Travel through space and help the prince’s husband in construction

Chapter 280 Four people led Kuban to catch the villain who secretly caused trouble, and by the way,

Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan were the four of them. No matter which house I went to, I was warmly received by the other party.

As for Kuban becoming king, the veterans were very willing to agree. The threats posed by people from other factions to the veterans themselves cannot really threaten these veterans. But these veterans had to think seriously about the threat to their families.

Regarding these situations, after Kuban, Li Mohan and Yulong all received reports from their secret guards, they gathered together. Xiao Yunyan told Cuban not to worry, as these matters would be solved for him within three days.

Cuban is very grateful. But he said that if these people who are hiding behind and doing bad things are not caught out and exposed to the sun like rats in the gutter, they will always like to use such insidious and despicable methods at any time.

It is better to take this opportunity to uproot these power grabbers who use despicable means. Completely eliminate the evil forces hidden in Xiayi Kingdom.

Xiao Yunyan agreed to him. These people will definitely be caught. Let him handle it himself.

But Cuban didn't want to hide under the protection of the nobles and enjoy the ready-made results. He also wanted to participate personally.

Cuban has this idea, and the four of them will not object. It's better to have him involved, it's a matter for their own country. Even if he doesn't have much effect, he is familiar with the local situation and his opponent's information. It is very helpful for solving problems quickly.

Cuban acted with all four for the first time. When Cuban saw the four people find the target directly, they found the evidence of the other party's crime accurately and ruthlessly. When he quickly found out those who were behind the scenes, Cuban couldn't believe it. The speed was too fast and it wasn't as difficult as he thought.

Rather, it seems as if the evidence of these people's crimes is already in their hearts. Even where things are hidden, people who do bad things

It seems that people know in advance which subordinates have been hired and where they are now.

It really took less than three days, about two and a half days, to find out the masterminds who had framed and poisoned the families of various veterans. The villain involved in the case was plucked from the shadows.

In the face of strong evidence, they had to admit it, because if they didn't admit it, the black dragon would teach them some lessons that they would never forget.

In order to prevent them from biting back, saying that they were beaten is a trick. Xiao Yunyan asked these people to sign and stamp the entire crime process in detail.

All participants must write down their experience of doing these things. Several parties' confessions were contradicted, and even if he wanted to change his confession, it would be impossible.

One of the reasons why Xiao Yunyan did this was to make it impossible for these people to deny it. More importantly, it is left as strong evidence for Cuban to deal with the remnants of these henchmen in the future.

When the old ministers found out what these people had done, they were very angry. Want to punish them directly.

However, Cuban has not yet become the new king. Punishing these people without the king's order is unjust and unjust. So throw these people into jail first.

In order to prevent outsiders from rescuing them, Xiao Yunyan set up a siege circle.

Xiao Yunyan helped treat the patients in the old minister's family. These old ministers were very grateful. This Princess Duanjing from Beichuan Kingdom was really kind-hearted and capable. The miraculous magic circle and the miraculous medical skills that can cure diseases are all admired by these veterans. This strengthened the confidence and determination to support Cuban.

During this period, Xiao Yunyan actually rescued a pregnant woman who was having difficulty giving birth. That is the granddaughter-in-law of the Grand Tutor of Xiayi Kingdom. I'm pregnant with twins and it's time to give birth. The situation is very dangerous. The pregnant woman was exhausted, but no child was born.

If the child is not removed from the mother's belly in time. All three, mother and son, will lose their lives.

When Xiao Yuntian first entered, the yard was noisy. The maids and women were like revolving lanterns, bringing out basin after basin of blood. The hoarse mother's shrill cries echoed throughout the courtyard.

The imperial doctor was invited, but gradually increased the potency of the labor-inducing drug, and even gave the mother three bowls of it in a row, but it still had no effect. The maternal blood was urged down. The mother was gradually turning pale, and she was about to lose her breath. If you continue to wait like this, the child may not be born and the mother may die soon.

