Travel through space and help the prince’s husband in construction

Chapter 431 After Li Xuyang inquired about his master and apprentice, the three of them were worried

Li Xuyang complained silently in his heart, these two shameless evil cultivators thought quite beautifully. Could it be that after practicing for so long, they don’t have any knowledge other than knowing some evil arts?

How many good things have Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan done for the people in Beichuan? The people of Beichuan regarded them both as gods.

Could it be that with just a few tricks of their evil cultivators, they could overturn the image of Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan in the minds of the people?

The two brothers continued to discuss the details of the operation. The result of their discussion is not the final decision. They also need to make an agreement with their junior sister, the old witch. Other evil cultivators will also join in the discussion.

The secret gathering is scheduled for tomorrow after dinner. They will gather together in the main hall of the third courtyard to discuss the matter and formulate a detailed action plan.

After Li Xuyang listened to the two people talking about the business, he started talking about those obscene words again, planning how to get those female apprentices tonight.

Li Xuyang really wanted to castrate them both. But he couldn't ruin the whole plan, so he kept these two evil men alive for a few more days.

Li Xuyang stopped listening to these disgusting words and went to the Second Entrance Courtyard to see if the apprentices would reveal some secrets?

As expected, those young people would not just rest in their own rooms. They gathered together in small groups and were also discussing the female apprentices.

Although not as explicit as what their two masters said. But there is a lot of frivolity in the words. I just have the thief heart, but I don’t have the thief courage.

They know that their strength is only enough to indulge in sexual desire in their hearts. I didn't dare to get close to Si into the courtyard. My master has set up a barrier. They don't get in at all.

Don't underestimate those three female evil cultivators. Their abilities are no less than those of the old witch's two senior brothers.

Since they dare to participate in such an operation, they must have a trump card. Otherwise, if you don’t have the ability to protect yourself, how can you hang out among these evil people?

Li Xuyang listened for a while in the second courtyard. In addition to these topics about women, there are three relatively older brothers who should be their senior brothers, who are secretly discussing this operation.

These three people are mainly worried that once they take action, they will inevitably follow their master to do something harmful to nature. They are not afraid because they usually do it often.

But this time, they faced the emperor and prince directly. If master and aunt succeed, their status as three eldest disciples will naturally become noble. At least he can be a general, prince or something like that.

However, if they fail, they will be punished with beheading at the very least, and may also be charged with confiscating their homes and exterminating their families.

These three people have a very close relationship and are three cousins. They were talking secretly in the house of one of them, speaking very quietly. If it weren't for Li Xuyang's powerful magic, which allowed him to hear very subtle sounds, he would not have been able to hear their conversation.

These three people are not just hot-headed ones who do whatever the master says. They wanted to leave a way out for themselves, but they couldn't let the masters know that they had second thoughts.

So the three of them thought hard and couldn't come up with any good method. These three people are not out for justice, but are afraid that they will be implicated and the entire family will be implicated.

They are not ordinary white people, they are also children of prominent local families. Originally, my cousins ​​studied martial arts with these two masters. Later, they heard from their master that they could practice super powerful spells, and their interest became more and more intense.

Master also told them that they could take a break from practicing the Changchun Immortality Kung Fu. In the future, they can really live forever.

They didn't believe it at first, but they learned that the master was now eighty-two years old and the little master was eighty years old. But in appearance, they all looked like they were less than thirty years old. Such magical effects make them yearn for it.

That's why I finally followed Master and became an inner disciple. But the later they got, the more they realized how evil it was for the masters to practice this technique!

Not only do they drink human blood, but sometimes they also absorb the essence of young girls.

They knew that the two masters were very wicked people who often secretly raped beautiful little girls and absorbed their pure yin essence.

Virgins are of course the best, but as long as they have never given birth to children, their two masters will accept all.

According to the masters, every time they collect the essence of a girl, their skills will improve and they will become younger. The more you sleep with a girl, the longer this youthful state lasts.

