Travel through space and help the prince’s husband in construction

Chapter 289: Three hunting dogs, the couple hunted for treasure in deep valleys, received a lot of g

The three of them went to the valley to deal with the large beasts that were usually domineering.

Xiao Yunyan was not interested in hunting, but he wanted to see if there were any rare medicinal materials in the lush vegetation in the deep valley? No one has ever collected medicinal materials here, and there may be unexpected harvests.

Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan walked with their swords. On the rock walls of deep ravines, Li Mohan and Xiao Yunyan discovered various rare medicinal materials from time to time. This is simply a natural treasure house of medicinal materials.

The medicinal materials produced here are difficult to find in other places, because this is both an ice polar region and a valley as warm as spring. It is a very special small environment, and very special plants grow.

Of course Xiao Yunyan will not let these treasures go. She cooperated with Li Mohan.

Li Mohan helped Xiao Yunyan search, and she put these good medicinal materials into the space. The system was beeping like crazy.

The general meaning is that these plants are rare medicinal materials that are particularly needed by the system. Xiao Yunyan moved in a special medicinal plant, and the system will take it into the medicinal field. I have never seen the system be so active before.

Although Xiao Yunyan didn't know many medicinal materials. But it doesn't matter, the system will give a perfect answer.

The system told Yan that many of these medicinal materials were treasures left behind by the sky. This place in the human world seems to be a medicinal field specially left by the gods.

Xiao Yunyan seemed to understand that this place should be the work of a god. Use divine power to open a ravine in the ice field. The temperature and humidity of the mountain spring are particularly suitable, and it is neither cold nor cold. It’s not hot either, and it’s like spring all year round.

While Xiao Yunyan collected the medicinal materials without mercy, she muttered, "God in the sky. If this is your medicinal field, please forgive me, a little cultivator."

I see that there are so many natural and earthly treasures in your medicine field. No one came to pick it, so it would be a waste to stay in this deep mountain canyon.

Today is also a coincidence. I harvested these medicinal materials greedily. I believe more medicinal herbs will grow here over time.

If you knew it was me who touched your medicine field. Please sir, please don't blame me, a greedy and ignorant little cultivator, if you have a lot of it. "

Xiao Yunyan was muttering there, and Li Mohan wanted to laugh while listening.

This little daughter-in-law is so interesting. This place is obviously an ice field and wild valley, and no one is taking care of it. Where is the magical medicinal field?

While collecting medicine, the daughter-in-law was afraid of being blamed by the gods. She muttered in her mouth, and those who didn't know thought she was not in good spirits.

Xiao Yunyan searched the entire canyon. Of course, it is impossible to collect all the medicinal materials, but to collect some rare and high-quality medicinal materials that are old and powerful into the space.

The system frantically sent reminder messages to Xiao Yunyan, telling her that these top-quality medicinal materials should be kept in the space medicine field for a period of time. When the quantity becomes abundant enough, Xiao Yunyan can use these top-quality and rare medicinal materials to refine new elixirs. The system is responsible for taking back all the top level nine and ten level elixirs.

Xiao Yunyan asked: "The system is not a human being, and it cannot cultivate, so what is the use of these top-quality elixirs?"

This is not a human system. Listening to Xiao Yunyan's question, she was so choked that she didn't know how to respond.

However, because Xiao Yunyan's temper is not that good, the system does not dare to offend Xiao Yunyan.

After all, not everyone can refine level ten elixirs. This system, and its subsystems, have followed many owners. Xiao Yunyan is also the first master to refine tenth-level elixirs.

The system endured and endured, and gently explained to Xiao Yunyan: "Although I am not a human being, I am a collection of wisdom. As my master, of course I hope to help you create greater benefits.

There are also many cultivators in other planes. These elixirs of yours can only be exchanged for silver if you take out the space. However, if you leave it to me, I can exchange it for you with a lot of merit. As a cultivator, you know that gold and silver are easy to obtain, but merit is hard to find.

Xiao Yunyan couldn't believe it, because the accumulation of merit is not that simple. She has done so many good deeds, and she has accumulated these merits little by little.

After listening to the detailed explanation of this system, each level 10 elixir could bring her more merit than the merit she gained from saving ten lives.