A group of elderly people at Xiayi Guotai Hospital were discussing nervously together. You can only treat a dead horse as a living horse doctor, and you must quickly choose whether to protect the child or the child. There are ways to preserve wealth.

However, two full-term male fetuses that were originally healthy and lively were killed directly. Their relatives and the parents of the children were very reluctant to part with them.

Baby-keeping means stretching the mother's belly and taking out the child. Because the child has lost amniotic fluid in the mother's belly for a long time, if the child is not taken out, it will inevitably die of suffocation in the mother's belly, killing one body and three lives.

However, the woman's husband firmly disagreed. He is very affectionate towards his wife. I can’t bear to lose my wife for the sake of my children. There will be children in the future, but if the wife loses her life, she will never come back.

However, the child's grandmother felt sorry for her two eldest grandsons. She cried and said, "I have to protect the big one and the small one. Don't give up on my two eldest grandsons. I beg you to think of a way."

What makes Xiao Yunyan and the others happy is that no one in this courtyard agrees to give up the elder to protect the younger.

Seeing the emergency of the situation, Xiao Yunyan immediately shouted: "Don't panic, everyone. I am a doctor and know how to heal. I can treat women with dystocia.

All you need to do is give up the delivery room. Everyone get out. I can guarantee that after an hour, I will give you one and two children back to you alive and kicking. "

Xiao Yunyan broke in temporarily, causing the messy courtyard to suddenly become silent for more than ten breaths.

Then everyone made various anxious shouts. Someone said: "This is nonsense. The mother suffered from severe hemorrhage and so many people failed to save her. How could she save the mother by herself? And save the two children?"

Someone said: "A dead horse is a living horse doctor. Since we have no ability, let this distinguished guest lend a hand to help."

Besides, she has no grievances with us in the past or in the recent past, so she will definitely not harm us. Everyone was in the yard, and if something happened to the adults or children, she couldn't escape her involvement. So I believe her! Just let her try it. "

It was the mother's husband who agreed to let Xiao Yunyan help. Because he has heard too many arguments between Bao Da and Bao Xiao. He couldn't decide. Because he is not the only one who has the final say on this matter.

For him, the person he is closer to is of course his wife, who lives with him day and night, rather than the children he has not yet met.

But he also understands his mother's expectations for these two eldest grandchildren.

Since no one else can do anything. And this distinguished guest said that she had a solution and was willing to help, without being afraid of taking risks. That shows that they really have this ability.

He said what was on his mind in front of everyone. And he announced loudly: "I will take a gamble today. Even if I don't gamble, everyone knows that my wife and children will lose their lives soon."

Rather than sit back and wait for death, it is better to ask this distinguished guest to lend a hand to save him.

The medical skills of miracle doctors have been witnessed by all of us. I believe that rescuing mothers with difficult labor is also her strength. "

This man's words usually were not valued by everyone, but at the critical moment, he yelled: "Everyone else should leave the delivery room and let this distinguished guest treat my wife and baby.

Even if not saved. I don't blame her either. After all, my Wan'er and children are already in a very critical moment. If anyone is willing to lend a helping hand, I would be extremely grateful! "

The man ran over and knelt directly in front of Xiao Yunyan. I beg Xiao Yunyan to save her daughter-in-law.

Xiao Yunyan looked at this man and argued for her wife. He did not abandon his wife's life. She actually admired this man who seemed weak but was actually strong.

She nodded heavily and assured the man that his wife and children would be safe. Then she strode into the delivery room and closed the door.

Xiao Yunyan felt the pulse with one hand, took out a life-saving pill from the space with the other hand, and placed it under the mother's tongue. She gently warned the mother: "Don't be anxious, don't panic, just hold this elixir under your tongue, and after a cup of tea, you will accumulate enough strength. Then, I will help you give birth to the child smoothly." come out."

The mother-in-law saw Xiao Yunyan, such a beautiful and lively woman, who spoke sweetly. Although she was gentle and gentle, it gave her a very trustworthy feeling.

