Travel through space and help the prince’s husband in construction

Chapter 405 Master Ziwei helped select suitable secret guards, and the selected disciples burst into

Master Ziwei told the two precious disciples not to worry about this matter. He helped find a few apprentices suitable to be secret guards.

Although he didn't care much about these disciples. But he is a god, and with just a little thought, he can find out the character of his disciples and whether they are suitable to be such an important secret guard around Li Mohan.

Li Mohan and Xiao Yiannian. Of course, I believe Master is very happy. Ask his old man for help.

Master Ziwei. He is very concerned about this matter, among his more than 10,000 disciples. Twenty apprentices were selected who were highly loyal, tenacious, very intelligent, adaptable, had average family conditions, and were very responsible. He secretly recalled these lands to Ziwei Yunxiao Palace. All interviews were conducted individually.

These disciples were all flattered and obeyed their master's teachings.

When the master said that he was the most suitable candidate selected by the master from more than 10,000 junior brothers, he was asked to follow the master's most valued junior brother, Prince Duanjing Li Mohan, and be his personal bodyguard. These twenty senior brothers were so grateful that their eyes filled with tears.

Such trust and attention made some of these brothers hug their master's lap and cry bitterly, thanking him for his attention and trust. Some of them kept kowtowing to thank Master for his cultivation and trust.

After Master Ziwei had a heart-to-heart talk with these twenty disciples, he determined that they were all willing to be secret guards. He gathered them together and said to them with sincerity: "Your path of cultivation has basically come to an end. Those who can help you as a teacher have already helped you."

You junior sisters and junior brothers will give you level 10 elixirs to help you break through the bottlenecks in your own cultivation, but it will be difficult to break through if you go higher.

I feel that you are already capable of protecting yourself in this world, and you are also useful talents who can make a fortune by relying on your own abilities.

You don’t need to waste too much energy on cultivation, just stay in your current state. From now on, it will be like a trickle, slowly accumulating, and gradually improving the level.

My teacher allows you to follow Li Mohan to give you an opportunity to accumulate merit. You all know that it is difficult for a cultivator to break through to a higher level without the support of profound merit.

In the past, my master wanted to give you a certain position beside Li Mohan and Xiao Yunyan, but the master could not give you this opportunity.

They have already given all your brothers and sisters a monthly payment of regular money, provided accommodation during the trip, helped take care of the business and paid wages. Master cannot ask them to do more.

Today, this opportunity is rare. There were not many security guards around your junior brother, but now with the expansion of your business, there are increasingly not enough security guards.

The couple asked the master to select some reliable and suitable people as security guards among the senior brothers.

I thought of you all. I just value your personal abilities, tenacity and loyalty.

If you work hard, by Li Mohan's side, you will not only accumulate more merits quickly, but also earn a lot of money. It's definitely a good thing that others can't even think of. Disciples, you must cherish this opportunity! "

I heard Master talking to them so heart-to-heart. These selected disciples vowed in their hearts that they must follow their master's teachings, cherish this rare opportunity, do a good job, and accumulate more merits.

With the help of twenty senior brothers, Li Mohan was even more powerful in doing things. After all, the senior brothers have all experienced in this world for a long time, and are very mature mentally and have strong comprehensive abilities.

At the same time, they also know magic. Although his martial arts is not top-notch. , as long as you practice diligently every day, everyone will become a martial arts master in no time.

What they now need to practice are detection skills, camouflage skills and shooting skills. These require the original experienced security captains to be responsible for conducting assault training on them.

But the senior brothers are not those inexperienced people. With just a little nudge, they can improve their abilities while performing tasks.

As the saying goes, in fighting a tiger, brothers are brothers, and father and son are soldiers in battle. These senior brothers are fellow seniors, so there is no need to question their loyalty.

Moreover, they are worthy of being selected by their master, and their abilities are even more praised by Li Mohan.

After a month of intensive training, a few of these senior brothers were sent out by Li Mohan to play the role of wandering cultivators who wanted to make money as killers. Soon, several of them were taken into the organization by the men in black who were hunting down wandering cultivators everywhere.

Although the abilities of these cultivators who were hired were uneven, they were all proficient in magic after all, so they were all dissatisfied with each other.

These senior brothers who have penetrated into the enemy have always remained transparent among this group of people. Don't stand out and don't stir up trouble, and train honestly as required. But no one found anything wrong.

About half a month later, these men in black gathered together to number more than 700 people. Finally one day, they were gathered together and trained to wear black robes and black boots that revealed no gaps except for their two eyes. At the same time, he also brought a lot of improved firecrackers with him.

These firecrackers are the newly developed enhanced version of the firecrackers used by the men in black, based on the large firecrackers used by the guards of Prince Duanjing's Mansion.

It is said that the explosive force is so powerful that it can burst stones. If a person is injured by a bomb, there will almost never be a complete body. If thrown into a crowded place, it would be very easy to injure five or six people at the same time.

These firecrackers were said to be very complicated to make, so they were just taken out without giving them a chance to practice. Five modified large firecrackers, in front of everyone. Demonstrate usage. Trained instructors. Hug it and throw it away from a distance.

The effect of the five large firecrackers exploding really surprised the cultivators who had gathered temporarily. This explosion effect is comparable to the power of lightning strike in the thunder talisman.

Of course, these were blown by the people in black. Huge fireworks. It's weaker than grenades, but. If all these big firecrackers were thrown into the palace. It can really hurt a lot of people in there. Such important information, several senior brothers were resting at night. The message is conveyed through the little squirrel outside the window.

The little squirrel disappeared quickly, and no one noticed that they had a small note on them and ran quickly to Prince Duanjing's Mansion.

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