Xiao Yunyan wondered why this was the case? The system did not give a specific answer, but just said: "Because every top-level elixir is a very rare treasure. For the person who gets it, it is equivalent to saving his life or improving his cultivation level, so do The merit is great.

Normally, Xiao Yunyan delivers these elixirs to various pharmacies, although it can also help people who need them. But because of money transactions, most of the merit is lost.

Helping cultivators with profound merits can accumulate several or ten times more merits than helping ordinary mortals. It depends on how strong the virtue of the person being helped is?

Xiao Yunyan said: "Then if I give these elixirs to those cultivators in the human world, will I get a lot of merit?"

The system was so frightened by Xiao Yunyan's idea that it was in a cold sweat. Of course, it didn't have a head and wasn't human. If Xiao Yunyan hears a positive answer, she will definitely give these pills to her senior brothers, and then she won't get any of them.

The system hemmed and hawed and said: "Ah... that... um... Master, you don't know something. The bottlenecks and problems encountered by cultivators in each plane are of different degrees of difficulty. If you are only in this plane, use these pills If medicine is given to those who don't really need it, the accumulated merit will naturally not be that much.

Good medicine should be given to people who need it urgently. The system has subsystems in each plane. He will look for a virtuous person who is particularly in need of elixirs and give them to him. Therefore, the rewards of merit received are relatively much greater. "

Xiao Yunyan listened to the systematic analysis and felt that it was very reasonable.

However, her senior brothers are also in urgent need of these pills! So he said to the space: "I can give you some of the best elixirs, but I can't give you all the tenth-level elixirs. I have to keep 30% for myself."

Although the system wanted to protest, he also knew that this little master was particularly difficult to take care of. Strong in ability, but extremely willful. Never listen to his orders. She always needs her approval.

Xiao Yunyan asked the system: "I still lack Zitong in my space. I can collect all of them with just one metal. Four large amounts of metal. Can you give me a hint on where to find a large amount of copper ore?"

The system prompted: "There is a large amount of copper ore under this ice sheet. But if the copper ore is mined, the homes of these animals will be destroyed. Displacing the animals is not what a cultivator should do."

Xiao Yunyan said: "Then I can move the copper mine here into space. It will not harm the geographical environment of the earth's surface, nor will it harm the animals and plants here."

The system prompts: "If you obtained the mineral vein with the consent of the people in the ice field, it's not a big deal.

If the mineral wealth beneath other people's ice sheets is secretly removed. That is immoral theft. So try to find unowned mineral veins and move them into space as you please. "

Xiao Yunyan agreed with the system's statement. He said that he would definitely win over the people and elders of the ice field. Only with the consent of the great technician can the copper mine underground of the Iceman be moved into space. Xiao Yunyan uses it. Yin Yang inspected the underground copper mine and found that it was indeed very rich.

In fact, she could just have part of it. Because her purpose is to stimulate the metal spiritual energy veins in the space. You don’t need that much copper ore.

Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan shouted to the three crazy guys: "Come back quickly, don't harm the animals there."

Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan just watched these three guys competing to see who could hunt more animals.

However, these three received the same guidance. These animals are simply stunned without harming their lives.

Of course, you don't just spray the poison directly, but rely on your own skills to defeat a beast and stun it with the poison. Throw it aside.

The purpose of the competition between the three is to see whoever hunts the most large animals in the end will win.

When Party School Yunyan and Li Mohan called them three, these three animals. Stopped game. Counted. The animals that were caught ended up in a tie. Their speed was too fast and there was no stopping at all, so. The speed of drugging is the magic weapon for their victory, however. All three of them are wanted by mediocre people. noob. Same clumsiness. at last. Get every time. Twelve large game animals and six medium game animals. Small game is no time to catch.

Three flew to Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan and asked him what to do with these animals, because they just used drugs to stun them. No thought.

Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan praised them and said that we should not touch these animals. Or leave it to the people of the ice field. Either feed these animals, and the antidote sets them free.

When they are hunted by hunters, that is their fate, if it is up to us to control their fate. Seems too hasty.

After all, it would be too cruel to kill such a large animal in a group.

And your followers are of the same kind as them. There are also tigers and leopards in our space, and they hunt their kind, and I don’t feel very comfortable either. "

The three agreed to release the animals. A good education should be given before releasing the animals.

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