Manager Fu came to report the situation to the prince. I couldn't find any clues in my house, so I asked the prince to make up his mind.

Li Mohan is discussing with the princess how to compensate these guests. He really wanted the princess to have full authority to handle these chores.

However, the princess is new here. He also had to tell the princess in detail the distance and distance between his relatives. It will be a good reference for the princess to determine the transaction amount when she takes charge of the house in the future.

The young couple had just finished their discussion when they heard the princess' second-class maid, Yue Yue, come to deliver a message saying that Manager Fu wanted to see the prince.

The prince asked Mr. Fu to come to the main hall to give a reply. Manager Fu walked in quickly, and after saluting the prince and princess, he told the prince and princess in detail the news he had found out in the past half day. There is no direct evidence to identify that person.

There may be too many people in contact with the big kitchen, and there are more than a dozen suspects. No one else has proven their whereabouts for these dozen or so people.

After hearing this, the prince ordered Manager Fu to report the matter to Dali Temple and asked the minister of Dali Temple to help investigate.

Princess Xiao Yunyan on the side spoke: "Can I leave this matter to my concubine? Maybe I can find this person soon."

Li Mohan immediately raised his left eyebrow. I secretly thought to myself that this princess of mine still has a lot of connotations.

He immediately said to Xiao Yunyan very seriously: "My dear concubine, what is her magic trick? Can you tell me a little bit about it?"

Xiao Yuntian looked at the prince's interested expression and felt funny in her heart. This prince was also a gossip. But she couldn't tell the real method. He could only say vaguely: "My lord, please be patient. I have my own way. But once I say this way, it won't work!"

The prince felt even more itchy, but he couldn't let the princess's trick fail, so he could only endure it for a while. He asked Xiao Yunyan unwillingly: "My dear concubine, how many people are needed? You can ask Ah Fu to arrange it now. Everything is up to you.

However, my beloved concubine will go to the palace with the king to have dinner with her father, the queen, and the queen. There are still two hours left before we have to dress up and set off. Why don't we check again tomorrow. "

The princess said mysteriously: "There is no need to send more manpower, as long as the prince seals the palace. I will start investigating now to avoid long nights and dreams."

Maybe before entering the palace, I can tell the prince if there is anyone in the palace who poisoned me. If this person is in the palace, I will definitely find him. "

The prince promised that if the princess found the poisoner, he would reward her heavily.

Xiao Yunyan planned to meet everyone in the palace. Her yin and yang eyes traveled through time with her. If she wants to know who poisoned them, she only needs to stare at these people for three seconds to know if it was him.

Xiao Yunyan ordered the servants of the palace to line up to see her. She will start managing the affairs of the palace from today. It is necessary to understand the personnel arrangements for various positions in the palace.

The servants arrived one after another, and the director of each hospital brought his subordinates to greet Xiao Yunyan. Please show me the princess.

Xiao Yunyan asked everyone to come up and report which yard they were on duty in and what specific errands they were doing.

Everyone received a reward from the princess as a meeting gift.

The supervisor has five taels of silver, the first-class maids have three taels, the second-class maids have two taels, and the third-class maids have one tael.

Other handymen and sweepers are paid 500 yuan each.

Stewards in the kitchen, accounting room, and carriage house receive five taels, and others, depending on their rank, also receive between three taels and five hundred taels.

The servants who received the reward from the princess would kneel down and kowtow to the princess and pay homage to the mistress of the palace. During this process, Xiao Yunyan looked at everyone present with her yin and yang eyes. But the poisoner was not found.

However, she did get to see a few maids and boys who were having sex. There are also supervisors who treat their servants unfairly and even take advantage of their positions to embezzle the property of the palace.

She kept a gentle and kind smile and remained calm. Although the new official took office with three things in mind, her purpose today was to catch the person who poisoned the house, and by the way, give out red envelopes to celebrate her becoming the mistress of the palace and win people's hearts.

Everyone in line was not the poisoner. Xiao Yunyan asked Mrs. Zhou next to her, who else hadn't come to receive the red envelope?

Mrs. Zhou just recorded the registration form on the palace servant registration form. Only six people were absent. Two are the concierges on duty, two are the boys who go out for shopping and one is the supervisor. The other one is the prince's wet nurse - Ruan Qingluo.

Mrs. Zhou continued to report: "Princess, the prince's wet nurse, Ruan, now has a separate small courtyard in the third courtyard. She usually has nothing to do, so she doesn't come to the main courtyard to pay respects to the prince.

Today, it stands to reason that she should pay tribute to the princess. However, in the morning the little maid in her yard came to report that she had also been poisoned and could not get up now. She just drank the medicine you prescribed. Although she felt relieved a lot, she was still lying on the bed, but she didn't come to see you. "

A trace of doubt flashed in Xiao Yunyan's eyes. This prince is already twenty years old, and he still has a wet nurse by his side? She asked Mrs. Zhou who was waiting beside her: "Mother Zhou, is the wet nurse pregnant this year? Does she have any descendants? Please tell me her situation in detail."

Mrs. Zhou immediately selected important people and introduced the situation of the wet nurse.

Ruan Qingluo's husband was a guard in the palace when he was young and the son of a fifth-rank official. She is the third-class maid next to the queen. After she was released from the palace, she married the guard Cheng Jun. The two had a son and two daughters.

When the prince was born, he needed to find a wet nurse. It just so happened that Ruan Qingluo also gave birth to a baby. In order to continue to serve the queen and receive her blessing, Ruan Qingluo, with the strong support of the Cheng family, stood out among many candidates and became one of the prince's three wet nurses.

Ruan Qingluo is the old man next to the queen, so she is naturally more trusted.

Until the prince was one and a half years old, he stopped taking milk from the wet nurse. The other two wet nurses took the reward money and went home. Ruan Qingluo, on the other hand, asked the queen to let her stay in the palace and continue to take care of the young prince.

The queen also trusted her and asked her to take care of the little prince. Until the prince lost his crown and left the palace to open a government office and build a mansion, Ruan Qingluo still asked the prince to keep her.

Ruan Qingluo's husband passed away due to illness three years ago. The prince also left it up to the wet nurse to decide. She can take care of herself in the palace, or she can take care of her at home, but she won't be treated badly.

Ruan Qingluo chose to live in the palace in order to keep the prince and queen from forgetting their old relationship. He said that he wanted to take care of the future little princess and princess for the prince.

The prince is not short of his salary, and he is also willing to take care of the sons and daughters of the wet nurse.

Ruan Qingluo's two daughters were taken care of by the prince and got married well. The eldest daughter married a civil servant of the fifth rank in the capital, and the second daughter married a military attaché of the fourth rank, but they were both continued marriages. No matter what, she is an official wife.

Only Cheng Yaozu, the wet nurse's son, was unable to help him. He studied in the academy for twelve years and only passed the examination as a boy student.

Xiao Yunyan heard some secrets and asked Mrs. Zhou to introduce Cheng Yaozu's affairs in detail. Her sixth sense told her that this matter was related to the wet nurse and her son!

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