Travel through space and help the prince’s husband in construction

Chapter 393 Xiao Yunyan gave birth to quadruplets, which shocked the whole country. 4 little ones wi

The news that Xiao Yunyan gave birth to two sons and two daughters spread quickly throughout the capital like wings. The people celebrated spontaneously and said that Prince Duanjing and Princess Duanjing were good people and had great merits. Therefore, it is better to have four treasures in one birth, making up two.

The emperor and the queen visited their four beautiful and lovely grandchildren every day. The four grandchildren are like eyes.

The emperor and empress often lamented that their Yan'er was so blessed that she gave birth to two sons and two daughters in one child.

It has always been difficult for the heirs of the royal family. In order to spread their business, they had to marry the main wife and take concubines. Even so, royal children are extremely valuable. It is not easy to ensure that a child is born healthy. What's more, growing up is even more difficult.

As for Xiao Yunyan, she has not missed anything since she became pregnant. She is running around everywhere, neither making money nor doing charity work.

I originally thought they were twins, but unexpectedly, during the delivery, I gave birth to four children.

The most puzzling thing for everyone is that originally the imperial doctor's pulse check said they were twins, but during the delivery, four babies were actually born.

In the beginning, Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan lived in unreal happiness every day.

Four little babies with different personalities, each one is so cute. The couple goes to see their four little babies every day.

The four children have different personalities.

The boss cries when he should cry, sleeps when he should sleep, and eats very hard. The number of wet nurses feeding the eldest child has changed from one to two. Not only was he so good at eating, but he also used so much force when eating that the nanny's nipples were about to break due to his sucking, so she had to change them. The eldest child always likes to move around when he is full, as if he is trying to exercise.

The second child is a little princess with a very lively personality. He was not honest when eating, babbling, dancing, laughing, and rarely cried.

The character of Lao San Lao Si is quiet. Except for grunting twice when he needs to poop or pee, he is usually quiet. The nannies and maids who took care of the third and fourth children all said that the third princess and the fourth prince were the quietest children they had ever seen.

Xiao Yunyan looked into the eyes of the two children when the third and fourth children opened their eyes. I wanted to explore their past lives, but all I saw was white mist.

Perhaps it was because these two children were so profound that they covered Xiao Yunyan's eyes from looking at them.

It is also possible that their master is more powerful and deliberately prevents Xiao Yunyan from seeing their previous lives.

Xiao Yunyan was originally very curious. Later, I no longer struggled. In any case, the two babies are very healthy, quiet and interesting every day.

The couple feels that their four little babies are very sensible. Compared with the crying and fussy children of other families, these four children are very worry-free, which is a blessing to them.

Xiao Yunyan sat for two months under the care and love of her family. However, she had space, so of course she would not lie on the bed and grow mushrooms.

In the space, Xiao Yunyan uses machines to process various baby supplementary foods every day.

She found that whether in Beichuan or in other countries, there was no specially customized food for infants and babies under three years old.

Breast milk is important. However, in addition to breast milk, children's complementary foods in this era are mainly rice cereal, eggs and minced meat. When they are older, they add a little vegetables and very little milk.

The food in ordinary people's homes is more simple. Unbalanced nutrition since childhood is detrimental to the physical and intellectual development of infants and young children. Therefore, the physical fitness of ordinary people is not very good, perhaps because nutrition has not been sufficient since childhood.

Now that she has a baby, she will naturally consider this aspect. Thinking of her own children before recommending it to others, Xiao Yunyan wanted to develop some infant food first. It is better to add an infant food series to his industrial chain.

Mothers who have children have a lot of ideas. She studies various complementary food formulas every day. I checked some information from the computer.

A three-stage food recipe was ultimately chosen. Milk is added to the food formulas of these three stages.

Since milk is added to infant food, the source of the milk must be considered. In this era, in addition to farming cattle and cattle in grassland pastoral areas, cattle were mainly raised for meat. There are no high-yielding dairy breeds yet;

Xiao Yunyan saw the breeding farm in the space. She decided to add a dairy pen. Breed specifically for cows with high milk production. The milk produced is specially used in infant food.

But such cows come from space. But it can't be purchased in the mall. This stumped her.

But she has been to every continent and knows where there are cows with higher milk production. From there she brought in some mature cows and bulls.

Run a trial period in the space to see how much milk these cows produce. Because the animal reproduction rate in the space is particularly high, the cycle is different from that outside. Therefore, if you raise cows in space, you can produce milk for a period of time as long as you give birth to a litter of calves. If the amount of milk secreted decreases, the cow can have another litter of calves and continue to produce large amounts of milk. The production cycle of cattle in space. It's so short that it makes you question life. It only takes three days from pregnancy to delivery. Therefore, the cows in the space will almost always have breast milk.

