It has been arranged for the secret guards to enter the space to practice magic.

The four little babies are related to their mother by blood. They can also enter the space. Xiao Yunyan asked them to take the secret guards into the space when they had nothing to do. No need to go to a hotel. This matter was decided happily.

The four little darlings originally thought that they would be able to move freely this time when they went out on a mission.

However, in the end, it seems that there is not much difference between leaving home and not leaving home. I have to report back to the space every night. Suddenly, the four little darlings were not so excited about this outing.

Li Xuyang comforted them. After all, they were still young and growth required a process. Even though their souls are very mature and powerful, their bodies are indeed too weak.

Not only the secret guards need to practice spells in space, but the four little babies also know that they must continue to practice and strengthen their bodies in order to grow quickly.

Several children felt that what Li Xuyang said made sense. They had always considered themselves to be people with the ability to act independently. But their mother's worries also made them realize that what their mother was worried about was not their immaturity, but that their bodies were indeed too fragile and inconvenient.

From this day on, the four little darlings entered the space very seriously to meditate and practice, or practice spells with their spiritual pets.

The secret guards will also go into space to practice when they have no missions. They must improve their abilities quickly, otherwise the little masters will not be willing to take them on missions.

The little babies and the secret guards step up their training. Qin Zheng, the target of the mission, was not idle either. After he entered the prison, he tried to find his accomplices in the prison.

However, he has been in jail for three days and no one has taken the initiative to contact him. He was a little anxious, wondering if all the main members of the rebel organization in the capital had been arrested and died. Therefore, these hidden henchmen conceal their identities. Are you disengaged from the organization?

However, Qin Zheng is not worried because of these peripheral and low-level party members. All are controlled by the organization. They need to take medicine regularly. If they cannot receive the antidote, they will soon die of poison.

He believed that these people would be looking for him like crazy. Now in the capital, the leaders of the rebel organization have been almost wiped out. These henchmen must find him or other leaders who have the antidote in order to get the antidote.

Qin Zheng does have an antidote, just a very small pill. It can help members of these drug-controlled organizations spend a month safely. A month later, someone still needs to be found who can give the antidote.

As Qin Zheng expected, on the fifth day after he entered the prison, a cell leader on duty sent him a meal and separated from others to meet with him alone and gave him their secret code for meeting him.

Qin Zheng asked the cell leader: "Why did it take five days to come to see me? Do you want to betray the organization?"

The cell leader quickly explained: "Your Majesty the Imperial Master, the villain's old mother has passed away. A few days ago, the villain took leave to attend to the funeral at home, and he happened to be on duty today.

I heard that the Imperial Master was imprisoned, so I came to see you during the meal delivery time!

I don't even know what the Imperial Master's orders are. Just ask. As long as it can be done, the villain will try his best to help you.

The villain has one more request. There are still five days before I need to take the antidote again. However, the pharmacy where we went to distribute the antidote was already empty. We members of the organization don’t know where to go to get the antidote? "

Qin Zheng told the cell leader that he had the antidote here. In order to convince the prison boss, he took out a small one-inch-long porcelain bottle from his bun, took off the cap and poured out pills the size of rice grains.

The prison chief saw that it was indeed the antidote they usually took, and he believed that the Imperial Master had not deceived him. He sighed that his life could finally be saved.

However, the Imperial Master would not give him the antidote easily. Instead, he asked the prison boss to find a way to help him escape from the prison. He also ordered the cell leader to contact the members of the organization he knew.

Let these people find a way to safely send themselves out of the capital and reach the local helm.

The prison leader took charge of the task and took action immediately. Although he was very reluctant to do this brain-destroying thing, if he didn't do it, he wouldn't be able to get the antidote in five days, and he would die from the poison within three days.

So he could only bite the bullet, grit his teeth, and go find those familiar members of the organization.

Members of the lower-level organizations already know that members of the upper-level organizations in the capital have suffered a devastating disaster.

Only the spies stationed in various mansions, or the members of low-level organizations in cells, wine shops, teahouses, and brothels, were not affected and were safe for the time being.

However, there are only five days until the next time to take the antidote. After the members of these organizations learned that something happened to the organization, they all went to the pharmacy where they got the medicine to confirm whether they could get the antidote again. However, there was no one there anymore.

There may not be many people left in the entire organization in the capital, probably only twenty or thirty people. These people were originally very anxious, fearing that if they could not find the leader with the antidote, they would die soon.

Unexpectedly, Qin Zheng actually had the antidote. Because Qin Zheng just showed him the antidote in his hand. The small ceramic bottle, filled with the antidote, was hidden by Qin Zheng in his bun, thus evading inspection. In other words, these antidotes are enough for people like them at least for a year.

The prison boss quickly contacted his accomplices. They are usually in contact and have a good relationship, and they can't bear to watch other people die of poison because they can't get the antidote.

