good health, Xiao Yunyan let go of all her worries. Wait until the next opportunity when I come back. Be sure to leave some body-building elixirs and Lingquan ginseng water for your family. Ensuring that his family is healthy and living a happy life is what he wants most.

During his lifetime, it was because of his mission. Rarely at home. Now. Time traveled. Even less so. Often accompanied by grandparents and parents. So leave more elixirs for them to take care of their bodies. There is such a kind and filial girl beside me. Be filial to your parents for him. grandparents. He really is. I feel like this is God. The same goes for the favor of the Xiao family. It solved a knot for him.

Xiao Yunyan went again. The studio looked at grandma. Grandma is painting a picture carefully. Xiao Yunyan took a closer look and saw that the drawing was of herself as a teenager. Grandma was mumbling while painting. My white fungus. I don’t know when I can come back to see grandma. But as long as you live a good life and are happy in another world, grandma will not be sad. Today, this girl Xiaoxuan is very sensible. He's nursing. were able. From the pain of losing you. Get free. My Yan'er, you don't have to worry about your grandparents. your parents. We are doing well now. They can all see it. As long as you live a good life in another world, just treat it as if you have been away on business.

Little language. Listen grandma. He whispered while drawing himself. Self in portrait. Say this. His eyes shed tears unconsciously. He wanted to tell grandma. He will be back to see everyone soon. But in the soul body. He didn't want to scare grandma when he showed up. It won't be long before she comes back.

When he thought of this, the master dismissed him. He was dragged back from his home in later generations. When his soul returns to his body. Looking at the master and smiling. Look at her. He reached out and wiped away her tears with a white handkerchief.

He said while coaxing her. Dear disciple, your relatives are doing well. Their thoughts about you have been transferred to this child named Xiaoxuan, don't be sad.

Their love for you has not diminished, it just has nowhere to put it, so. There is such a pitiful and filial girl by my side. They transfer their thoughts and love for you to him. Everything is an illusion, don’t hold on to it.

Xiaoyunyan. As a result, the master's handkerchief will be. I couldn't stop the tears from flowing out. After wiping them away, I laughed and said to the master, "Don't worry, master." The disciple will not be jealous of that girl. I also want to thank him for having him by my family's side. Only then can I relax and do my own thing here. After a while, I'm done with the things here. I must go home to see my family and be reunited with them for a few days.

Let them truly know that I live a good life in another world, and in the future. I will go back to see them often. Let them not have any regrets.

The master nodded, reached out and stroked Xiao Yunyan's hair, praising Xiao Yunyan for being an open-minded child. Have good intentions. All the time and everywhere. for others' sake. It is because Xiao Yunyan is so kind that he has accumulated profound merits. Only such people with profound virtues can inherit his secret skills. otherwise. Even by force. If you leave it to anyone who is not virtuous enough, he will not be able to learn it, let alone comprehend the mental methods he teaches.

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