Travel through space and help the prince’s husband in construction

Chapter 29 The future of the farm is three-dimensional farming

Xiao Yunyan lived in the farm for three days and taught the women how to use plant ash to clean pig intestines and the intestines of chickens, ducks and geese.

They also taught the women to add rice wine, green onions, ginger, cinnamon, bay leaves, pepper, star anise, angelica, nutmeg, and dried chili peppers, all of which can be found in the fields near Zhuangzi and in the mountains, to remove the odor. The fishy smell of animal offal.

When stewing offal, first blanch it with hot water, rice wine, onions and ginger, remove the ingredients, control the moisture, and then put them into the stewing soup pot. Bring to a boil over high heat, then simmer over low heat.

There are women in Zhuangzi who know how to make soybean paste, and the layer of juice on top is soy sauce. Xiao Yunyan told everyone that the soy sauce should be packed in separate small jars. Add a little more to every stir-fry, and it tastes particularly delicious.

Two large bowls of soy sauce were put into each pot of stewed soup. The soup became bright red and the aroma became richer.

Xiao Yunyan also wants to increase the flavor of the stewed soup. However, she doesn't plan to take out any seasonings from the space, except refined salt.

Because she wants to teach women how to make delicious food using existing seasonings and ingredients that can be found everywhere.

Xiao Yunyan saw that every house had various mushrooms dried in the shade. She used two kinds with strong fragrance and added them to the stew.

In the whole village, just like the Chinese New Year, pigs and chickens are being killed, and the children also pluck the feathers of the permed chickens, ducks and geese. The smell of braised soup wafts far away, and you can smell the stewed water everywhere in Zhuangzi. There are three pots on the big pot, divided into different types to make different braised flavors.

After the stewed meat was boiled, the women fished it out with joy and prepared to slice it into slices.

Put a lot of home-dried dried beans, dried gourd strips, and dried tofu cubes into the stewed soup. The locals like spicy food, so dried chili peppers are specially added to it.

Today, everyone in Zhuangzi eats the same thing, white rice, rich braised sesame water and braised dried beans, gourd strips, and dried tofu.

Just as Xiao Yunyan expected, people in Zhuangzi were full of praises while eating. The eldest lady's cooking skills are so good. They had never had such a delicious meal. This is thanks to the eldest lady.

Xiao Yunyan put forward some suggestions for the construction of the farm. She asked the head of the village, the accountant and several foremen to discuss together and come up with a construction plan that suited the actual situation in the village.

Xiao Yunyan suggested doing three-dimensional farming on the farm. There is a large lake nearby. She asked Zhuangtou to take her sign and go to the Yamen to ask how much it would cost to buy it.

With this lake, the farm can grow lotus roots suitable for the temperature here. Lotus root is full of treasures.

Lotus leaf is a medicinal material and the main raw material of beggar's chicken, lotus leaf Babao chicken, lotus leaf Babao duck, lotus leaf wrapped assorted pork belly, lotus leaf wrapped assorted fried rice and other delicious dishes.

Lotus buds can be sold to wealthy families in the city to make vases. The blooming lotus can be admired, and the petals can also be used as spices in the rouge gouache workshop.

The most important thing is that the lotus core in the lotus pod is a medicinal material, and lotus seeds are a particularly popular ingredient that has the same origin as medicine and food.

Even the lotus pod itself is also a medicinal material. Dried lotus pods can treat women's bleeding after childbirth, miscarriage or menstruation. Three lotus pods and one medicine, boil water and drink soup. The effect is particularly fast.

Lotus root is a very delicious vegetable. No matter poor people or rich people, they all like to eat various dishes made with lotus roots.

Cold salad, fresh and sweet, crispy, stir-fried meat, crispy, tender and juicy, steamed glutinous rice and lotus root, soft and sweet, just stir-fried with minced garlic, also perfect with rice. In short, it tastes delicious no matter how you make it, and you definitely don’t have to worry about selling it.

Lotus ponds where lotus roots are grown can purify water quality, and fish, shrimps, and crabs can be raised in the lotus ponds.

The feces of fish, shrimps and crabs can fertilize ponds and become fertilizer for lotus roots.

One side of the lake can be fenced to raise chickens, ducks and geese. Ducks and geese like water. As long as you stay away from the breeding areas of lotus roots, fish, shrimps and crabs, it will not affect their growth, but will also provide them with nutrients. Ducks can also turn small fish, snails, etc. into valuables and lay red and highly nutritious duck eggs. It tastes great.