She opened her mouth obediently and held the elixir under her tongue. Maybe it was a psychological effect, maybe it was because the elixir was really powerful. The moment she took the medicine, she actually felt like she was alive.

The pregnant woman, who had gained confidence, cooperated with Xiao Yunyan's instructions and slowly accumulated strength. At this time, Xiao Yunyan injected her spiritual power into the mother's body through her pulse, and surrounded the mother's uterus with a soft force.

The restless babies inside suddenly became quiet. After a while, they became very lively. They squeezed desperately towards their mother's birth canal.

Boss, go faster and enter the basin smoothly. The mother has strength, and so does the child. Both parties worked hard at the same time, and after about half a stick of incense, the first child was born.

The cry turned out to be very loud. People standing outside waiting anxiously saw hope. This is the hope of life. A child's loud cry indicates that he is in good health.

The child's father actually cried with excitement. However, he did not dare to cry loudly, but cried very suppressedly. He was afraid of disturbing his wife.

All the relatives standing by were in tears. It was really a moment of life and death. Just now, I almost lost one body and three lives, but now it has become a great joy.

However, the heart that had just been relieved was hanging again. Because the mother screamed again only after a cup of tea. Xiao Yunyan told her not to scream like that.

To accumulate strength, use your strength in your waist and abdomen. Push the baby as far as possible into the birth canal.

Because the child has gained strength himself, he will cooperate with his mother. Try to climb out of the mother's birth canal as soon as possible.

Unlike the dying child just now, the active child now really makes it less difficult for the mother. After half a stick of incense, a second loud cry echoed throughout the backyard.

The child's grandparents actually cried like rain. The child's father has recovered from the painful self-blame and anxiety just now. He shouted loudly into the delivery room: "Wan'er, thank you for giving birth to two lovely babies for my husband. Thanks to the miracle doctor for saving you. Otherwise, if something happened to the three of you, mother and son, my husband would not want to live anymore." .

God is really wise and sent a miracle doctor to save our family of four.

Wife, have a good rest. A maid will come in to take care of you in a moment. I first took the two children to kowtow to their ancestors. "

Xiao Yunyan was speechless about such ancient customs. When a child is just born, he must kowtow to his ancestors. Not afraid of getting cold or frightened.

Xiao Yunyan heard the mother on the side explain to her: "Miracle doctor, our Xiayi country has such a custom. When a child is born, he must kowtow to his ancestors and receive their blessings. This is also a true recognition of his ancestors.

If the child does not survive one year, it means that the ancestors did not protect him or recognize him. "

Xiao Yunyan put her hand on her forehead, what are these?

Nursing a newborn is not easy. If various mistakes occur, it is very easy to die prematurely. Before this was dealt with, I carried him to the dark and dark ancestral hall to kowtow and pray to my ancestors. It will take at least two quarters of an hour.

Newly born babies should be wiped clean as soon as possible. Wrap it in a quilt and place it next to the mother. They will feel at ease only if they are next to their mother.

Taking the first mouthful of mother's milk can make the child feel the sense of security in the mother's arms right after birth. Breast milk is the best source of nutrition and the best medicine to soothe babies.

But the local custom was like this, and he had no choice but to let the two maids walk in, wash and wrap the child briefly, and then take it out.

Xiao Yunyan insisted that they wrap the child tightly so that no air could leak. Even the mouth and nose are lightly covered with cotton cloth so as not to affect their breathing. Never hold a child with his head or face exposed.

Once you get cold. Even if the child is revived in the future, the foundation of the child's body will be destroyed and the child will not be well.

Fortunately, the false alarm was completely dispelled by Xiao Yunyan. The entire Taifu Mansion was immediately decorated with lanterns and festoons. To celebrate the grandson, Mrs. Wang has added two great-grandchildren to the family.

Xiao Yunyan, a great nobleman, was naturally treated like a distinguished guest.

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