Travel through space and help the prince’s husband in construction

Chapter 391: Writing brushes are selling like hot cakes, and high-end premium brushes are being coll

Xiao Yunyan's momentary thought resulted in rectifying the prices of inkstones and brushes, which were the most outrageous among the four treasures of the study industry.

Of course, he has also opened up new industrial fields. Xiao Yunyan has been concerned about the food supply problem of the people, and now she is concerned about the problem of artificially high prices in the cultural field.

Most of the talented young students from impoverished families finally chose to give up because their families were so poor that they couldn't afford to study hard for ten years. Just learn some techniques and do some math. Achieving a class jump is a difficult path.

Xiao Yunyan believes that to recruit talents from all over the world, ordinary people should be able to afford reading. Talented people can jump up the class ladder through the imperial examination system and become the pillars of the country.

Nowadays, among the four treasures of the study, the prices of writing brushes and inkstones have been suppressed. However, books, paper and ink sticks are not cheap either. Not all talented children from poor families can go to school.

Of course, the price of paper and ink sticks is high because the production process is complicated and the materials used are also particular. In particular, the production of ink sticks is complex. High wages are inevitable.

Tung oil smoke ink is very complicated to make. Xiao Yunyan does not want to rectify this market. She found that the ink stick market was not exaggerated, and the price of those particularly good-quality collection-grade ink sticks was about a hundred taels.

The lowest-level module costs about 20 taels of ink and 30 coins. The production process is still very complicated. Therefore, this price is acceptable to the students’ families.

The workshops that make rice paper also require a huge amount of labor, which is both labor-intensive and technically demanding.

The price of paper is relatively not exorbitant. Straw pulp paper with rough edges can be used for daily writing. One hundred pieces of sword, the price is about fifty coins.

High-quality rice paper, such as green sandalwood rice paper, three feet long and one foot eight inches wide, costs only ten taels of silver per knife. Ordinary rice paper of this size is about one and a half to five taels. It's a normal price.

Of course, paper is a consumable product. The specific price of rice paper you choose depends on the scholar's family background.

Since the price positioning is very reasonable, Xiao Yunyan does not plan to enter the paper and calligraphy and painting ink markets.

Literary students are very grateful to Prince Duanjing. They can buy high-quality inkstones and brushes for a lot less money. Indirectly, Xiao Yunyan has helped more students so that they can have the opportunity to work towards a better life.

The process of processing brushes and inkstones in space is already very stable and does not require too much manual labor.

The animals in the space can help prepare the materials. Anyway, everything is mechanized, so you don’t have to worry about clearing up the clouds.

The market for inkstones and writing brushes is getting bigger and bigger, reaching the entire Beichuan area. Moreover, businessmen from other surrounding countries also went to shops on the Beichuan border to buy these brushes and inkstones that were very popular among students.

After returning to their own country, the merchants increased the prices and made considerable profits.

The most popular brush holders are made of jasper or white jade, and are also made of precious woods such as huanghuali, rosewood, and ebony. It's hard to put down when you look at it.

Those calligraphy pen collectors also bought several sets of various high-end pens they liked for collection or as gifts.

The quality of machine-processed goods is completely trustworthy. Therefore, Xiao Yunyan is not worried. But these scholars are worried about the quality of the pens. The store of low-end pen Xiao Yunyan promises: Scholars will open the pen when they go home and experience their own writing. If there is indeed a quality problem with the brush within two months of use, the store will be responsible for replacing it with a new one.

With such a commitment, it means that the store has full confidence in its products. I am not afraid that after the scholars open the pen, the pen they use is not ideal.

If there are really a large number of returns, it means that the production process of your pen is poor, or the pen tip is not handled well, then the production process needs to be improved.

Of course, the machine changes the production process.

Xiao Yunyan firmly believed that no one would buy truly good things and then return them.

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