Travel through space and help the prince’s husband in construction

Chapter 449: Qin Zheng cannot hide, so the search is stopped. He is sentenced for rebelling against

After Li Xuyang and his five teams completed the elimination of local rebel organizations, their goal shifted to hunting down Qin Zheng.

But Qin Zheng was hiding, so it was difficult for them to catch him. But he couldn't let her run away like this. If he is not caught, the case cannot be closed. He is the main suspect in this case.

As long as Qin Zheng is still there, the situation of rampant rebel forces may happen again in other areas.

In the capital, his every move can still be monitored. If a rebel organization develops in a remote local area, it will be difficult for the court to detect it in time.

Once a rebel organization develops beyond control, it will evolve into a man-made catastrophe.

But there is no target, and it is not easy to find Qin Zheng who knows the art of disguise even if he casts the net everywhere. They also wanted to find out from the mouths of those in the rebel organization where Qin Zheng might be hiding.

Although those at the bottom of the rebel organization are very willing to provide information. But Qin Zheng's whereabouts are strange. It is impossible for these low-level organizational personnel to know where he is hiding.

It is still necessary to ask for information from the mouths of those rebel gangsters who are very loyal. But these people still have hope for the future. I look forward to continuing to hold important positions in the organization after I leave one day.

Even if the organization succeeds in conquering the world, their status within the organization is already beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Therefore, their loyalty to the organization is not only due to their loyalty to the Lord Qin Zheng. It's because they have a high status in the organization and are respected by the members of the organization. If there is no organization, no one will pay attention to them anymore.

Those who rely on human skin masks to live their lives have to hide in the corners of mountain villages and live out the rest of their lives.

Either stay away from your original place of residence, go to a distant place, and become an ordinary citizen.

Or you have to wear a disguise and do what you want to do.

However, the lifespan of Yi Rong dough is not long.

Every night, you need to take off your facial skin, clean your face, and relax your facial skin.

Therefore, the mask will deform during use and can only be used for one year at most.

And as they age, if they are in the same environment, in order to comply with normal human aging, the facial expression lines will have to be redesigned every year.

Their doughs were all designed and made by Qin Zheng himself. So, after leaving the organization. Their lives will become very inconvenient.

Now they still have hope for the organization, and they hope that the Lord will live well. When they go out, they will find the Lord, follow him, and reorganize the organization.

These people are very experienced. Faced with various interrogations, they can easily evade questioning.

They seemed to be very cooperative and provided all kinds of information. However, there is no real hiding place of Qin Zheng.

Therefore, through this information, Li Xuyang checked many places, which were the former shops of the rebel organization, or the locations of various production workshops of the branch, but there was no secret address of the branch where Qin Zheng might be hiding.

Li Xuyang and the others felt that this method was a waste of time. Perhaps, during their investigation, Qin Zheng had already disguised himself and escaped from their search range.

So the search was suspended, and the members of these rebel organizations were imprisoned and punished where they deserved. And those who committed the most heinous crimes and had committed other major crimes were immediately sentenced to death.

After Qin Zheng hid in the secret place of the helm for a while, he heard that the wind noise on the street was not as tight as before. So, he went out wearing a new disguise and took action.

While Qin was evading capture, he thought about many issues. In the end, he decided not to seek refuge with anyone for the time being, but to re-encircle his own forces.

In the past, he could rely on his master to snare many cultivators, and he could even invite cultivators who had already transformed into the virtual realm. However, even that was not ultimately successful.

He believed that not only was his side not strong enough, but also that their counterattack ability was too poor in the face of various combined attacks from Prince Duanjing and Princess Prince.

People have advanced weapons, poisons, and spells, but they don't. In addition to weapons, the composition of personnel is also too simple.

Qin Zheng plans to secretly visit experts and look for talents in various fields, such as voodoo masters, head-dropping masters, ghost exorcists, and cultivators who can master various spells.

Led by them, a large number of organizational members will be added later. After they secretly developed in remote areas and formed a powerful force, they created chaotic situations in various places, making Prince Duanjing, the princess and even the emperor anxious.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, they once again entered the palace and conquered the world.

After Qin Zheng thought about his strategy, he did not go to the three princes' fiefdoms. Because in his opinion, the three princes are suitable to be puppets, but not business partners. They are now in a corner. They may have their own plans, but they are definitely not their strong supporters.

Even if he succeeds in his rebellion in the future, he can choose one of them to be his puppet temporarily. As long as your power is strong, you can control anyone.

Qin is thinking that the people with special abilities he wants to recruit need to have enough bargaining chips. Otherwise, with his status as a lost dog, who can be willing to accept his orders.

Qin Zheng was thinking about what these people wanted? Only by promising them that your needs will be met when things are done can you impress them.

He felt that what his master wanted was not power, but the convenience that power brought.

Then he can promise that if he succeeds in seizing power in the future, he can promise to give these people with special abilities more convenience so that they can practice those evil arts openly.

Beichuan does not allow these crooked magicians to develop at will. If they just practice their sect silently and do not harm the people or do evil things, the government will not kill them all.

However, once it is discovered that they are causing harm to the people, or doing some supernatural things, disrupting the normal life of the people. The government will launch a large-scale search and investigation. After catching these scoundrels, they will be sentenced harshly and harshly according to the crimes they committed. Anyone involved in a life lawsuit will never escape the death penalty.

Qin Zheng's intention to seize the world was not to benefit the people, but to treat these people as cattle and sheep to be slaughtered.

The people created wealth and ensured that he and his descendants and disciples lived a life of luxury and lust. Ensure that they have enough materials to speed up their cultivation and become immortals as soon as possible.

If he achieves great feats and becomes a god, he can live forever. Otherwise, just the prosperity of this life is like passing smoke, and he is not satisfied with this.

Today, he is over sixty years old. If he doesn't build the great road quickly, all the glory and wealth will disappear with his death in the near future.

He still needs to work hard to be reincarnated again, that is another life, and he is reluctant to let go of everything he once had in this life.

What Qin Zheng wants to do is to first win over some magicians who have the same idea as him. Together, everyone took Beichuan, the richest country, as their own and became their inexhaustible warehouse of wealth.

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