However, the population needs to be expanded in the early stage, so the breeding of bulls and cows is not restricted. When milk is available, part of it is collected and the rest is fed to the calves.

When the population reaches a certain level, these adult cows are moved to a part of the pasture outside the space.

Because Xiao Yunyan has a pasture dedicated to raising animals under her name. It's a pity to waste it. It's better to breed some dairy cows. It can both milk cows and breed calves. When bulls are raised, they can be used as farm cattle or killed for beef food processing.

Xiao Yunyan, who had just given birth to a child, started to be busy again. The babies live happily under the service of the maid and wet nurse every day.

But the happiest time was when their father and mother came to visit them every day. He always brings them all kinds of fun toys and delicious food.

The four little guys are chubby, white and tender, and very cute.

Although they can’t speak yet, they can already understand the language used by their parents to communicate with them. The fourth child can only communicate with his parents using baby language and body language.

Children have been drinking spiritual spring water since they were young, and their IQs are naturally much higher than ordinary babies. Xiao Yunyan teased several children.

The boss likes to express himself through body language. His little arms and legs are strong, and he looks like a child with particularly good physical fitness.

The second child likes to laugh very much. Whenever she is teased, she will giggle, which is very endearing. She is the liveliest of the four children.

The third and fourth children are still very quiet. However, they can talk to their father, queen, mother and concubine in baby language. It's just that their language cannot be understood by the father, queen, mother and concubine.

Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan kept guessing what the children's words meant every time, and then asked the two children if they wanted to do something?

The two children looked very calm. There was no sense of anxiety. When their parents get it right, the two little guys will blink and say "oh oh". It means you're right, that's what it means.

However, whenever Xiao Yunyan asked them about the origins of their previous lives, she mentioned various possibilities. But no matter what she said, the two children pretended not to hear and did not respond.

Xiao Yunyan looked at these two particularly thoughtful children, but there was nothing she could do about them. I thought I would ask again when the children grow up and can talk.

The four little babies grow up healthily and happily every day. Every little progress they make makes their parents happy. Like other parents, Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan pay attention to their children's growth every day. The first time a child turns over, the first time he crawls, the first tooth that grows, the first words he speaks... all seem so precious.

By the time they were seven months old, the four babies began to speak. Although it was just one word, one word after another, the meaning they expressed was very accurate.

The wet nurses, maids, and nuns who serve them often marvel at them. Their little masters are really different and so smart that people can't believe it.

Compared with the naive little babies, these four little masters are very easy to take care of. Communicate with them in language, and all the little masters can understand it, and the degree of cooperation is extremely high.

Of course, if there is something they don't want to do, they will express a strong desire to do it. It is not difficult for people to guess their thoughts. Although these four little dolls have different personalities, they are all equally smart.

Xiao Yunyan looks at her four babies and smiles constantly every day.

Of course, whenever you see the little ones playing with the toys in their hands, the behavior is definitely different from that of real little dolls.

The behavior of Xiaosan and Xiaosi aroused her strong curiosity again. She recalled the experience of exploring the past lives of Xiaosan and Xiaosi.

These two children are different from the other two children in that they talk very little. Although I only say one or two words each time. However, Xiaosanxiaosi's pronunciation is very standard. The meaning expressed is also very accurate.

Xiao Yunyan watched the maids place various small toys in front of them, allowing the four little ones to choose freely.

The third and fourth children only play with the toys in front of them and do not compete with their brothers and sisters for toys that are far away.

Although Xiao Yunyan looked at the mistresses and mistresses playing, in fact, Xiao Yunyan felt that their interest was not in the toys.

Xiao Yunyan always felt that there were two mature souls living in these two young bodies, so she was not interested in the things these children played with.

Xiao Yunyan wanted to have a good chat with them and ask them about their past lives.

However, Xiao Yunyan, who was full of confidence, asked a lot of questions. But no matter how she asked, she got no response. Once again, I was rendered speechless by two little guys who insisted on keeping silent and not answering questions.

When Xiao Yuntian finally gave up and stopped asking about their origins, these two little things expressed their demands. They thought their brothers and sisters, who were having a great time playing there, were too noisy. The mistress said: "Noisy!". Xiaosi said: "Let's go!"

At first, Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan didn't understand what these two little ones meant. The mistress said "noisy, noisy" several times. The little hand also pointed at the elder brother and sister. Xiaosi kicked his calves aside and said several times: "Let's go, let's go!"