They have always known that these two masters do not do good things, but because their families are taking care of them in the place, other junior brothers are not ordinary white bodies, and they all have a care. Moreover, these two masters are not just people. So, there hasn't been any big trouble,

But their master got into trouble somewhere. There are people protecting her, but now they are ignoring the troubles underground and causing troubles in the sky to harm the emperor and queen of Beichuan. Prince Duan Jing and Princess Duan Jing and their four children. These people are the most noble in the entire Beichuan, and they are also the royal family who are admired and loved by all the people in Beichuan.

All three of their brothers are students who have studied history, not simple-minded martial arts practitioners.

They believed that if the royal family of Beichuan were very fatuous and unloved by the people, the people would even want to overthrow them. Under such circumstances, their master and aunt took advantage of the situation and were able to use their spells and abilities to gain control of the world in Beichuan.

But the truth is exactly the opposite, the royal family of Beichuan. Work wholeheartedly for the welfare of the people. The common people also regard the royal family of Beichuan as god-like existences. Such a harmonious and close relationship between rulers and people. How can it be destroyed so easily?

Even though the masters have super powerful spells, they have all heard that Prince Duanjing and Princess Qin are both cultivators, and they are both rare people with complete five-spirit roots.

Now, according to rumors, Prince Duanjing and his wife have reached the pinnacle of high-level cultivation. We are about to enter the realm of transformation. Such two masters must have stronger strength behind them to support them.

The more the three brothers thought about it, the less confident they became. I even think that if the two sides really fight. Isn’t it possible that the masters can take advantage of this?

Li Xuyang fully agreed with the judgments of these three people. After all, these three apprentices are the three most sober among this group of people.

Li Xuyang heard the three brothers complain about their masters again. Said: "The two masters are not just looking for women outside. They still don't know each other, which is enough to make us embarrassed."

Master often does the kind of things that only flower-picking thieves do outside. Although it is done very secretly, no outsiders know. However, it also makes us feel shameless in the dark. "

The three brothers also secretly guessed that the two masters would never let go of the female apprentices who entered the courtyard.

Among them, the older brother said that he was afraid that the two masters would have sex with his female apprentice. Will the three female masters fall out with the masters and start fighting? Internal conflicts arose before the operation even started. This made them even less optimistic about this operation.

The youngest brother's thinking was a little more active, and he joked: "That's not necessarily the case. Maybe the two masters' oily hair and pink noodles just fit the thoughts of the three female masters. The apprentices may not have a chance, but the three masters may Take the initiative to practice dual cultivation with our masters.”

The other two brothers were shocked by what their little cousin said. They were speechless, and then they all covered their mouths and laughed.

Although this seems to be a joke, it is actually the truth. Because female evil cultivators have different cultivation methods, some also use dual cultivation methods for men and women. The man takes yin to replenish yang, the woman takes yang to replenish yin, and both parties take advantage of each other. There are special methods for co-study. If two men and women. exist. There is not much difference in their cultivation level. Using this method together can really improve their cultivation level.

Dual cultivation of men and women has appeared in Taoist cultivation since ancient times. However, the methods of main cultivation and cult cultivation are completely different. The methods used by these evil cultivators are all shameful.

The three brothers had no intention of learning so many evil techniques from their master. Now, they are actually involved in the rebel ranks. Of course they don't want to.

Before coming to the capital, they did not know the purpose of their trip. Master just said that he would take them to the capital. Open your horizons and meet their senior aunt.

They all knew that there was a senior aunt in the capital who was as beautiful as a flower when she was young and was deeply loved by the two senior brothers.

This time they came to the capital, and when they met their aunt, she happened to be in the youngest state after drinking human blood.

They finally saw the beautiful woman they had seen in the portrait.

The aunt is so enchanting and beautiful. Even young guys like them were moved when they saw Master Sister. The master's aunt seems to be only eighteen or nineteen years old in appearance. She is delicate and beautiful, with a slender waist, long legs, big breasts and fat butt. It's really hard to help but look at her more.

