Travel through space and help the prince’s husband in construction

Chapter 357 The two sides confronted each other, and the couple cooperated to defeat the dark mage’s

Black Dragon and Li Mohan did not see Yulong and Black Dragon. The imperial dragon and the black dragon flashed past, but were discovered by the dark mage hiding in the dark.

He really wanted to take this opportunity to catch these two people. But he knew that if he went to catch the Black Dragon and the Yulong now, if they were not removed from the square, he would most likely be attacked by four people at the same time.

So now he deliberately ignores the black dragon and the dragon. The main targets are still these two powerful enemies in the square.

If he didn't subdue the two of them, even if he caught Jade Yulong and Black Dragon, he wouldn't be able to help the puppet Prince Lian ascend to the throne.

What makes the dark mage very depressed is that after he made so many preparations and took turns to attack, both of them were cracked by the two people in the square. In the end he had to take action himself.

But now he found that even if he did it himself, there seemed to be no chance of winning.

The two people in the square could actually use the five-way magic circle. I really don’t know how easy it is for them to set up the magic circle.

Setting up a magic circle requires the support of strong spiritual energy. These two people can actually set up five magic circles, which shows that their spiritual energy is endless. This is what they lack most.

The dark mage looked at the tightly protected martial arts formation. Weighing our spells, it seems that none of them can instantly penetrate the five-layer magic circle.

Spell attacks are afraid of protracted battles. The dark mage analyzes the current situation between the enemy and ourselves. People are hiding in the magic circle and cannot come out. He is constantly attacking and consuming his spiritual energy.

Once the spiritual power was exhausted and the spell could no longer be used, the two of them rushed out of the formation and bombarded him indiscriminately. In the end, he was the one who was captured without any help.

Now he can't stand the enemy. At least maintain the balance of a duel between masters. Once this balance is broken, he has no chance of winning.

Not only are they two people, there are also Black Dragon and Yulong, who are also capable of magic. If four people attack him together, even if he is a dark mage, there is no guarantee that they can escape safely.

Because of this concern, he did not take action immediately.

Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan waited in the magic circle for two quarters of an hour. They speculated that this dark mage probably had no helpers.

Because there are five magic circles here to protect it, it is airtight. If the opponent cannot defeat the enemy with one move. Even if you use many spells, you can't hurt them. The other party will not take action for the time being.

But neither of them can let down their guard now. If they withdraw the magic circle, they will give the dark mage a chance to cast a spell.

Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan were thinking that if this stalemate continued, it would not be a good thing for the Lanyu Dynasty, and for both of them. It's impossible to keep using it like this, even if you don't fight today. If this dark mage is not eliminated, he will always cause various things. The Yulong and the Black Dragon are not safe, and neither the Lanyu Dynasty nor the capital is safe.

Now it seems that if they want to completely subdue this dark mage today, they must take a loophole and at least withdraw the magic circle, otherwise the dark mage will not take action.

What method can the couple use to defeat the enemy in space? They had already used drugs just now. The dark mage should not be affected. The two of them would not overestimate themselves and think that the dark mage had been drugged out.

Spells used by dark mages. It must not be too simple. If they use ordinary spells to attack, it should not be effective. Spell attacks are best, plus thermal weapons.

There are many grenades in the smoke of gunpowder now. Compared with spells, grenades explode faster and can attack continuously.

No spell can attack seamlessly. To use magic, you need to recite incantations to activate your internal energy. This process should take at least 30 seconds. Even if he cooperates with Li Mohan, there is no guarantee that he can defeat the opponent with one move.

Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan finished reciting the spell before opening the magic circle. Once the magic circle is opened, two spells are used first.

Then the two men were holding submachine guns and grenades in their pockets. If you find the figure of the dark mage, if the other party casts a spell, hide in the space first.

After the spell had passed the attack effect, they came out together and launched an airtight attack.

After a round of attacks, immediately enter the space. The dark mage couldn't find anyone even if he wanted to fight back.

After the two people discussed it. Xiao Yunyan took out two light machine guns from the space. Have enough magazines ready.

The two began to cast spells, and when the spells were about to be cast, they retracted the formations at the same time. One of them used flying sand and stone with a poison in it. One of them used thousands of arrows to pierce his heart, and all the arrows were covered with anesthetic.

The attack came so suddenly that even though the dark mage hid his figure, he was able to avoid being pierced by thousands of arrows. But he still couldn't escape the effects of the drug in Feishaozushi.

He had been injured by drugs before, but he used his strong internal strength to resolve the effects of the drugs.

Come again now! Resolving drug addiction is not an instant matter. It requires at least stimulating internal energy and running it in the body for a week. Even at the fastest speed, it takes half a stick of incense.

Moreover, the air is now filled with poison. Even if he spends half a stick of incense to clear the poison from his body and continues to inhale the poison, he will not be able to detoxify.

However, he was still unwilling to retreat quietly like this. So while the two people didn't notice his presence, he used his last spell - Ten Thousand Ghosts Wail.

This spell is very strange. He raised 10,000 imps and used these ghosts in his own spells.

When this move is used, the shrill sound of the ghost's cry will convey his spell. Anyone who hears the sound will be severely traumatized.

The sound of the ghost crying is creepy though. However, for cultivators, it is not terrible. The scary thing is that through the sound of the ghost crying, his dark attack will be transmitted to that person. As long as the ghost doesn't stop crying, the attack will not stop. This move can also be regarded as the most effective move among group attack skills. It can control everyone who hears the sound at the same time.

Therefore, as long as the person he attacks is not deaf, he will definitely attack him until his mind is broken. He vomited blood and died. This is also the most powerful of all his spells. This time he only had one chance, so he directly used his ultimate move.

However, what made him furious was that after the other two people finished using two skills, they saw him appear and then suddenly disappear.

After he used the Wail of All Ghosts, it lasted for half a cup of tea. As the ghost's cry gradually weakened, the attack power of this spell also gradually weakened.

Just when the sound of ghost crying stopped, Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan suddenly appeared again. The two of them threw grenades at the dark mage at the same time, followed by light machine gun fire. The two men shot in sequence, and while they were changing magazines, the other machine gun was still firing.

The dark mage who had never seen a hot weapon was frightened by the magic weapon in the hands of the two men. What is this? Able to continuously fire fire attacks. He had just accidentally escaped the bombing of two grenades, but was shot by a machine gun.

The bleeding left arm told him that the damage done by this magic weapon should not be underestimated. Because now his entire left arm cannot move and it is bleeding.

Fortunately he knows acupuncture. After sealing the acupuncture points, the bleeding stopped and I could no longer move my arms. Now he had only one hand to fight against.

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