Xiao Yunyan suddenly realized that it turned out that the third and fourth mistresses were annoyed that the boss and the second child were noisy and noisy, laughing and joking. It was too noisy and annoying! Want to get out of here.

This is really strange. A small baby can still find it annoying when others are noisy.

Xiao Yunyan asked for confirmation. When she asked: "Are you disgusted with the quarrel between the eldest brother and the second sister, and the third and fourth sisters want to leave here?"

Xiaosan and Xiaosi especially don’t like the word “small” in front of “three” and “four”. Therefore, I corrected my mother at the same time: "Old...three", "Old...four". Their expressions were a little ugly, and the two little ones looked disgusted.

Xiao Yunyan finally discovered that these two little guys also had great mood changes.

She seemed to have discovered a new world and was very happy.

Every time I see these two little guys, their fair and tender little faces with a little baby fat have a look of calmness and no interest in anything.

Just now, because I called them Xiao San Xiao Si, they were unhappy and even frowned. The funniest thing was forcing them both to say the words "Lao San" and "Lao Si" respectively. It seems they really understand the difference between old and young.

Xiao Yunyan seemed to have discovered a new world and immediately called her "mistress" and "mistress" a few more times.

Moreover, in order to amuse them, Xiao Yunyan deliberately explained in a serious manner: "You are just babies, so you can't use the Chinese character "老三老四" when you are just a little older?

From now on, my mother will call you Xiaosanxiaosi, do you remember? Don't frown. "

The two little ones, known as Xiaosan and Xiaosi, frowned even deeper, as if they were very resistant.

However, now they can't speak fully and can only speak out one or two words slowly. They will definitely not win if they quarrel with their mother, so they simply ignore her.

Xiao Yunyan clearly felt that the two children hated the titles of mistress and mistress. But she doesn't want to change the name yet, because only by calling the two children this way can their faces show expressions.

Xiao Yunyan took this as a condition and asked the two children to call her mother. But these two children had bad tempers and would not open their mouths.

Xiao Yunyan changed her routine again and asked the two children: "If my mistress and mistress call me mother, my mother will no longer call you mistress and mistress. How about calling you three treasures and four treasures?"

She thinks Sanbaoer and Sibaoer sound better, and the two little guys will definitely like it.

However, the two little guys frowned and thought, Sambo'er and Sibao'er don't sound so nice either. My mother's name-naming skills are really bad. Can't she come up with two nice nicknames?

But the children felt miserable and couldn't express their thoughts, so they could only frown.

Li Mohan, who was watching Xiao Yuntian playing with the child, couldn't bear it. Looking at the seven-month-old mistress, the fourth child kept frowning, so entangled. He suggested to Xiao Yunyan: "Daughter-in-law, why don't we give the children nicknames."

Li Mohan's suggestion gave Xiao Yunyan a headache.

Because the four babies in their family had just been born, the children’s imperial grandfather, imperial grandmother, great-grandfather and great-great-grandmother, maternal grandfather and grandmother, as well as the children’s uncles, gave the four children a lot of nicknames. They didn't know which one to call.

Li Mohan also knew Xiao Yunyan's concerns. It would be okay if he chose the nickname given by his grandfather and grandmother, but if he chose a nickname given by someone else, he might make the emperor and queen unhappy.

However, the emperor and the queen also chose names. They gave the names to the four little ones: Da Tuanzi, Xiao Tuanzi belongs to the two grandsons, and the eldest daughter and the little daughter belong to the two granddaughters.

Xiao Yunyan felt that calling her Baoer was not as pleasant as before.

The names given by other elders are also less than satisfactory. Li Mohan said, "How about we name the children with good meanings. For example: good luck, wishful thinking, joy, and peace. How about these four names?"

Xiao Yunyan thought about it and felt very satisfied. Then he asked these four little guys: "Your father has just given you nicknames. The first treasure is called Jixiang, the second treasure is called Ruyi, the third treasure is called joy, and the fourth treasure is called peace. What do you four think?"

The other three babies had no objections, but Sambo didn't want to be called Xi Le, so she pouted and said "no".

Xiao Yunyan thinks this child is really interesting. Ask her: "What do you want to call it? Reunion or happiness?"

The mistress frowned, feeling that these two people didn't seem to be happy enough. She actually prefers the word "ruyi". But she didn't know how to express it, so she held it back for a long time and said one word "such".