The two masters looked at the scantily clad aunt, their eyes gleaming with desire that could not be concealed. That night, the two masters did not return to their residence. It wasn't until the morning of the third day that the two masters came back to the five-entry courtyard.

The disciples were all used to it. They saw the satisfied expressions on the faces of the masters. Everyone understood in their hearts that the relationship between the masters and their aunts was indescribable.

They originally thought that the masters were just crazy behaviors caused by missing their aunt for a long time.

Later, what they couldn't believe was that the two masters actually wanted to help the master and his apprentice win the world of Beichuan.

From then on, the three brothers and sisters can stay together forever and become a happy family of three. Of course there will be other male and female favorites.

What do the other apprentices think? The three of them didn't know. But since the three of them learned the news, it was like a bolt from the blue. They wanted to break away from the master-disciple relationship, but they didn't have the courage.

Because the master has a lot of magic. Dealing with them and their families is easy. Therefore, they need to take a long-term approach.

Li Xuyang listened quietly to the three people's low-pitched discussion, feeling troubled. He has an idea. He will wait until he understands the thoughts of these evil cultivators tomorrow. Think again about whether you should take advantage of these three people? It counts as giving them a chance.

Li Xuyang looked at the three brothers with his yin and yang eyes. He was not a bad person originally. The children of aristocratic families are relatively not that evil.

But since they followed the evil cultivators. From not understanding anything at the beginning, they gradually understood what they were doing.

Those two masters had many disciples, and the elimination rate was also very high.

There are also many junior fellow students who do not want to leave the organization. They want to learn magic. But these people are all being taught a lesson by their masters.

Because the masters said: "If a disciple still cannot learn anything after being taught by his master for several years and thinks about whether he is being abused, he should be taught a lesson."

In the end, the only ones left behind were these disciples who knew the true face of the master, were relatively tactful, and did not expose the master's face. The most important thing is that the remaining juniors have good family backgrounds and learn things very quickly.

And these three brothers are the most suitable candidates to be inner disciples in their master's eyes. He comes from a good family background, is extremely rich and powerful, has a good-looking spirit, and is tactful and good at getting things done. The three of them are among the brothers who learn spells the fastest.

But these two masters didn't know. The three apprentices they were most optimistic about were becoming more and more disgusted with their ugly behavior. Not optimistic. Especially this time, actually. Do something rebellious. They also dragged them, the children of aristocratic families, to participate in their rebellion. It makes them very disgusted, even disgusted. But they dare not speak out against Master under the roof, otherwise their lives may be lost on the spot.

Lin Xuyang decided after seeing through the thoughts of these three people. wait. After inquiring into their plans, he coerced and lured these three people into becoming his eyes and ears. It also gives them a chance to make amends for their sins.

Li Xuyang's investigation mission is completed. He returns to the place where he meets peace.

Peace was already waiting for him there. Looking at Ping An's originally unsmiling face, it turned even colder than ice, and he was angry at first glance.

But this is not a place for mutual communication, so Li Xuyang only asked Ping An if he had heard any useful information? Ping An nodded. Li Xuyang said that he also heard useful information, and the two of them returned to Prince Duanjing's Mansion together.

Back at the Prince's Mansion, Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan were also waiting for news. Li Xuyang wanted Ping An to tell him first, what news had he heard?

Ping An shook his head and let Li Xuyang speak first. Li Xuyang did not shirk, and directly told the things he heard in detail.

However, regarding those two evil people who wanted to seduce their female disciples, he was rather vague and mentioned it in a few sentences.

But when he talked about those places, he found that there was a slight change in the expression on Ping An's face, as if he had eaten a fly, with a disgusting expression.

Li Mohan and Xiao Yunyan felt that they should help the three brothers. At least they didn't know about this rebellion in advance. After knowing it, they didn't want to participate or agree.

Then everyone looked at Ping An and wanted to ask what news Ping An had heard?

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