And they don't want the members of the organization to wither away. In this case, there is no guarantee that their antidote will be available in time every time.

Qin Zheng thought that the weather might be bad, so the prison boss quickly arranged the matter. While he was on duty, he secretly sent Qin Zheng out of the cell.

Then they deliberately created a fake scene where someone robbed the prison. He and another person on duty were drugged and knocked unconscious, but they woke up now. The body is still feeling unwell, which may be a symptom of poisoning.

This thing is done. It seems that everything is perfect, but in fact, Xiao Yunyan and the others are already. They have been secretly exploring their whereabouts.

Since Qin Zheng and his party members have already thought of a way for Jin Chan to escape from his shell. Xiao Yunyan and the others pretended not to know and let Qin Zheng escape from prison.

Along the way, Li Xuyang followed the imperial master and his carriage with his four little babies.

They did not take immediate action in order to expose more members of the organization. Third, administrative contacts with members of these organizations are recorded.

Wait until the net is closed and grab them together.

The local branch was actually very active. Except for the forum. His subordinates also run banks, inns, restaurants, brothels, pharmacies...

Business is booming. There are also many Lin Yuan. No wonder Qin Zheng. I think that after I come here, I still have a chance to make a comeback.

His subordinate altar is not just one mansion, it should radiate to at least six mansions.

The rebel forces cannot be underestimated. It would be best to catch all the members of these rebel organizations this time.

Qin Zheng came to the local place to take over the helm. Find the helmsman. Explained the current situation in the capital. The helmsman was also shocked, he didn't expect it. There are so many in the capital organization. The leaders with strong magic skills were almost wiped out by the imperial court.

He was very worried that the organization members in these places would not be stable for a few days because of the arrival of Qin Zheng. He was also making other plans in his mind, but... his family. Both of them are controlled by drugs. If they can't get the antidote in time, they won't be able to survive for a few days even if they break away from the organization and hide.

Therefore, he had no choice but to continue to obey Lord Qin Zheng's orders. Even a felony U-turn. I can only grit my teeth and move forward. Otherwise, even if the antidote can be successfully obtained, he will not survive for more than a month.

Qin Zheng didn't ask them to take action immediately; Let them continue to expand the power of the organization. picture. Several other state capitals expanded further afield.

The sub-rudder leader asked Qin Zheng: "Excuse me, Lord, how can we solve the antidote for our current members? Although you have brought some antidote with you, our local organization has many members. That little antidote is simply not enough."

Qin Zheng reassured them that he knew the formula of the antidote and could also make it. So let the leader not worry about the antidote, just listen to his orders and expand the organization to as many members as possible.

After the leader of the sub-rudder took the order. Execute immediately. His life is in other people's hands, and he has to do whatever they ask him to do.

members of organizations in these places. There was actually no knowledge of these poisons they were taking. The antidote can be found, but no one has tried it.

Because no one dares not to take the antidote for more than a month. If he dies, there will be no chance to come back.

If they go to Xiao Yunyan's pharmacies in various places to buy the detoxification pills, they can detoxify the poison in their bodies.

Since they joined the organization, they have been going there on the fifth to last day of every month. Receive detoxification pills from the drug store inside the organization. At the end of the month, taking it will ensure your safety for the next month.

Although they lived a very insecure life like this, after they were pulled into the water. There was no turning back. You can only follow the organization's arrangements.

Qin was resting at the helm for some time. He won't act immediately, but he is also planning for the next time.

He won't be honest. Because something must happen to mess up Beichuan in order to have a chance to make a comeback.

Because of Qin Zheng's command, the number of members of the rebel organization increased significantly in a short period of time.

Members of the organization only need to put poison in the tea for guests in wine shops and teahouses. The guests will definitely feel pain after drinking the poison.

Then they told these people that if they wanted to survive, they had to organize themselves. The organization will also give them antidote every month to ensure that they will not be in danger. If they resist, they will die.

All those who were poisoned were informed. After being plotted against, I was very angry, but after the anger passed, I could only accept my fate. In order to survive, you have to compromise for the time being.

Li Xuyang and the four little babies learned about this situation and immediately reported the situation to the emperor truthfully.

Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan decided not to wait any longer, because this Qin Zheng was so scheming. In addition to exposing the branches of several organizations, he also has secretly expanded some organizations. If they are allowed to develop like this, more people will be forced to join this rebel organization.

So after consultation, the emperor gave the order. First, a few of the diligent and local ones. The leader of the organization was captured.

Li Xuyang and his four little babies quickly surrounded Qin Zheng and where they were sharing the helm.

Although Qin Zheng has some magic skills, he is a scumbag in front of these people. In order to make a quick decision, these five people showed no mercy and captured Qin Zheng and more than 200 members of the branch organization in one fell swoop.

Members of other organizations hidden in brothels, teahouses, inns and other places were also rounded up one by one.

Because they had already been investigated and the person identified in advance, they were arrested very quickly.

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