Travel through space and help the prince’s husband in construction

Chapter 39 Recruiting workers for road construction, a steamed bun strategy

In this cooperative project, farmers are the direct beneficiaries. The rich man alone was the indirect beneficiary, the businessmen and pedestrians were all beneficiaries, and only Xiao Yunyan was the one who fully paid.

Li, she didn't consider the issue of interests, mainly because she had more money than she could spend in her lifetime. There is more and more powerful portable space. Material benefits are not needed at all for her!

The name is not that important. For her, in her previous life, she was a special mission executor of the Dragon Kingdom who was secretly responsible for protecting the country and the people, carrying out particularly arduous tasks.

Ordinary agents are simply incomparable to anyone in their team. Because they are all people with special abilities, also known as super powers.

In Xiao Yunyan's eyes, fame is the most terrifying thing. Once you become famous, there will be more troubles. They perform a mission and the fewer people know about it, the better. Her identity is kept secret by her family.

Love, she didn't seem to value that word particularly, but it was hard to let go. In her past and present lives, her family, relatives, friends and teammates are all things she can't let go of.

Now, as the princess of Beichuan, she has a love for the people and her subjects. Also, I unconsciously felt that I had an inexplicable responsibility on my shoulders.

Responsibility, yes, it was responsibility, which made her want to take care of any unreasonable situation she encountered.

Now, she has space in her hands and the ability to do things that others are not capable of doing.

However, he still doesn't want to be famous. Let a well-known wealthy man get this name. After all, in the world of the western border, the wealthy man's charity has already been famous far and wide, so he would like to add some more good names.

Xiao Yunyan's proposal formed a specific plan, which was submitted to the local government office for official filing. Magistrate Jia and Master also discussed the details together.

Magistrate Jia raised a very realistic and difficult question. In the past, the government used peasants to do corvées for free every year. If the people in the city don't do corvee work, they have to pay money.

Nowadays, apart from completing their own farming and corvee tasks, these farmers do not have much free time.

The most important thing is that they will not believe that the government and good people will give money to repair bridges, roads, ditches and dams.

Even if it were a wealthy person, they would not believe that someone would be so stupid as to do these things for free, which is a waste of money, energy, and thankless.

The people will definitely be afraid because they will not get any money after doing hard work. It's like doing extra free corvee in vain.

Xiao Yunyan understood that this was because the common people had not received welfare benefits in front of the government. Distrust of government.

In addition, I am not so confident about the personal financial strength of a single wealthy person. I don’t even believe that a local wealthy man would be so kind-hearted that he would spend money and effort to repair bridges, roads and dams for free.

Xiao Yunyan thought of a story: There was a tree standing at the city gate.

In the Qin Dynasty, the new king Qin Xiaogong came to the throne and appointed Gongsun Yang, a nobleman of the Wei State, who later became Shang Yang.

Shang Yang put forward a series of reform proposals. Qin Xiaogong was very supportive. The nobles and ministers were very opposed.

Shang Yang drafted a reform decree. Worried that the people would not trust him, he first ordered someone to erect a three-foot-high log at the south gate of the capital. Tell everyone, whoever can move away will be given ten taels of gold.

At first no one believed it. Later it was raised to fifty gold. Finally a man came out and took the gold.

Only then did the people of Qin believe that the official kept his promise and believed in the new decree.

Xiao Yunyan also wanted to imitate her ancestor Shang Yang's method of erecting trees for city gates. She asked the wealthy man Shan to send his men to post a notice at the city gate:

The government, together with the rich man Shan, wanted to rebuild the official and rural roads at the border.

The labor used in this road construction will be calculated as daily labor.

Each adult male laborer received thirty-five cents per day.

Elderly people over 60 years old, adult women, children under 16 years old, and those whose family life is difficult can also come to participate in labor and do light work. Give him twenty cents a day.

A free lunch for everyone. After work every day, you get paid for that day. If they work for a month, each person will be rewarded with two kilograms of rice, two kilograms of noodles, and one kilogram of pork. It can also be converted into silver coins.

Workers who want to participate in labor can sign up at the registration office at the city gate.

All applicants will receive two large white steamed buns immediately.

Underneath the notice was stamped the official seal and the personal seal of the rich man Shan.

As soon as this notice was posted, many people entering and leaving the city crowded under the notice board and talked about it, fearing that it was a trap.