Manure from pigs, chickens, ducks and geese can also be composted together with plant stems that cannot be used as feed to fertilize the land.

Straws and the roots, stems and leaves available from crops are high-quality green fodder for pigs, chickens, ducks and geese. Goose's green feed utilization rate is very high, and it is particularly resistant to rough feeding.

Paddy fields can be built around the lake. During the breeding process, crabs need to move back and forth between land and water. Rice fields can play exactly this role. At the same time, because of crab excrement in rice fields, it is not easy to lack fertilizer.

When there is a locust disaster in rice fields, ducks can be used as pest control experts.

For other weeding and insect control work in dry fields or vegetable fields, chickens, ducks and geese can be used to cooperate. It mainly depends on the height of the crop fruits and leaves, and it can be used flexibly.

Such three-dimensional planting and breeding can recycle waste and the environment will not be polluted.

Xiao Yunyan talked eloquently, while the others listened carefully and took notes with pens. Too much information and very technical. Need to think carefully about it. It also requires practice. This is a career worthy of long-term investment.

Xiao Yunyan just proposed a framework. In modern times, she has been to many breeding gardens, plantations, and ecological gardens, and has also made inquiries in this area.

There are various growing models on the Internet, and they are worth trying. She has money, land, and people, so why not put it into practice?

All the people in the farm have great respect for this young lady, the real owner of the farm.

Xiao Yunyan left Qingyuan Mansion amidst the warm farewell of the farm people and set off for the border military camp.

On the road, I met a tall, thin young man running in front of him in a panic. His body was covered in blood. There were two officers behind him struggling to catch up.

Obviously, this is the scene of a manhunt for officials to capture criminals. As a special task executor of the Dragon Kingdom, Xiao Yunyan often arrests important wanted criminals.

Therefore, she couldn't help but suffer from an occupational disease. She rode a BMW, and when the running man passed by, the riding crop in her hand quickly wrapped around the man's waist.

The man was strangled around the waist and could no longer escape. When Xiao Yunyan met his eyes, she saw the huge sadness and innocence in the young man's eyes.

Xiao Yunyan was not frightened by his eyes. Instead, he was attracted by the integrity exuding from this young and gentle man. Although he was a prisoner, he stood proudly, with an awe-inspiring and noble demeanor like green pines and bamboos.

Xiao Yunyan's interest was aroused. As a senior melon eater who has practiced in the modern Bagua furnace, she wants to take a closer look at this, what kind of good melon is it?

The two officers behind him ran to Xiao Yunyan's horse and held down the man's arms together, forcing the man to bend down.

The two officers then relaxed and took a few breaths. He raised his head and expressed his gratitude to Xiao Yunyan. Praise her for assisting the officers in catching the wanted murder suspect.

The man retorted loudly: "I didn't kill anyone, you are arresting people indiscriminately. I didn't kill anyone, why should I be wanted? Where is the justice of heaven? Where is the justice of heaven?"

Xiao Yunyan even wanted to know the causes and consequences. She said to the tall and thin young man: "Stop yelling. You are lucky to have met me today."

If you are really framed, I will definitely clear your name.

If you lie, you are wanted for murder. I won't let you go either. "

The man's eyes were burning as he glanced at Xiao Yuntian, who was disguised as a man. He whispered: "Then thank you, young lady. I was framed. Someone wanted to frame me and wanted me to die on my behalf.

Now only if the victim wakes up and tells the truth can I prove my innocence. However, the victim is unconscious. I wonder if he can be saved? "

Xiao Yunyan raised her eyebrows, unconvinced. She dresses quite like a man, how did this person figure out her gender at a glance?

In addition, what he said was also a test of whether he had the ability to help him get justice!

Xiao Yunyan took out a small jade token from the purse at her waist. That is the identity brand of the legitimate daughter of the Xiao family. On the small dark green jade plaque, there is a big character Xiao, and on the reverse side is the character "嫡."

The young man understood instantly. From his eyes, Xiao Yunyan saw shock and hope.

It was obvious that this young man knew a lot about the affairs of the imperial court and the capital. Thinking back to his proud demeanor just now, this person is definitely not simple!

Anyway, the border situation has become stable and she is in no rush to report. Xiao Yunyan decided to go to the Yamen together to listen to the interrogation in court.

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