Xiao Yunyan understood. She liked the name "Ruyi". So I asked Erbao'er for her opinion and asked her if it would be good to call her "Xi Le". The second child in their family is indeed very festive and happy, and this name really suits her.

Erbao is a very easy-going little girl, giggling, waving her little hands and saying "Okay".

In this way, the nicknames of the four babies were decided: Good Luck, Joy, Ruyi, and Peace.

Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan reported the news to the emperor and queen. Both of them thought these four names sounded good and fit the personalities of the four children very well.

When the emperor and the queen heard the report from the person who said that the Three Treasures did not want to be called joy, they wanted to be called Ruyi, so they held it in for a long time before they finally managed to pronounce the word "Ru".

The emperor and the queen laughed loudly and said: "Sambo'er is really different. He is only seven months old. He has just started talking and knows how to express his opinions. But Xile is indeed suitable for the second treasure. And the second treasure's She behaves so easy-going and generous, and acts like a sister, which is really annoying."

When Xiao Yunyan calls the children again, Sanbao'er and Sibao'er no longer frown. Although the facial expression is not like that of a real baby like Dabao Erbao, it is still much prettier.

Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan firmly believe that their family's happiness and peace must have an extraordinary origin. However, it is difficult to tell the truth from the mouths of these two children as to where it came from.

These two villains now have their own thoughts and personalities. It is not easy for them to talk to each other.

Xiao Yunyan smiled and said to Li Mohan: "Maybe our little three and four children come from a very high level and have never drank Meng Po soup. They understand in their hearts, but they are just too young to say anything."

Li Mohan and Xiao Yunyan used their mind telepathy and yin and yang eyes several times to detect what the two children were thinking, but it was always a white mist.

But for the time being, it seems that these two children are still very easy to take care of. It can be said that these four children are really sensible and have high IQs. When the maids and nuns spoke to them, they could all understand them and use very simple and easy-to-understand body language and one or two words to express what they meant.

For a seven-month-old baby. Absolutely extremely intelligent.

The couple no longer dwells on this matter. Plan to be there. When the children are older, send them to the master. Let Master educate these four treasures, especially the two difficult little guys.

Master Ziwei and the Taoist saintess learned that Xiao Yuntian had given birth to four children, two boys and two girls, and they immediately walked happily. Every day, Master Ziwei would go to other gods to brag and show off his disciples and grandsons.

They also went to see it. Disciples and grandchildren. To those two. Not talkative. A very strict-tongued little guy. Very interested. They also used their heavenly eyes, but all they saw was white mist.

Master Ziwei and the Taoist Saint said to Xiao Yunyan: "Since we can't see their past lives, there is no need to doubt that the level of their previous lives must be quite advanced. It should be higher than the level of the masters. The reincarnation of a fairy. I thought you were pregnant with twins. Unexpectedly, these two little guys secretly grew up in your belly. It wasn’t until you were born that you realized there were two more in your belly.

All this shows that wishful thinking and peace have an extraordinary origin. In order to ensure that they can be born safely, they wrap their bodies early with a thick fleshy ball of placenta.

From birth to now, they are unwilling to disclose their origins. Maybe they have secrets they don't want outsiders to know.

Now that they are your children, you must protect them. As for the origin, there is no need to investigate for the time being.

No matter where peace and happiness come from, they are your children in this life. You must protect them and let them grow up safely and happily. "

Of course they agreed with the master's teachings and originally thought so. Xiao Yunyan asked the two masters. Regarding the education of these four children, do they still want to wait until the children are older to take them back to their respective fairy homes and teach them personally, as they had previously thought?

Master Ziwei said: "Originally, we thought they were a son and a daughter. The holy aunt and I each divided one and took it back to our palace to teach.

But Saint Aunt and I did some research recently. I think it’s better to take it directly to Ziwei Yunxiao Palace. Nowadays, your senior brothers in Ziwei Yunxiao Palace often go back, and there are still many who stay in Yunxiao Palace forever. Let them help take care of the children, which saves the master a lot of effort. The saintly aunt would often go and teach the four little babies together.

Combine the abilities of our two gods and lay their foundation first. It depends on the children’s qualifications and opportunities. If there is a suitable master in the future, we will not delay our children’s future.

The four children should have different qualifications and things they are good at. If they can find a suitable master, they will join his disciples. Receive the teachings that are best for each individual. That is the truth. "

Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan listened to the Master's advice and readily accepted it. These two masters really care about their disciples. Just rely on the abilities of the two immortal masters. It is more than enough to teach four children, but they still believe that their abilities are only suitable for laying the foundation for children. If only children could receive higher instruction. They offer a ride.

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