At this time, several little beggars ran to the registration office together. They clamored to register and eat big white steamed buns.

These children are very skinny and look like they don’t have enough to eat all year round. It seems that he is only eleven or twelve years old, how can he do anything?

The people watching are all paying attention here. Let's see if the good people and the government will take in these little beggars who have no livelihood.

Most people think that it is impossible for the government to take care of it, but a kind person may take care of it and let the servants give a few steamed buns to the little beggars, but they will not let them receive so much wages in vain.

However, what they couldn't believe was that the little beggar really registered successfully. He was taken aside and his hands and face were washed.

The ten large drawers of steamed buns just delivered by the steamed bun shop are steaming and exuding an alluring aroma.

The middle-aged man in charge of distributing steamed buns used oil paper and gave each little beggar two large steamed buns. Let them eat slowly.

The little beggar was not afraid of being burned, so he took a bite, exhaling the hot air quickly while chewing the fragrant steamed bun happily.

Such a feeling of happiness made these little beggars shed tears as they ate.

Everyone is panicking, what? Is it too unpalatable? Or maybe there is sand and the teeth are scratched?

The children cried while eating, and finally ate a big steamed bun. Take the remaining one and put it into your ragged arms.

Several people praised loudly: "This steamed bun is so delicious. We haven't eaten such delicious steamed buns for a long time. Please tell me, sir, can we really come to work every day? Not only can we get twenty cash a day, but also Can I have a free lunch?”

The manager smiled and nodded, and said, "You guys will take measurements later." Rich Man Shan said that the little beggar was very pitiful. Anyone who signed up would be kept, and two sets of clothes and shoes would be made for him. Soon. Once you’re done, you can come here to pick up your clothes the day after tomorrow.”

Such a thing is in the eyes of all onlookers.

Although, some people still suspect that more people are already tempted. People who have free time at home want to sign up. However, I was afraid that it was a trap, so I continued to wait and see.

A few more homeless vagrants arrived, and they were also famous slackers in the county. On weekdays, they would rather ask for money and suffer from cold and hunger than do odd jobs.

Everyone watched them and registered. They all want to see if the stewards will accept them?

But the manager spoke up: "We recruit workers here to work, and we don't raise lazy people. After all, if someone is planning to mess around, don't think about good things.

Will everyone be assigned certain tasks every day? It’s not very tiring to complete though. However, if anyone tries to cut corners, he or she will not be able to complete the task. The first time you are caught, half of your wages will be deducted. If caught the second time, all wages will be deducted. The third time you are caught, you will never be hired. "

These lazy guys are also famous scoundrels. They yelled: "The notice says that those who live in difficulty can sign up and get two white steamed buns immediately. We haven't started working yet, how did you know that we would be lazy and slippery?" Register quickly, we want to eat big white steamed buns."

The steward didn't say much, he just said everything he needed to say. Register and send out steamed buns.

All the people watching understood it. Anyone can register, and you will get white steamed buns upon registration. There is no punishment for not coming to work. Come to work and at least get a free meal at noon. If you don't get paid at night, you won't come the next day. It's just a loss of one day's wages.

Suddenly, there was a swarm of people rushing to sign up.

The government officials who had been waiting nearby immediately maintained order at the scene and lined up to sign up. one by one.

Some people worry that the white steamed buns are not enough. He yelled: "What if I get to the back of the queue and don't have enough steamed buns?"

At this time, two more carriages came to deliver steamed buns. Twenty trays of freshly steamed buns were delivered again.

The people who saw enough steamed buns gradually became calmer, and with the support of the government officials, they lined up in two lines. Sign up and get the steamed buns.

The foreman on the side divided the people who got the steamed buns into groups according to age, gender, and working ability. There are twenty people in each group. The first day's task was to clear the weeds in the ditch under the roadbed. Both adults and children can do it.

Each person was given a tool. Children, old people, use small hoes to eradicate weeds and vines. Adults use big picks to plow deep grass roots and bushes.

Twenty women with clean hands and feet were left behind to prepare vegetables and soup for lunch. The staple food for lunch today, the steamed buns just delivered are enough to eat.

The recruitment problem was solved easily. Magistrate Jia and the rich man Shan gave a thumbs-up to Mr. Xiao's 'steamed bun strategy' and praised it.

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